George talks to criminologist John O’Keefe over 7 weeks about the 7 Deadly Sins. He will look at the psychology of each sin, how it now manifests itself in our society, and the legislation (if any) that we have in order to deal with the excesses of that sin.
In the last episode of the series, criminologist John O'Keeffe tells George how 'pride' is prevalent in society.
John O'Keeffe talks about 'Gluttony', a deadly sin that is still prevalent today.
John O'Keeffe tells George all about the Deadly Sin of greed. How does it manifest itself today?
John O'Keeffe tells George about the 'deadly sin' of Envy, and how we see it in society today.
It's the third in the series '7 Deadly Sins', as criminologist John O'Keeffe looks at Sloth.
John O'Keeffe examines 'Lust' in the second of his series on the Seven Deadly Sins.
George begins a new series looking at the 7 Deadly Sins, and whether they have an impact on modern society - starting with 'Wrath'
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