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A User's Manual for the Human Experience
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A User's Manual for the Human Experience

Author: Michael W. Dean

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Learn to block and delete idiots from your life. Remove addiction to bad people, drugs, alcohol, government and more (WITHOUT MEETINGS!) Then use your new-found time and energy to MAKE A LIVING DOING WHAT YOU LOVE, like the author does.

A USER'S MANUAL FOR THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE is a libertarian manifesto for getting healthy, getting brilliant, maximizing potential and changing the world.

"Part intellectual memoir, part self-help book. Michael W. Dean's Practical Emotional Self-Defense (PESD) techniques flow from a wealth of life experiences, both positive and negative. 'The Only Two Rules in Life' have some radical, refreshing implications." --Jason Sorens, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY), founder of the Free State Project

"You owe yourself the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and put yourself in the court with this modern-day Socrates."
--Pastor Kenneth V. Blanchard, Sr., author of Black Man with a Gun

“I knew Michael Dean back in the day, when he was a 19-year-old punk rocker with an appetite for self-destruction. I honestly didn’t think he’d live to be 30. But guess what? It turns out that Michael isn’t just a survivor; he’s a survivor who’s learned how to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness after recovery. For everyone who wants to know how to stay sane, develop a great work ethic, and make a mark on the world, Michael Dean has a great story to tell."
--Professor Michael Bérubé, Ph.D. (Penn State), author of What’s Liberal About the Liberal Arts? and Life as We Know It

An anagram for "Michael Dean" is "Deal Machine," and that truly fits. Dean never sits on his laurels, and he's constantly working hard and well in new directions. Michael Wareham Dean is the author of the books "$30 Film School", "$30 Music School", "$30 Writing School", "Starving in the Company of Beautiful Women", "The Simple Pleasures of a Complex Girl", "DIY NOW! Digital Audio" and "YouTube: an Insider's Guide to Climbing the Charts."

He runs the libertarian pop-culture blog, Stink Fight.

Michael directed the films "Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll Be Better Tomorrow" and "D.I.Y. or DIE: How to Survive as an Independent Artist." Michael played guitar in the band The Beef People. He sang and played bass in Baby Opaque and Bomb (Warner Brothers).

