8bit Geek Podcast

Three old school nerds who refuse to grow up. They entertain the masses (but mostly themselves) with ridiculous banter and geekery over pop culture, movies, video games and more. May cause laugh lines and eye roll strain.

Episode 407: The Scottish Flatbacks

After almost one year to the date, the boys decided to get together and dust off the mics. We just hit record and decided to see what happens. No outline, no agenda. Just three friends chatting it up. Hope you enjoy. We sure did. 


8bit HorrorFest 2022 - In the Mouth of Madness

Tune in as we close out this year's HorrorFest by reviewing John Carpenter's 'In the Mouth of Madness'!


8bit Horrorfest 2022 - Glorious

Tune in again this week as we continue 8bit Horrorfest - this time with the Shudder Original 'Glorious'!


8bit HorrorFest 2022: Re-Animator

Listen in as Kevin, Doug, and guests Daniel, and Link discuss 1985's Re-Animator, a horror movie so horny and gorey we had to come up with another word to describe it.


8bit Horrorfest 2022 - Underwater

Listen in as we review 2020's Underwater - starring Kristen Stewart and that one guy from Deadpool and Silicon Valley... you know the one.


8bit HorrorFest 2022 - Annihilation

Kev and Doug return to bring you another year of 8bit HorrorFest! This year we tackle Lovecraftian/Eldritch/Cosmic Horror with a bunch of guests! We kick things off with 2018's Annihilation starring Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac, Tessa Thompson, and Jennifer Jason Leigh.


8bit Review: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Kevin, Doug and Jer do a deep dive into the new film from director Sam Raimi. Does it live up to the hype? Is it a flop? find out as we get strange on this special edition of the 8bit Geek! 


Best of 8bit Geek: Volume 1

We found some clips we thought you would all enjoy. It's not much but it still made us all laugh. 


Episode 406: The End

To Our Listeners, 10 years ago, Jeremy and Nick started this podcast to hang out and talk about movies. 10 years ago, neither one could have imagined the longevity of the show, nor its reach to so many listeners across the world. When Nick left the show and Doug and Kev joined soon after, we never would have imagined we'd record over 650 episodes, go to several conventions, make tons of friends, and have the absolute time of our lives that we had. But as they say - all good things must come to an end.  After 10 years, it's sad to say, but our hearts just aren't in it like they once were. The show was starting to feel more like a chore, and without the passion to continue bringing you new episodes every week, we have decided it's time to hang up our hats and take a break from recording. We say 'take a break' because there is always a chance we will show up to review  a movie, a TV show, a videogame we all enjoyed. We still want to do 8bit Horrorfest and fun things like that - but we are putting the weekly show to bed. We want to thank a number of people for supporting us over the years - Our families for allowing us to disappear into our offices for hours at a time to record. For allowing us to abandon them on weekends to drive to Houston, Dallas, or San Antonio to go to a convention with our friends. We also want to thank our friends and listeners, such as (but not limited to) - Ryan, Ed, Franka, Ratty, Caleb, Link, Ben, and so many more. We'd also like to thank our previous and current hosts on other shows - Deb, Rainne, Mike, Antz, Windress, Stephen, Brendan, Daniel, Brittney, Caleb, and Ed. We'd also like to give a special shout out to our friend, New York Time's Best Selling Author Peter Clines. Without everyone listed here, and everyone else who tuned in every week, none of this would have been possible. [6:40 PM] In an attempt to answer your questions before you ask them - No, the Discord server isn't going anywhere, that will continue on forever. Yes, our Patreon is being turned off so you won't be charged anymore. Yes, 8bit Saga will still be going on. Yes, we still plan on having our Sunday Night Movies Nights on the Discord. Yes, our show will still be available wherever you listen to podcasts. And if we missed any - please feel free to tweet at us, hit us up on the discord, etc... And finally, yes, Monday's episode will be our last. Thank you so much for listening to us. Thank you so much for supporting us. This isn't 'goodbye', this is more 'see ya next time'. Lots of love, hugs, and all that bullshit. Jeremy, Doug, and Kevin


Episode 405: Fan Friday with Peter Clines

Peter answers all of the fan questions this week. We didn't get many because Doug failed to do his job! 


Episode 405: Thirsty Thursday with Peter Clines

Star Trek, Kayne West and more. Tune in as we discuss everything we have been getting into this past week! 


Episode 405: What's up Wednesday with Peter Clines

This week we discuss how ridiculous the new Star Wars hotel is and how they should change story lines. 


Episode 405: Top 5 Tuesday with Peter Clines

This week we tackle what Batman is our favorite and how Doug killed Adam West. 


Episode 405: Manic Monday with Peter Clines

We have special guest Peter Clines all week long! Strap in because this gets wild! 


Episode 404: Fan Friday

We talk about shoes, snacks, getting old and more on todays show. 


Episode 404: Thirsty Thursday

Ghosts, 1883 and so much more! Tune in to hear what we are consuming. 


Episode 404: What's Up Wednesday

It's all about Valve, the Steam Deck and so much more! 


Episode 404: Top 5 Tuesday

This weeks top 5, we talk about what our favorite musicals are. 


Episode 404: Manic Monday

Today's show is all about food and Saga


Episode 403: Top 5 Tuesday

This week we count down the top 5 things we would do if we wont the powerball or if we just came into a ton of money. 


The Paranormal Chat

Not bad guys! keep it up!!

07-04 Reply

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