A Dental Life

A Dental Life is a show focused on collecting stories and information from dentists and students across the globe. Whether you're a student applying to dentistry, a dental student or a graduated dentist, tune in to learn from their experiences! I'm your host, Zinab. Join me as I try and capture what life is really like for dentists. Follow me on Instagram @adentallife

Episode 20 - Dr Adam Holder: Widening participation

In this episode, I'm joined by Dr Adam Holder! We talk about widening participation and improving access to dentistry for students from underrepresented backgrounds. Adam tells me about his project NOWPAS which is working to reduce these inequalities. This episode is also useful for applicants as Adam shares lots of tips and advice for getting into dental school, especially if you're from underrepresented backgrounds. It is also a useful episode to listen to if you want to find out more about this issue and how to help. Follow me on Instagram for more information @adentallife @nowpas_uni


Episode 19 - Dr Ruth : Failing forwards

In this episode, I'm joined by Dr Ruth Baidoo, who experienced A LOT of failure while she was at dental school. She talks about her experiences with failing exams, resisting and how she kept going and growing from each set back. We talk a lot about exam season stress/anxiety, and what our top tips are for protecting your peace and getting through exam season. For more revision advice from dental/H&T students and professionals, check out my instagram @adentallife


Episode 18 - Nigel Mallon: International dental volunteerism

In part 3 of this mini series, Nigel continues telling listeners about his dental journey. He shares his experiences with mobile dentistry, pro bono dentistry in rural areas, and his time volunteering in Ecuador and Rwanda. We discuss the negatives and positives of undergraduate electives, and cover topics from poverty tourism to white saviour complexes. Nigel is very honest when he talks about his experiences, and emphasises the importance of reflection, understanding your motives and always holding yourself accountable. If you are interested in these topics, please check out my Instagram (@adentallife) for some resources that can be used to expand your knowledge.


Episode 17 - Nigel Mallon: the story behind the success of Taptonville Clinic

In part 2, Nigel talks about returning to NHS dentistry after many years in the armed forces. During this time, he bought and grew his practice from a single clinic surgery to 11 practices treating over 25000 patients. His practice pioneered the outreach programme that is now used in UK dental schools, obtained a nursing home contract that is being used as a model across the UK, and managed all South Yorkshire’s emergency dental care. He shares his advice with listeners, and shares how he achieved so much during his career. I hope you enjoy the episode and don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review, and to follow me on Instagram @adentallife.


Episode 16 - Nigel Mallon: Dentistry in the Armed Forces

In part 1 of this mini series with Nigel Mallon, Nigel takes listeners back to the start of his dental journey at University. He talks about his experiences with dyslexia and his pathway to becoming involved with the armed forces. He shares fascinating stories from his time abroad with the army and the navy and gives listeners an insight into what dentistry is like in these different and difficult environments.


Episode 15 - Kate Benson: Mental health in dental school and beyond

In this episode, I am joined by Kate Benson, who graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2020 and is now undertaking her DFT year in Newcastle. She tells listeners about her mental health journey through dental school, COVID and DFT. We discuss the more challenging parts of the dental course and Kate shares her advice and coping methods that she developed along the way. For more information, check out my instagram @adentallife, where I’ll be sharing useful resources and Kate’s recommendations.


Episode 14 - Professor Helen Rodd: Paediatric dentistry

Welcome to season 2 of a A Dental Life! In this episode, I am joined by Professor Helen Rodd from the University of Sheffield. We go back to the beginning of her dental journey, her decision to specialise in paediatric dentistry and the subsequent training that she underwent. We discuss the differences between paediatric dentistry at dental school, and the realities of the specialty. I ask Helen about her research that changed paediatric dentistry across the world, and led to her being awarded an MBE in 2020. Finally, Helen shares her top tips for students, including how to boost your application! If you've enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and to follow me on Instagram @adentallife


Episode 13 - Aisling Power: Intercalating in dental school

In this episode, I'm joined by Aisling Power from the University of Sheffield. Aisling decided to do an intercalated BMedSci degree during her dental course. In this episode, she’ll be telling us all about her experience, from choosing her topic to presenting her research at conferences. We discuss the pros and cons of intercalating (tip – they are mostly pros) and she shares her advice for anyone thinking of or about to undertake their intercalation year. If you have any follow up questions you can find me on Instagram @adentallife.


Episode 12 - I Want To Be A Dentist co-founders

In this episode I'm joined by Dr Kalpesh Prajapat and Raza Ahmed. I was very keen to find out how this unlikely duo came about, and all about their new project "I Want To Be A Dentist" (IWTBAD), which provides support and expertise to prospective dental students. They share the philosophy behind IWTBAD and what makes it special. We also talk about widening participation schemes and different pathways into dentistry, and how IWTBAD is supporting students from less privileged and less represented backgrounds. You can find out more about IWTBAD on Instagram @iwanttobeadentist. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @adentallife, where I'll be sharing more information about widening participation and access to dentistry schemes.


Episode 11 - Dr Simon Chard: environmentally friendly dentistry

In this episode I'm joined by Dr Simon Chard - BACD board member, cosmetic dentist and co-founder of an environment friendly toothpaste tab company called Pärla! He tells me all about setting up a new business and the difficult decisions made along the way to ensure it meets his ethics. We also discuss environmentally friendly dentistry, and what we as dental students and clinicians can be doing. We talk about topics from greenwashing, to zero waste TikTok trends, and Simon gives his top tips on how to be more sustainable. You can find out more about Dr Simon Chard and Pärla on Instagram @drsimonchard @parlatoothpastetabs. Follow me on Instagram @adentallife to get more information about my Pärla giveaway!


