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Bad Movie Nite

Author: Bad Movie Nite

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Join us as we discuss and review cult classics, bad good movies, great bad movies and just absolutely bad movies. Jeff Tufaro, Nazli Alimi and Aaron Vaccaro are your three hosts to guide you through the Bad Movie Nite!
20 Episodes
Happy Almost Holidays, Bad Movie Nite listeners. Boy do we have an early Christmas (or Hannukah) present for you! If you haven't heard of Neil Breen, then hop on Youtube right now and WATCH. Watch all the glory that is Neil Breen and his four feature films. Apparently a real estate/businessman has a real passion for making movies, but no budget or any idea how to actually make a cohesive film, but the result is so Tommy Wiseau-esque it's just worth watching. It's so much more than that, you'll see. Aaron and Jeff (Nazli was still adulting, and if you can't tell we record 2 podcasts at once, derp dee derp) embark upon this adventure and enjoy the spectable that is "FATEFUL FINDINGS". So sit back and relax, for the 49th Edition of Bad Movie Nite!
Godfrey Ho - Who is he? What is he? How can one man steal so much footage to make his own movies and never be condemned? Why is he so revered? All this will be answered by Jeff & Aaron, as Nazli was busy lawyering the hell out of something! We are joined by Special Guest & Godfrey Ho extraordinaire Casey Nielson. The gang dissects one of his films, "Ninja Terminator", which splices two completely unrelated films together, utterly confusing the audience. But don't worry there's a ninja with eyeliner throwing knives at crabs, because that's a thing! Enjoy this Kung Fu Grip episode of Bad Movie Nite!
Happy Monday October 10th! On this episode the BMN podcast, we review the Adam Sandler/Netflix Love Baby film - "The Do Over". Which wasn't an absolute train wreck, but it's also nowhere near a Happy Gilmore caliber Sandler Joint. Jeff watched a kung-fu delight, "Journey West", and Aaron watched (a part of) a new Netflix pilot called, "Jean Claude Van Johnson", with the one and only JCVD. Unfortunately Nazli didn't watch anything, ruining everyone's day. The triumvirate also delves into the "Netflix Machine", and how they've achived such a pinnacle of excellent self producer/distributoed TV and Features. Please enjoy this edition of the Bad Movie Nite Podcast!
Hello Bad Movie Nite fans, so I think we finally figured out the audio issues (20 minutes into this podcast, so very sorry). It seems glass conducts some kind of interference with the Tascam, so awesome right!? Anyway, thanks for tuning in. In this weeks episode, the gang discusses why the summer of 2016 has been extremely lackluster, as we've deemed it the "Summer of Meh". In our "Around The Ben" segment, we discuss the catalog of hit and misses by the one and only, Ben "Cry Eyes" Affleck, leading us into the John Woo debacle that is "Paycheck. Enjoy the podcast, but don't enjoy "Paycheck!".  ·     
Holy Cow! Thanks for tuning into the Bad Movie Nite Podcast! This weeks episode we discuss "Warcraft" (A Movie So Ok It Didn't Matter At all), "Ghostbusters" (The Female Cast One But That Has Nothing To Do With It Not Being That Great - We're Not Misogynists), "French Kiss" (Nazli's Blast From The Past), as well as review the trailer for Nine Lives (Why Kevin Spacey?!). And finally we delve into the cinematic modern classic that is "Varsity Blues". Stay tuned for all that and more in the 45th episode of Bad Movie Nite!
Better late than never right? Sorry for the hold up folks, but we're back with another episode of Bad Movie Nite. This time around we review the Aussie creation-zombie-tastic-delight known as Wyrmwood: Road Of The Dead. It's REALLY good, and REALLY kicks ass! You REALLY need to watch it! You REALLY need to give me a million dollars! Too much huh? We also discuss the remake of Benhur, which across the board we're generally ok with. The trailer doesn't make me wanna marry it, but I'd definitely go on a date with Benhur and probably have a one night stand! Thanks for tuning in for our 44th episode of Bad Movie Nite!
Good evening BMN fans! Back for another dose of the show are ya? Good, because this week we tackle the DC hopeful "Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice : Wonder Woman is in this : Maybe Aqua Man : And Doomsday". Then we get down to the nitty gritty and talk about the white washed "Gods of Egypt", and review the "holiday" favorite "Icetastrophe". It's a jam packed episode for Badness, enjoy!
The gang is back after a super long hiatus. There was a wedding for Jeff, there was a baby for Aaron and there was..well Nazli isn't happy about the last year to say the least. But that's no reason why we can't look back at the terrible films of 2015 and even talk about GASP Good Movies of 2015! Don't worry fans, we'll jump back to terrible films when we conclude with a quick discussion of Adam Sandler's Netflix Opus "Ridiculous 6". It sucks, but kinda like a dull pain in your side, and not a huge shotgun blast to the head. Enjoy our "come back" episode of Bad Movie Nite!
