A Mom's Life

It's real, it's vulnerable and it's everything mom. Join us every week as we dive into the triumphs and tragedies of a mom's life.

Santa, elves, presents and where NOT to hide them

* WARNING: do not listen if you have little ears around. Santa and elves are mentioned. We discuss elf of the shelf and how the heck they remember to move every night, the number one place children look for your unwrapped presents and decorating the tree...with kids.


YES you can say NO

Join us for NOvember where we say NO to some things in our life that can function without us! Let's refocus and declutter our life and get better at saying NO!


Six ways to declutter your kids stuff

Katie has six quick tips to de-clutter your home! Lean why too much stuff actually makes your kids play with that stuff LESS!


Hate making dinner? Us too, we've got some tips

Katie is sharing some wonderful tips on how to make dinners so much easier in your life. We also are talking with Karen of Supper Sanity about some meal planning ideas to keep in mind.


Extra Chromosome. Extraordinary. A Down Syndrome story.

Suz talks about the challenges and blessings of raising a child with down syndrome. She also talks about her relentless advocacy for her daughter, Caitlin and tips on how all of us can be better. 1:00- Welcome Suz. How she knew she was carrying a child that had down syndrome 33 years ago.4:00- Being an advocate from birth. The hospital story that will leave you shocked!12:30- Expectations 13:30- How being a special education teacher shaped her parenting15:00- How she is blessed beca...


Locked in … with your in-laws

Episode 37. Natalie tells us about her annual family lock-in at her in-laws! You might want to try it with your family by the time we are done!


Unexpecting. A conversation about pregnancy loss.

We talk with author on Unexpecting. Real Talk on Pregnancy Loss, Rachel Lewis. She is also the founder of "Brave Mamas" support group. In the episode: 5:00- setting the stage for what we were collectively mourning. Why Rachel chose to start her book like she did. 13:50- Advice for a mom going through pregnancy loss14:50- Carrying your baby's legacy15:45- You body and what it goes through during pregnancy and infant loss and why it's the foundation of your grief18:00- Faith. Que...


The last onesie. When you knew you were done.

Natalie & Katie discuss how you know you are done having kids


Do dress codes pick on girls?

Season 2, episode 33. Lori's daughter was dress-coded by her school for wearing a dress she would wear to church. Do dress codes disproportionately target girls? We talk about what these situations do to a girl's self esteem, body image and life long messaging. We also discuss how to balance respect for authority with self respect


A Cleft Palate. Falling in love with his smiles

Carrie's son was born with a cleft palate and lip. She details her journey of finding out, working through limitations and how she fell in love with both of his smiles. Facebook Support Page: Cleft Mom Supporthttp://www.cleftopedia.com/


Prenatal genetic testing. Is it for you?

Katie and Natalie learn more about pregnancy related genetic counseling with genetic counselor and podcast host of DNA Today, Kira Dineen. In this episode:What is a genetic counselor?Who is the testing for?The most common genetic condition found through screeningsGetting genetic testing for couples before babyHow often is the data wrong?Different types of screening 23 & Me thoughtsMinute with Mike


Short summer series: when parents travel

We are rounding out our short summer series with a great conversation about traveling with your spouse and leaving your kids at home. ALL the emotions that come with it and some lessons learned along the way.


Short summer series: it’s ok to ask for help

Season 2, Episode 29. Short summer series. Do you have a hard time asking for help? Are you trying to do it all yourself? Why? Why are you doing this? Start asking. Stop trying to do everything and getting nowhere. We discuss how in this week’s episode.


Short summer series: Mom’s closet problems

Season 2, Episode 28. Do you have 100 different classes of clothes in your closet? Are you hanging on to those pieces that you will likely never squeeze into again? We talk all about closets and why it's good for the soul to organize and clean them out!


Short summer series: sports, saying no and sick kids

Season 2, episode 27. We are introducing our short summer series for August! We are busy, you are busy, we get it. This month we are tacking a couple quick topics every week in less than 20 minutes. In this episode: Sports. The stress of practices and being on the go constantly, sick kids and saying no!


Mom v. Dad. This is how we "role"

Season 2. Episode 26. The laundry, kids clothes, meal planning. It all has to be done but sometimes these jobs disproportionately fall on mom. Natalie & Katie talk about why the mental load of being a managing mom is a lot some days!


One mom's best kept travel secret

Season 2. Episode 24. We are talking with @katiestraveltricks again on how to vacation for FREE! Yes, you heard right. No, this is not an ad. She is giving us the insight to travel for free with your family using credit cards. Before you think it's not for you...listen to how EASY it is!1:30 -Traveling is expensive. Katie is here to help us learn new ways to get FREE hotels and flights. 2:30- She has got more than $13,000 in free travel!4:55- How she does it! Miles and Points!6:00- What ...


Are you skinny, mommy?

Natalie was recently asked "are you skinny mom?" by her 4 year old. We talk about the answer she gave.


Parenting with PRIDE and love 🏳️‍🌈

We talk with our licensed independent social worker, Mike (A Minute with Mike) about parenting in a world where love is love. How to create an accepting environment from a young age.


Both of my kids are gay. They're happy. I'm happy.

Liz joins us as a mom of two gay children. She discusses how they came out to her, her thoughts on the journey and advice to other parents navigating the same thing. 2:12- When did she know her kids were gay?3:30- Grieving expectations as parents13:00- Telling dad14:00- He thoughts on how society would see her children15:45- Advice to other parents navigating this journey19:00- Letting your kids figure it all out.21:00- What can parents do to help their kids through 26:00- More on l...


Amy Grieshop

This is an outstanding podcast. I am so grateful for the conversations and stories.

06-11 Reply

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