Episode 10 - Isabel Ostrowska: hidden disabilities in dental school

In this episode I'm joined by Isabel from the University of Sheffield Dental School. She talks about how her underlying heart condition affected her dental journey, and how COVID19 has impacted her undergraduate studies. She shares her advice for anyone who might be in a similar position, and we discuss how important it is to put your mental health first and do things at your own pace. Finally, Isabel tells listeners all about her new blog which focuses on hidden disabilities 👉 https://invisabel.com/ 👈 Follow us on Instagram @adentallife @invisabel for more information!


Episode 9 - Dr Steven Mulligan and Dr Abdulrahman Almougy: tales from the dental tutors

In this episode, I'm joined by two of my dental tutors from the University of Sheffield. They share their dental journeys, including their undergraduate studies at the University of Sheffield, and their favourite things about being dental tutors, as well as their pet peeves. They also share lots of advice on how to succeed at undergraduate level and post graduate. We discuss various topics, from how COVID19 will impact dental students to the advantages and disadvantages of Instagram dentistry. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @adentallife.


Episode 8 - Zinab Kassir: meet your host

In this episode, I'll be speaking about my own experiences; from my application journey and deciding to do dentistry, to the course itself and studying at the University of Sheffield. I talk about what it has been like having a dad who teaches at my dental school, and living at home during university. I cover the best and worst parts of my time at dental school, and what I have learnt from them. I also talk about COVID-19 and how lockdown impacted me, including why I decided to start this podcast show. Follow me on Instagram @adentallife


Episode 7 - Dr Natalie Bradley: special care dentistry

In this episode I'm joined by Natalie Bradley @natb990, author of A Tooth Germ blog, and currently specialising in special sare dentistry. She tells listeners all about her journey to special care, community care and domiciliary care, including setting up her mobile dental unit. Natalie also shares her advice on mental health issues, mentoring and what we can be doing as undergraduates to help these populations. Follow me on Instagram @adentallife, where I will be sharing more information for dental students on how you can get experience, educated and challenge preconceptions about special care patients. Natalie is also hosting 2 blog competition which you can find on her blog 👉 http://www.atoothgerm.co.uk/?m=1


Episode 6 - Emily Black: getting involved as a dental student

In this episode, I'm joined by Emily Black from the University of Bristol. We cover all the different things she's been involved in recently and, from how Aritifical Intelligence and augmented reality can be used in dentistry, to working for the NHS 111 service during lockdown. We discuss her intercalation year and the content she covered during her global health BMedSci degree. We also talk about playing university sports and juggling our dental courses, as well as how to get involved in all the opportunities available by networking and using social media. @adentallife @emilydental 👉 find us on Instagram


Episode 5 - BDSA sports day

Sports day is held by the British Dental Student Association. In 2019 it was hosted by the University of Sheffield's dental school, and organised by Aisling who will be joining me in this episode. Sports day is an annual event that brings together dental students from across the UK. It includes a day of sports (with a trophy for the winning University), themed nights out and a trade fair. Have a listen to find out more about this fantastic event. Follow me on Instagram @adentallife.


Episode 4 - Matt Billington: making the most out of dental school

In this episode, I'm joined by KCL dental student, Matt Billington. Matt has had a unique dental student experience, from competing in the Physical Culture Association, to creating an app that is being used across the country. In the show, he shares his valuable advice and tips on how to make the most of your time at Dental School, from networking and using social media, to volunteering abroad. Find him on Instagram @thedentalgym, and follow me @adentallife, where you can find resources mentioned in the podcast.


Episode 3 - Dr Dima Mobarak: from undergraduate to orthodontic specialty training

In this episode I'm joined by Dr Dima Mobarak. She graduated from Birmingham Dental school in 2015 and has just finished her first year of orthodontic specialty training. She shares her top tips and advice on all things dental, from audits and elective projects to her journey to orthodontics and DCT applications. She also wrote 2 books recently which you can find on Amazon by following these links 👉 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Foundation-Dental-Training-Securing-Training-ebook/dp/B079CKTMJ7You and https://www.amazon.co.uk/complete-guide-interviews-Professionalism-Communication-ebook/dp/B075KY2B7N. You can find Dima on Instagram @dima.mobarak. Follow me on Instagram @adentallife, where you can find more information about the giveaway that I mention in the podcast.


Episode 2 - SUDSS: Sheffield University Dental Student Society

In this episode, I'm joined by James Smith, president of SUDSS. We discuss the dental society and what makes it so special, and reminisce about our favourite moments. James tells us all about being president and shares his advice for any students considering applying for committee positions. He also hints at the future of SUDSS during a global pandemic. For more information about SUDSS visit their Instagram @instasudss or their website www.sudss.com. Don't forgot to follow @adentallife and @jameshssmith1999 to find out more about the show, or our guest speaker.


Episode 1 - Mental Health in Dental School

In this episode, I am joined by Emily Moore from UoS's dental school. We discuss the course, and Emily's mental health journey. She talks us through her decision to take a leave of absence and the steps she had to take. She shares what she learnt from her experience and gives listeners some excellent advice. Emily's Instagram @bdstudent.mentalhealth and resources can be found on Instagram @adentallife


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