Hello Bad Movie Nite fans! Sorry for the long hiatus, Aaron HAD to go and have a child. He's quite selfish for trying to bring life into this dark, dreary, miserable, shitty world where a film like THE ROOM has been created.  If you've been living in a bomb shelter for the last 10 years, and haven't heard of THE ROOM, then this podcast will probably only make 10% less than the actual film does.This is a very special podcast, recorded just after a screening of The Room, where the BMN team is joined by the viewers of the film. Questions are asked, none are really answered because this film and Tommy Wiseau are more of a mystery than the Pyramids, or maybe Tommy MADE the pyramids! WHO KNOWS! Enjoy, the long time comin, Episode 41 of Bad Movie Nite!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! It's that spooky time of the year and the gang have chosen to review the found footage film "V/H/S", which is surprisingly really good! We also discuss some films we recently saw that we like/hate/don't care about - "Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes", "Spiderman 2", "This Is Where I Leave You" and "Roller Boogie".  The group also discusses the genre of found-footage films and recalls fond memories of "The Blair Witch Project" and other found footage films such as "Chronicle", "Troll" as well as "Paranormal Activity". Please sit down with us for a spooktastic episode of Bad Movie Nite - Ep. 40.
Hey Bad Movie Nite listeners, thanks for tuning into a special episode of the show! We are joined by Kristian Hanson, the writer, director, producer & actor of a new horror film entitled, "Sledge". He gives us his thoughts on the new Kevin Smith film "Tusk", which has left him in a state of anger that can only be summed up in the classic statement, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed". Hope you guys are digging the games we're playing because this one has another, called, "Name That Slasher". Kristian was nice enough to give Nazli and Jeff a fighting chance.  "Sledge" is now available for purchase and download in digital format. Check out for more information and thanks for listening to Podcast #39!
Look we have our issues with Michael Bay, but "Pain & Gain" is not one of them. It's a fun, action packed, solid comedy flick. The Rock steals the show, and Nazli can't stand the movie, but loves the Rock  (that's Nazli's boyfriend #45). It's a conundrum like no other. The gang reviews this film as well as plays the game "Name That Meat-Head". It's an all our, muscle-fest on another episode of Bad Movie Nite!
You better get revved up for our newest episode of Bad Movie Nite where Jeff and Nazli square off in another battle of the wits, but this week it's "Test Your Stephen King Movie Knowledge" Bonanza. Followed by our review of the Stephen King (only) directed film "Maximum Overdrive" starring Mr. Mighty Duck himself, Emilio Estevez. We know you are so excited and you should be. Gentlemen, start your engines it's Bad Movie Nite!
Hello everyone! Get ready for a really fun episode where Jeff and Nazli face off against in each in some games featuring films, actors and lines from the (in)famous actor, Wesley Snipes. We also review a film that goes nowhere, does nothing, and confuses everyone called Gallowalkers. It's really bad! So get ready for a fun filled, game show edition of Bad Movie Nite!
Rock Rock Rock, Rock & Roll High School! The gang gets the pleasure of watching the fun, lighthearted cult classic this week. If you've never seen it, you should. It features (at his lowest point of creepiness in his life) Clint Howard, and a bunch of people you've probably never really seen. Other highlights include - "Jeff Gets Engaged" "Aaron dislikes "A Million Ways To Die In The West". And we can't mention the trailer for "Wolfcop" which looks like Hobo With a Shotgun meets Monster Squad, we're IN! ENJOY!
Rick Baker most likely would want to forget the 1979 horror-something-type film called, "The Incredible Melting Man". Which lives up to it's name but that's about it. A pointless, confusing and drippingly stupid film, the gang endured a viewing for your listening pleasure. We also discuss Rick Baker's much more successful films he was a part of, which leads us to believe that everyone makes a horrible horrible mistake once in a while. So drip back, ooze on down, and dribble over to listen to Ep. 34 of our podcast!
Hey everyone! We're back with a new edition of the Bad Movie Nite Podcast. This week we review Ken Marino's "Bad Milo", along with discussing a new film entitled, "Blood Glacier", which might actually be about a glacier that kills people..sorta, maybe, we honestly couldn't tell from the trailer either way it reminded us of The Thing, and that might not be terrible. We also tackle mind bending topics like, dino DNA, and what kind of Dinosaur would Aaron get it on with. All this and more in another exciting episode of Bad Movie Night!
Greetings from Wondercon in sunny Anaheim, well at least that's where we were when we interviewed the funny, well groomed (awesome hair) Chris Gore (Attack of the Show, Film Threat, Celebrities Poop). Aaron, Nazli and Jeff had the pleasure to sit down with Chris as they all took a break from the myriad of Cosplay Girls running around to discuss Chris' career, passions and some of personal favorite bad movies. It was a great time, and we all highly suggest getting down to Wondercon next time around. Please check out Chris' stand up and stay up to date with his goings on website links below!
Greetings Bad Movie Night-ateers, the gang is back with a new Episode. In this week's show we tackle certain films that "wouldn't work today" due to technological advances and we quickly say that films like Psycho or Blair Witch are still viable and possible, as long as you take your phone out of the equation. We also discuss the big monster movies from back in the day, and then dive headfirst into a pile of shit known as "Argento's Dracula", which was released in 3D, which means you could conceivably see shit flying at you. Sit back and relax, because we didn't, another episode of Bad Movie Nite!
Happy Almost St. Patty's Day! No that has nothing to do with our Podcast this week. We take a long steroid induced look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's career and how he equates pumping iron to an orgasm. Something I don't think any of us who absolutely despise exercise will have a clue! The gang discusses some of their favorite Arnold moments as well as reviewing the "actually-not-that-bad" action flick, "The Last Stand". It's fun time, a fun movie which we definitely recommend you check out. Enjoy another pumped up episode of Bad Movie Nite!