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Microfinance Podcast

Author: MicroSave

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Microfinance Podcast is a fast growing collection of training videos, short documentaries and interviews with microfinance leaders and experts.
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150 Episodes
Credit unions play a pivotal role in providing access to financial services to the base of the pyramid. The credit union movement is based on savings mobilization as the foundation of microfinance. In this series, we look at lessons from one of the most successful credit union systems of the world, namely the credit unions of the Central American country of Guatemala. Managers, staff and clients of UPA tell us what is so special about their cooperative.
Credit unions play a pivotal role in providing access to financial services to the base of the pyramid. The credit union movement is based on savings mobilization as the foundation of microfinance. In this series, we look at lessons from one of the most successful credit union systems of the world, namely the credit unions of the Central American country of Guatemala. Managers, staff and clients of UPA tell us what is so special about their cooperative.
Credit unions play a pivotal role in providing access to financial services to the base of the pyramid. The credit union movement is based on savings mobilization as the foundation of microfinance. In this series, we look at lessons from one of the most successful credit union systems of the world, namely the credit unions of the Central American country of Guatemala. Managers, staff and clients of UPA tell us what is so special about their cooperative.
Resumiendo los resultados del estudio el Sr. Silva da recomendaciones que podrían ser útiles para los operadores de las IFM así como también para los de los inversionistas y financiadores. Alex hace énfasis en la importancia de reconocer a las microfinanzas como una especialidad dentro de la intermediación financiera en general así como la importancia de que las IMFs cuenten con los sistemas apropiados de gestión de riesgos y un buen gobierno corporativo.
Summarizing the details of a study of MFI failures, Alex Silva gives important recommendations for MFI sponsors, managers, and funders: Recognize microfinance as financial intermediation, focus on risk management systems, and create good corporate governance. 
Sin duda, los profesionales en microfinanzas de todo el mundo se beneficiarán de este estudio seminal sobre las IMFs de América Latina y de las correspondientes lecciones aprendidas
Alex Silva provides more details of the major reasons for the failure of microfinance institutions – an important topic that - so far- has not been talked about. Without doubt, practitioners from around the world stand to benefit from this seminal study of Latin American MFIs.
¿Qué podemos aprender de los fracasos en las microfinanzas?Las historias de éxito de las instituciones de microfinanzas (IMFs) han sido ampliamente estudiados. Ello, a fin de ayudar en la comprensión de las razones que las llevaron a alcanzar dicho éxito y determinar, para el beneficio del resto de la industria, las “buenas prácticas”. Sin embargo, las instituciones que podrían ser considerados como experiencias fallidas han recibido hasta la fecha muy poca atención.En al conversación con Alex Silva, un pionero de las microfinanzas, se exponen los resultados de un estudio reciente sobre las instituciones de microfinanzas que han fracasado. Alex Silva, lista seis razones principales para la caída de las IMF y proporciona detalles de cada una de los casos de experiencias fallidas que forman parte del estudio en cuestión. expandiendo la frontera del conocimiento práctico en microfinanzas.
What can we learn from failures in microfinance? Successful microfinance institutions (MFIs) have been widely studied to understand the reasons that drove them into the market and to extract good practices that are useful for the rest of the industry. However, the institutions that could be considered failed experiences have received very little attention. Alex Silva, a microfinance pioneer, outlines the results of a recent study on failed microfinance institutions. He outlines six major reasons for the downfall of MFIs.
How does a crisis help microfinance institutions and their clients? Pancho Otero, one of the global industry pioneers, explains how this is the case. And he gives his perspective on the importance of the enabling environment and good regulations to help produce mature microfinance institutions.
Why is successful microfinance based on savings? The microfinance industry has produced a fair share of pioneers and visionaries, and Pancho Otero is one of them! As the founding CEO of the Prodem Foundation, the nucleus of BancoSol, Pancho helped create one of the most successful microfinance institutions in the world. Pancho gives his insights on the success of microfinance in Bolivia and how Prodem became a bank and a leader in savings mobilization.
How did BancoSol become a global leader in deposit mobilization? Kurt Koenigsfest, CEO of BancoSol, describes four key success factors that are critically important for any MFI that wants to engage in savings mobilization. He talks about BancoSol’s experience with introducing a savings-based organizational culture and how appropriate incentives are helping staff to focus on savings.
In the third episode on BancoSol, Latin America’s and the world’s first bank fully dedicated to microfinance, we meet the CEO. Kurt Koenigsfest talks about the unique positioning of the bank, and how it evolved throughout its history to become a role model for the industry. We hear about the challenges of transformation and how BancoSol became a leader in deposit mobilization. Management puts a relentless focus on the design of new and adequate products for BancoSol’s customers.
We continue our coverage of BancoSol, Latin America’s first microfinance bank. In this episode, Jaime Zegarra talks about the bank’s strategic focus: loan portfolio growth, portfolio quality, and expanding BancoSol’s client base.
BancoSol is a true microfinance pioneer. As Latin America’s first commercial microfinance bank it has been much copied but never surpassed. We begin our coverage of BancoSol by focusing on its operations in El Alto, a sprawling city on the “Altiplano” above La Paz, one of the highest cities in the world. Jaime Zegarra, regional manager of BancoSol, talks about the ways in which the bank forms part of the community and connects with its clients.
The ProCredit Group is one of the global microfinance leaders. With operations on three continents, the group is the largest international network player in terms of assets. The Bolivian branch was one of the pioneers of the network. ; Roberto Zegada, Regional Manager El Alto, Banco Los Andes ProCredit talks about the growth of operations and the competitive situation in one of the world's best-served microfinance markets.
The ProCredit Group is one of the global microfinance leaders. With operations on three continents, the group is the largest international network player in terms of assets. The Bolivian branch was one of the pioneers of the network.  Roberto Zegada, Regional Manager El Alto, Banco Los Andes ProCredit talks about the growth of operations and the competitive situation in one of the world’s best-served microfinance markets.
Peru is one of the most dynamic microfinance markets in the world. In a very competitive market, Financiera CREAR has been a rising star. Marcos Corrales, manager of CREAR's Lima regional branch, talks about the success factors that contributed to the strong growth and performance of their lending activities.
Peru is one of the most dynamic microfinance markets in the world. In a very competitive market, Financiera CREAR has been a rising star. Marcos Corrales, manager of CREAR's Lima regional branch, talks about the success factors that contributed to the strong growth and performance of their lending activities.
Michael McCaffrey, Financial Inclusion Technical Specialist, Pacific Financial Inclusion Program (PFIP), talks about the design of a suite of products such as remittances, savings, and microinsurance. He explains how different programs and operators attempt to reach scale and sustainability. Through participation in international training programs such as the Boulder MFT, microfinance practitioners and policy makers from the Pacific Islands get access to the latest developments and share their own unique experience.