A Peace of Advice

This a "Peace of Advice", podcast from the University of Oxford. Our goal is to share, summarise and introduce cutting edge research on conflict, peace and security to practitioners and the public.

Episode 7: Richard Caplan

Richard Caplan is Professor of International Relations and an Official Fellow of Linacre College. His principal research interests are concerned with international organisations and conflict management, with a particular focus on peacekeeping and 'post-conflict' peace- and state-building.


Episode 6: Jessica Di Salvatore and Lisa Hultman

Lisa Hultman is a Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University and investigates the impact of peace operations on conflict dynamics with a particular focus on violence against civilians. Relatedly, she also studies when and how the international community responds to (civil) war-related atrocities. Jessica Di Salvatore is an Associate Professor in Political Science and Peace Studies at the University of Warwick and examines the contributions of peacekeeping to state-building and post-conflict development. In addition, she also studies civil conflicts more broadly, especially ethnic civil conflicts.


Episode 5: Peace Medie

We chatted with Dr. Peace Medie about her latest book: Global Norms and Local Action: the campaigns to end violence against women in Africa. We discuss the importance of specialised mechanisms for handling Gender Based Violence crimes, the role of African culture and cultural actors in countering violence against women, and why domestic actors are crucial partners for international organisations hoping to institutionalise women’s rights. Dr. Medie’s responses are woven with powerful stories and sensitive nuance, making this longer-than-normal podcast, well worth a listen.


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