A Rare But Narrow Window

The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window for us to reflect and reimagine our food systems. During multiple episodes, this podcast will take you on a journey to discover the possibilities of a post-pandemic pathway for our world’s food system. Several speakers will engage you with their perspectives on “greatly resetting” our food system after the COVID-19 pandemic. A rare but narrow window indeed, but one that through such conversations can open many doors!

Episode 4 - Gustavo de L.T. Oliveira

dr. Oliveira’s intellectual formation is deeply interdisciplinary and transnational. Currently, he's joined the University of California – Irvine to collaborate in the establishment of the Department of Global and International Studies. His team recently got awarded $1 million to study the impact of COVID-19 on food supply chains. Today he speaks on behalf of his partner Dr. Li Zhang and their entire team. 


Episode 3 - Willem Lageweg

Today's episode revolves around my conversation with Willem Lageweg. He has always felt a strong connection with life and nature. As a farmer’s son, both his father and grandfather were active in the agricultural sector. Since his youth, he cannot help but thinking about the future of our planet and humanity. It is through his beliefs in responsibility and collaboration that he strives for the Netherlands to be amongst the top countries in corporate social responsibility and sustainability. He currently does so from his role as director of Transitiecoalitie Voedsel, a coalition of Dutch frontrunners in agriculture, food, nature, and health. 


Episode 2 - Frederike Praasterink

Frederike Praasterink is currently a professor in Future Food Systems at the HAS University of Applied Sciences. HAS University of Applied Sciences is a specialized knowledge and education institute in agriculture, food, and green environment. Before, she worked at the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Bhutan and the Philippines. Locally, she has started her farm of Christmas trees, where people can buy and return their trees to ensure that 10-15 years of growing these trees do not go to waste. 


Episode 1 - Volkert Engelsman

 In 1990, Volkert Engelsman and college friend Willem van Wijk started Eosta. Eosta is an international distributor of fresh organic and fair fruits and vegetables, with a focus on overseas fruit and greenhouse crop. Simultaneously, Eosta wants to contribute to healthy food, a sustainable environment and social responsibility.


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