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LET THE BIBLE SPEAK TV with Kevin Presley

Author: Kevin Presley

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Each week evangelist Kevin Presley brings a new sermon from God's Word.
336 Episodes
  Sin In The Camp – Part 2 Is church discipline contrary to the teaching of Jesus about judging others? Does withdrawal of fellowship from an immoral or heretical church member violate the lessons Jesus imparted in His parable of the wheat and the tares? In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we continue […]
  Sin In The Camp – Part 1 God has always expected His people to be holy. Holiness means separation from sin, the world, and false religion. God emphasized His own holiness and that of His people throughout the Mosaic dispensation. He likewise expects His church to come out from the world and to live […]
  The Man Who Missed The Meeting – a sermon by Kevin Presley In the days following the crucifixion of Christ, it is easy to imagine His disciples being so forlorn and discouraged that they scattered and went back to the lives they once knew. Had they understood the words of Jesus before His death, […]
  Last Of All He Sent His Son – a sermon by Kevin Presley How many opportunities has God graciously given you to turn to repent? The long history of humankind is the story of God unfolding His plan to redeem sinful man through the channel of those who were called His people. They were […]
  The Way Of The Transgressor – a sermon by Kevin Presley Life presents a choice between two roads; the path of righteousness or rebellion. To many a traveler, the first road appears rugged, steep, and difficult while the second seems scenic, easy, and even thrilling. But this is the great illusion of Satan and […]
  The Nature And Purpose Of Miracles – a sermon by Kevin Presley The word “miracle” is loosely used in religion and even in the world at large. Is everything that amazes us a miracle? Is something not easily explained a miracle? Are Christians empowered to perform miracles today as some did in the first […]
  Has “That Which Is Perfect” Come? Have miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased? Paul’s eloquent description of love, found in 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, is sandwiched between his explanation of those gifts and his instructions about how they were to be exercised in the assemblies of the church. The apostle does this to, first, […]
  The Grace of God – Part 2 As we continue a look at Paul’s teaching to Titus about the grace of God, we see three more facets of God’s unmerited favor that will enrich our spiritual lives. His grace is not only redeeming grace, but it is reaching, reforming, and rejoicing grace. We explain […]
  The Grace of God – Part 1 The grace of God is truly amazing when we consider it in light of God’s holiness and justice. Unfortunately, God’s grace is often either ignored or exploited. While we will never know freedom from the guilt of sin until we know the grace of God, we also […]
  Have You Obeyed The Gospel? The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ and his redemptive work. It is a message to be preached, heard, and believed. But did you know that it must also be obeyed? In today’s broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we explore this bible phrase and condition of […]
  Counterfeit Confessions – a sermon by Kevin Presley What does it mean to confess sin? The bible provides several examples of people who uttered the words “I have sinned” but not all were true confessions. God withholds forgiveness from any person who refuses to confess their transgressions. In this broadcast of Let the Bible […]
A Glorious Church

A Glorious Church


  A Glorious Church The church is an unpopular institution in the world and even among some who profess to serve Christ. While hypocritical living and the corruption of some religious leaders have sullied the image of the church in the eyes of many, this does not change the fact that Christ sees His church […]
  Rebuilding Walls God Tore Down Walls were vital for the protection of ancient cities. When Jerusalem was overrun by the Babylonians, the task at hand upon Israel’s return was to rebuild the wall of the holy city. The New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven in Revelation 21 is described as having […]
  Is The Lord’s House In Ruins? When the Jews returned to Jerusalem from captivity, they set out to rebuild the temple but quickly abandoned the effort. They instead rebuilt their own homes and lived in comfort saying that the time had not yet come to rebuild the Lord’s house. The prophet Haggai rebuked them […]
  Why Don’t We See The Bible Alike? Is it a given that those who read the bible will “understand it differently?” There is so much division over what the bible supposedly teaches that the modern mantra is “there are many interpretations of scripture.” Is this true? The bible is a message to man from […]
  Making God’s Priorities Ours As a new year dawns, many of us will set goals and make resolutions. Reaching and keeping them requires not only daily change in our life but a reordering of priorities. This is especially true with spiritual life and growth. Many meander and founder in the Christian life because priorities […]
  Prophet, Priest, and King Jesus Christ fills three divine offices, all foreshadowed in the Old Testament. His title, Christ, points to these roles which He fills today. To refer to Him as such has great implications for your life. In this broadcast of Let the Bible Speak, we look at Christ, the Prophet, Priest, […]
The Treasure Of Truth

The Treasure Of Truth


  Most things have a price attached to them and are for sale if someone offers enough money. Nothing is of greater value than the truth although many treat it as though it is not worth that much. The wise man urges us in Proverbs to “Buy the truth and sell it not.” In this […]
  The Spirit of God plays a vital role in the conversion of men and women, bringing them to faith in Christ. Jesus told His apostles that after He returned to heaven, He would dispatch the Helper, the Holy Spirit to aid and empower them for their foundational work in His kingdom. One result of […]
  The smallest words can be the most important ones. God inspires all scripture and represents the words the Spirit guided the apostles to write to communicate the mind of God to us. This fact makes each word significant. This is especially true regarding the propositions chosen by the Spirit of God to describe the […]
Comments (1)

Ginger Minor

I would love top have the bible correspondence.

Mar 22nd
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