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A Bold Plan for America with John Burke
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A Bold Plan for America with John Burke

Author: Story Mark Studios

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Welcome to A Bold Plan for America, the podcast created to educate our citizens about the biggest issues we face and encourage our leaders to make decisions that are in the best long-term interest of the United States. 

The importance of an informed citizenship has never been higher than in today’s environment of misinformation. On this podcast we break down America’s biggest problems and provide nonpartisan, fact-based solutions on how we can solve them. 

Tune in to get informed and please share to help educate America. 

“A small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

See A Bold Plan for America for citations: 

13 Episodes
I recently had the honor of being a guest on Simon Sinek's podcast "A Bit of Optimism." During our conversation, we discussed the critical issues facing our nation and the lack of visionary leadership and comprehensive plans from political candidates to address them. As I shared with Simon, I am deeply concerned about the challenges we face - from the staggering national debt and threat of climate change, to the shortcomings of our healthcare system and long-term viability of Social Secu...
America needs to drastically rein in defense spending to tackle the $33 trillion national debt. In this episode, Burke proposes a "simplification plan" to streamline the bloated military-industrial complex, close redundant global bases, and scale back nuclear arsenal costs. Burke argues that the U.S. can increase capabilities while slashing the current $800 billion defense budget by $200 billion annually through smart prioritization. Challenging the next president to treat citizens as "adults...
Reform Congress

Reform Congress


In this episode, Burke shines a light on the corroding influence of money in congressional campaigns and lobbying efforts. He argues for sweeping reforms, including eliminating the Senate filibuster, ending partisan gerrymandering, canceling congressional pensions, and imposing term limits via a constitutional amendment. He advocates giving the president line-item veto power as a fiscal check on excessive spending bills from Congress.To download your free copy of A Bold Plan for America: http...
From eliminating the income cap on Social Security taxes to advocating for higher standards in disability programs, Burke offers straightforward solutions to ensure fairness and sustainability. He also introduces the "Every Kid Has a Chance" program, aimed at reducing childhood poverty, and suggests federal intervention to transform struggling public schools into high-performing institutions. Through informed citizenship and active participation, Burke believes his ideas can create positive c...
Rebuild America

Rebuild America


Despite being one of the wealthiest nations, the United States' transportation system is graded at a C- (by The American Society of Civil Engineers), with 11 categories receiving a D, including our roads. In this episode, John Burke proposes a straightforward solution: raise the gas tax by a dollar. This would not only fund infrastructure projects but also create millions of well-paying jobs and boost the economy.To download your free copy of A Bold Plan for America:
John Burke dives into the pressing issue of healthcare reform, stressing the profound impact of individual well-being on the nation's health. Referencing medical doctor William Mayo, Burke underscores the necessity of prioritizing every citizen's health. Despite the substantial healthcare expenditure in the United States, the country is nearly dead last in global health rankings of developed countries, a stark indictment of the current system. Burke exposes the grip of the healthcare industri...
In a world where nuclear arsenals loom large and the Doomsday Clock ticks closer to midnight, Burke explores the urgent need to reduce the risk of nuclear war. Drawing on insights from global leaders and military experts, Burke outlines bold solutions, from immediate reductions in deployed weapons to advocating for a nuclear-free world by 2028. Join us as we confront the stark realities of nuclear proliferation and explore pathways toward a safer future. Tune in to "A Bold Plan for America" p...
We talk a lot about what political leaders can be doing better—but what about citizens?Through the lens of the Citizen Scorecard, they explore seven key elements—from education to civic participation—that empower individuals to drive positive change. Burke challenges the notion of passive citizenship, urging listeners to take ownership of America’s direction. With insights drawn from his book A Bold Plan for America, Burke inspires listeners to embrace their role as active participants in the...
What makes a great leader? What makes a terrible leader? Why is great leadership important at all levels of government? When it comes to governance and organizational success, one trait stands out prominently: leadership. Whether it's growing a business, a nonprofit, a government, or a sports team, the leader at the helm plays a pivotal role in determining outcomes. In this episode of the "A Bold Plan for America" podcast, host John Burke introduces his thought-provoking leadership score...
From the alarming rise in CO2 levels to the devastating impacts of natural disasters, the need for decisive action regarding climate change has never been clearer. Explore actionable fact-based solutions, including carbon taxes and reforestation initiatives, and even engaging NASA to help save our climate. This episode challenges listeners to confront the climate crisis head-on and pave the way for a more sustainable future. Tune in and be part of the solution.To download your free copy of A ...
The U.S. Government is not a high-performance government. “We, the people'' own our Government, yet our leaders tolerate poor performance in many areas of the Government.In this episode, Burke dives into some of the key problems facing the U.S. Government, including the failure to address the country’s biggest issues until they become a crisis and the Federal Government’s inability to remove poor performers. Burke then delves into solutions, including requiring individual business units withi...
Join host John Burke in the inaugural episode of A Bold Plan for America as he unveils a bold vision for tackling the Nation's most pressing challenges. With a mix of frustration and determination, Burke dives into the broken political system, the influence of money in politics, and the urgent need for meaningful dialogue on these issues. Through insightful analysis and actionable solutions, Burke invites listeners to join the conversation, empowering informed citizenship and driving meaningf...
Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