Michael W. Dean and his wife Debra Jean Dean are both professional voiceover artists, and also run The Nestlandia Institute, a think tank. They live in an undisclosed location in Southern California with their three cats. They plan to move to a farm in rural Wyoming this fall.
23 Episodes
FOREWORD by Pastor Kenneth V. Blanchard, Sr., read by the good pastor. A hip Baptist preacher tells you why you don't have to be afraid of Michael Dean, even though Michael doesn't believe in Christ. And you also needn't be afraid that Michael believes in SOMETHING if you believe in NOTHING. This ain't about changing your mind, it's about improving your life. CHAPTER ONE, Greetings Eager Seeker, read by the author, Michael W. Dean. Michael explains what you're in for (it's all good!), how he teaches (more like a friend sitting next to you than like a textbook), and what this book is about (cutting deadwood out of your life, getting rid of bad patterns, habits, and people. Then we teach you how to work smarter once you’ve cleaned house).
Learn why our system makes life a fun "work in progress" rather than committing to hard lines that cannot change. Also we define our terms, Practical Emotional Self-Defense, Serenity Vampires, Soul Mosquitoes, LifeAmp, Organization Building, and more. We learn a little about all of these. We define "who this book is for" (hint: about 85% of the world, but not everyone.) We learn why Michael is qualified to write this book, and then begin to discover a bit of life-changing good stuff.
This is where it gets REALLY interesting! We learn why most laws are silly, and how most people have a codependence problem with government (as well as with toxic people). We learn that everything in life, in living right, really boils down to only TWO RULES, and that's all you need to live by. We cheerfully explore these rules at length: their history, their implementation and application. (We also learn a little about computer privacy, because that's the way Michael teaches. It's his view, it's ALL connected.) we're REALLY cookin'! We begin to learn all about dealing with squicky people, and we apply concepts of physical self-defense to emotional self-defense. You will learn not to get caught "unarmed" in an emotional gunfight. Also, and more importantly, you'll learn how to AVOID most emotional gunfights, and how to streamline your existence to keep weenies OUT of your life, even if the DEMAND to be there!
Learn why it is your Constitutional right not to have to listen to loud music you don't want to hear, not to have to put up with idiots, and to block HUMANS AND THEIR AGENDAS in civilized society that is a teeter-totter of give and take. We learn why HOME IS WHERE THE RIGHTS ARE, and learn to recognize and block MATH WORMS. Here we offer practical experience, strength and hope to live a life that has less of people imposing their will on you. And we begin to talk about how we will MAKE A LIVING DOING WHAT WE LOVE after we get rid of the idiots and problems that are avoidable. (And you will discover how to tell which problems really are avoidable, and which ones aren't.)
Examples of different tactics when dealing with good people, weenies, Serenity Vampires, and people from hell. Here we show you actual examples from the author's life (because this IS a teaching hospital!) on blocking and sidestepping the good, the bad, the ugly, and the criminal. We take you step by step, showing you what happened, what was done right, and what we would have done differently had we known what we know now. Each of the seven examples are in order of increasing hellishness, and you'll learn how to diffuse and avoid, including showing you which Cooper Code color level was involved.
So, what do you do if enforcing reasonable boundaries with a hard-core serenity vampire simply DOES NOT WORK? Well, if it's someone you never want to see again, you block them for good. But if it's someone you love, who you MIGHT want back in your life at SOME point, but now just isn't the time, you can institute a NO-CONTACT STRATEGY. It's only for certain types of situations (which we explain), and most be done in a specific way in order to work (ditto). The NO-CONTACT STRATEGY can save a relationship or end it for good, but it can sometimes be the ONLY thing that will help.
Chapter Our "grad school of recovery" from codependence, government, alcoholism and drug addiction. Topics covered: What is addiction? Eight lives spent. Why you won't die without the AA group. All you need to change the world is a resentment and a laptop. The laws of man vs. the Natural Law. Why the "WAR ON DRUGS" is a farce! How to recover, from anything, without meetings. Also: SIDESTEPPING RECIDIVISM.
Here we show how the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous were based on the four Spiritual Practices of The Oxford Group, which are based on the Natural Law, which is included in The Only Two Rules in Life.
Is life fair? Expectations are appointments with resentments. How to know the difference between apologies and amends (don't TELL them what you're going to do, ASK them what you can do). How to change your "playmates and playgrounds." How to avoid the bullies who "bump into you, spill their OWN milk, and then sue YOU for your lunch money." Becoming human. Giving back.
Dealing with death. Is something "God's Will"? Prayer. Pet therapy. The stunning majesty of cats and the healing power of beasts. How can you be sad? More ways of changing your ways. The uselessness of opinions. CUTTING OFF DAMAGED GOODS. Dealing with liars. If you falter, do not feel defeated, life is a moving target. My average day sober is far better than my average day loaded.
BULLIES AREN'T JUST PEOPLE WHO BEAT YOU UP. You are your own property. Anyone who invades your mind or wastes your time is trespassing and stealing. Even well-meaning mosquitoes who get in your way should never be tolerated. Even if they're family. Here we'll teach you how to outgrow ALL kinds of bullies once and for all.
Professional victims make a career out of reenacting their grief. Over and over. They do it in real time, too: relive each tear, each torment, and then "see the light", all as a tiny three-act play. They live on "redemption in the third act." And the more horrific the first two acts are, the more talk-show engagements they'll get, and the more books they'll sell. Learn how to spot and avoid all types of victimhood (professional AND amateur), and learn how to delete any victimhood in yourself. Your life will be much happier and more productive.
PART TWO OF BOOK: AMP This is where we step out of "get rid of weenies" mode and step into "now that you've got your life more in order, let's do something with it."   Learn to focus your drive and focus like a quantum laser. Here Michael W. Dean shares the techniques that have made him an in-demand modern renaissance man. You'll learn to apply these same techniques in your life.
On ProfessionalismBasically, a large part of being a success in the world is interacting with people in a professional manner. It's often the difference between being well employed and being unemployed. Here, Michael tells you step-by-step how to do this, whether you're making art, starting a business, or changing the world by developing a movement.
In this chapter, I'm going to give you some more of my patented work philosophy - some "punk rock cheerleading." Then we'll get down to business with some serious step-by-step time-management ideas (including The Dean One-Page Plan). You could skip the theory part and go straight to THE PLAN, but you know by now how I work, so you know I think it's all equally important. Besides, I'll also make sure it's all FUN.
Learn to be a light-on-your-feet WORK NINJA with the simplest time-management system in the world. And it's free, doesn't require ongoing software or seminars, and best of all, you can start doing it RIGHT NOW.
This chapter describes how the author came to make a living doing what he loves. Here we teach you how to love, rather than dread, waking up each day. It's all about making your mark without stepping on toes, now that you know how to keep the toes of others off yours.
"Group-dynamic games" are exercises where a "team building consultant" is hired to come into a company for a few days and lead employees through problem-solving exercises. The goal is to try and learn to work together more effectively. WE AREN'T GOING TO DO THAT. WE AREN'T PLAYING GAMES HERE. This is THE REAL DEAL. ORGANIZATION BUILDING is more about working with simple voluntary bylaws from the beginning. Using The Only Two Rules in Life with AA's 12 Traditions can be very effective for Org Building.
We continue to present ways to "herd cats" in any organization from the smallest to the biggest, from the local to the global (and beyond!). We also talk about priorities, fighting only the fights worth fighting (which is different from only fighting fights we can win). Also how to AVOID fights, even when working with people who disagree.