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A Mystical Elephant

A Mystical Elephant

Author: Robert K Jones

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Broadcasts designed to help folks find some happiness and joy in a sometimes chaotic world.
66 Episodes
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Episode 65 explores the ever increasing risk of loneliness to our health and well-being. Physical distancing and staying at home have complicated an already serious problem. We each have the power to overcome the loneliness contagion. It requires the development of meaningful relationships and connecting beyond our four walls.
There is no doubt that Spring is busting out all over. Despite the fact that most of us have been sequestered at home, the trees, bushes and plants have put on their annual brilliant display. But what about us? Are we blooming or withering? Episode 64 looks into what I call A Culture of Life. It is something we choose. As the poet asks; "What have you done with the garden entrusted to you?"
Our response to the pandemic is changing as our "curve is starting to bend" and things are reopening around the world. It seems a bit daunting to know how to react as some people wear masks while others don't. Some are maintaining social distance and others aren't. Episode 63 is about doing the next right thing. How do we heal, help, and comfort as life modifies once again? It might not be so complicated.
Episode 62 is a love letter for all of our dear Mothers. They were our first friends and our unrelenting champions. Too often, we fail to appreciate their love and sacrifices. They stand ready on the sidelines of our lives, eager mto bind up wounds and offer encouragement...asking little in return. Happy Mother's Day to the women who gave us life. We, your children thank you.
It seems like no matter how much security is layered on, there is still danger lurking. After awhile we find ourselves locked in a virtual jail cell, isolated from reality. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Get Out of Jail Free Card and let go of all the worry? Episode 61 looks at how fear and self interest disempower us and some ways to find freedom. It just might be a survival tool as we continue social distancing and work our way back into the busy world.
Essential In Every Way

Essential In Every Way


We are, each of us, essential in every way. Episode 60 not only honors those who are putting their lives and treasure on the line day-in and day-out but affirms the sacredness of us all. Better Angels are forging a new path right here and now. Can our values shift to recognize this truth and transform us? Let’s look forward to a new awakening of oneness and rebirth of our essential nature.
Episode 59 deals with the significance of these transitional times as the nation and world try to "reopen" and the pandemic seems to be mitigating. This is a kind of land-in-between where we are unsure and tenuous. We grieve what was and worry about what will be. Perhaps this is the place where we take a breath and use our unique opportunity to define what things are most important going forward. It is an invitation to employ what we have experienced and learned in the hard times to celebrate living in a whole new way.
There is something special about being an American. Even the rich and varied landscapes of our country testify to the unique gift we have been given. We rise up from difficulties and overcome forces that would crush our spirits. Episode 58 looks at the humble generosity embedded in our nature which reaches out to "the least" and embraces those who suffer. COVID-19 reminds us of who we are and how closely we walk with God.
Our grandparents used to warn us not to "throw caution to the wind." That advice wasn't heeded by my generation very well.  We rushed into the world head-on with notions of creating a brave new world. The results were not always good. And now, as elders, most of us recognize the truth of that sage wisdom offered years ago. Episode 57 looks at the need for prudence and mindfulness as we deal with COVID-19 and breaking free from sheltering-in-place.
Most of us have sheltered in place for over a month in the midst of this worldwide health crisis. Patience seems to be wearing thin for some. Our smaller lives are trying to overtake promises of the bigger experience. Episode 56 is about maintaining or reclaiming the notion that, as Mr. Spock said, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." When we really accept the premise that we are all in this together, let go of our controlling worried fears, and be patient, good things are bound to happen.
Imagine what the world could be like if we kept connecting with such generosity when this pandemic has abated. The love and compassion that is rising have overcome so many of our fears and worries as people reach out to help those who struggle and suffer.  Episode 55 looks at a hopeful new world in which God's love transcends our differences and a new creation, woven of one fabric, is born.
From our physical isolation and darkness of uncertainty come the promises of Easter, Even a pandemic of this proportion cannot dim the light of transformation. Good Friday always yields to love. From that, we will never be separated.  There is a prayer that springs forth from God and all the angels and saints to our hungry hears. Here I Am. We are never alone in our suffering.
It may be difficult to see that this global infection is re-forming and shaping us so we might be free from the bondage of self-absorption. Episode 53 looks at the descending road and hardest of times envisioning new beginnings and fresh starts. We can rise from the ashes. Perhaps this is the dawn of A New Greatest Generation.
So many of us have been sequestered at home for several weeks, sheltered in place by this deadly virus. Episode 52 offers up the idea of creating, developing, and recording your personal story. Planting the seeds of legacy by doing this will leave a gift like no other. What a great opportunity for all of us to share our true colors with those we love.
Along with this COVID-quarantine comes so much personal loss and suffering. Episode 51 explores how there might be a gift in our disappearing calmness. The transformation from controlling to powerlessness has long-lasting spiritual implications. Self-reliance gives way to universal reliance and empowerment yields to a higher power. For now, as we are all longing to be close, may we become more aware that God is right beside us.
I think we are all tired of being terrified. Episode 50 looks at the trauma that results from scarcity that goes way beyond empty aisles of toilet paper. There is a sense that we are in trouble, vulnerable, and out of control. This is a great time to take a deep breath and remember that we are surrounded by abundance. And that love always wins.
It’s true that our imaginations can create or destroy. Likewise, boredom can dull us out or inspire. Episode 49 explores how being hunkered down in quarantine can lead us to awfulizing outcomes during this health crisis. We need to reach out to elders, go the extra mile to connect with others at a distance and to maintain a great sense of humor.
The difficult times we are enduring can easily trigger a number of negative feelings and behaviors. Episode 48 is about Quarantine Depression and our ability to find the resilient zone where we are neither reactive nor impulsive. We can overcome the trials we face by making calm and rational decisions. Fear and Panic need never rule the day.
The Glass is only half-empty if you decide to look at it that way. When hard times and crisis situations present themselves, we need to take charge of our perspectives. Episode 47 offers a few ideas about approaching our disrupted lives with a bit of common sense, compassion, and even joy.  From grocery stores to family rooms, there are plenty of reasons to acknowledge a glass-half-full.
The COVID-19 health crisis has touched the lives of everyone. Even though we should stay positive, and not panic, it is dangerous to engage in happy talk denial. Episode 46 explores the nature of long-lasting trauma which could result if we maintain the false notion that everything is OK when it is not. We have a chance to reach out while being emotionally honest about our fears, worries, and hopes. The outcome might be a permanent change in how we treat each other.
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