A Jigsaw Guide to Life with Alex McLellan

This 15-minute podcast with Alex McLellan will help you connect and communicate Truth in a culture of confusion. A commentary on critical issues, Bible teaching that builds bridges, and interviews that inform, inspire and encourage you.

Does Christianity have a leg to stand on?

Alex has shared his Top 10 reasons why Atheism as a worldview, lacks a reasonable foundation. But what about the Christian worldview? Listen to Alex's Top 10 reasons why Christianity, as a worldview has a reasonable foundation. It helps us make sense of the world, others and ourselves. Christian belief stands on solid ground. 


JG2L#26: What is THE most important thing about Christianity?

Christianity holds many things clearly - and dearly, but what is THE most important thing? For some reason, many Christians haven't figured out the right answer. www.jg2life.tv #Christianity #Religion #Truth #Belief #Faith #Doubt 


JG2L#25: Are Science and Religion like oil and water - they don't mix...?

Many contend that Science and Religion are incompatible - two distinct spheres of consideration that ought to be kept apart, but the history of Science tells a different story. Science and Religion are more than compatible, they are complementary - and necessary, if we are going to look at life and see the big picture. www.jg2life.tv #science #religion #truth #faith #belief #doubt


JG2L#23: It's our job to sow, not to make things grow!

Jesus' powerful parable in Matthew 13 reminds us, when it comes to sharing our faith, we're not responsible for the root or the fruit: It's our job to sow, not to make things grow! www.jg2life.tv www.alexmclellan.com #truth #belief #faith #doubt 


JG2L#22: What do you say when Christian leaders walk away?

What do you say when a prominent Christian leader walks away from Christian faith? If you are committed to pursuing truth, show compassion and have the courage to bring the question of doubt into the light.... www.jg2life.tv www.alexmclellan.com #truth #belief #faith #doubt


JG2L#21: Who was the REAL Jesus?

Different people have different ideas about Jesus, so it's worth asking: Who was the REAL Jesus? The good news? If you're willing to dig deeper, we can uncover the truth.... www.jg2life.tv #truth #belief #faith #doubt


JG2L#20: You can survive a dysfunctional family!

Did you know, you can survive a dysfunctional family! The Bible offers hope when you consider lessons in the life of Samuel. This man did more than survive - he thrived! www. jg2life.tv www.alexmclellan.com #truth #belief #faith #doubt


JG2L#19: Part 2 - When two atheists asked me to respond....

Part 2: After I released "Top 10 Questions to ask an atheist," two atheists (Jordan and Jared on "Reason to Doubt") took up the challenge - see link below.  Then they asked me to respond. I like these guys, so here's part two.... www.jg2life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SxeJuwr0Bk  #truth #belief #faith #doubt


JG2L#18: Part 1 - When two atheists asked me to respond...

After I released "Top 10 Questions to ask an atheist," two atheists (Jordan and Jared on "Reason to Doubt") took up the challenge - see link below.  Then they asked me to respond. I like these guys, so here's part one.... www.jg2life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SxeJuwr0Bk  #truth #belief #faith #doubt


JG2L#17: The Bible says, you have to pray 24/7!

1 Thessalonians 5:17 seems to present an impossible challenge: pray, without ceasing! Prayer is mysterious - but it's no mystery. Consider what the Bible has to say about prayer, including this powerful passage that shows us the way to a deeper relationship with God. www. jg2life.tv www.alexmclellan.com #truth #belief #faith #doubt


JG2L#16: Top 10 Questions - Top 10 Answers!

The Top 10 questions - The Top 10 answers that help us make sense of the world, others, and ourselves. www.alexmclellan.com #truth #belief #faith #doubt


JG2L#15: Top 10 Questions to ask an Atheist.

I like atheists who are looking at life and looking for answers, but you cannot stand with both feet planted in mid-air. Here are my Top 10 questions to ask an Atheist....


JG2L#14: "I'll believe in God when I see Him!"

Some say, belief in God is like believing in the Tooth Fairy. However, there are good reasons to believe in the existence of God - even if you can't see Him, and beginning at the beginning we can steer people back in the right direction....


JGL#13: Some say, "Why is Jesus the ONLY way?"

Jesus said many things that left people scratching their heads. What was true two thousand years ago is still true today, and Jesus' words in John 14 may be his most controversial: I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me!


JG2L#12: How do you communicate the gospel in a culture of confusion?

We live in a culture of confusion. People have no idea where we came from, why we're here or where we're going. It always makes sense to begin at the beginning, so be prepared to shine the light and share the truth - with love, gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)


JG2L#10: How to deal with doubt!

Probably my most important podcast - EVER! Doubt is dangerous because it erodes, corrodes and undermines your faith. The good news? You can deal with it, overcome it and even learn to appreciate it....


JG2L#9: You don't need great faith in God!

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the nature of faith, particularly in a Christian context. The good news? We can go back to the Bible to clear things up, we can even go back to the words of Jesus.... 


JG2L#8: World peace: Is this the answer?

It's popular to believe there is an easy answer to world peace; however, I call it "The Bubble Theory" because it bursts, the moment you try to take hold of it. Find out how to shine the light on the conversation and steer people back in the right direction.... www.jg2life.com


JG2L#7: Finally, the truth about Truth!

How do you clear up cultural confusion about truth? "There is no truth!" "You can't know the truth!" "It's just my truth!" Find out how to add clarity to the conversation and gently steer people back in the right direction.... www.jg2life.com


JG2L#6: The Secret Guide to Christian Living

The secret guide to Christian living is no secret. The Apostle Paul wrote to the 1st century church in Rome and provided clear teaching on what it means to walk in obedience to God. www.jg2life.com


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