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A Woman's Guide to Making A Million

Author: Tale Teller Club

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A podcast for women who want to make their fortune from the book Memoirs of a Self-Made Millionaire read in conversation form.

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This podcast is designed to advise and encourage women around the world. It is based on the monologue style film and book of the same name.
Read by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA.

The Tale Teller Podcast Station is a Network of broadcasting for all ages and tastes with well-being and human endeavor at its core.

Our podcasts cover entertainment and education with literature and musical advancement as a running theme.

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43 Episodes
Your associations can destroy your business.Be prepared.hello money makers welcome to how to make a million or thereabouts i guess really wealth is relative isn't it and to just to make 10 pounds if you haven't got 10 pounds is like a wealth isn't it it's like a huge great wealth and we must bear that in mind actually that um all over the world the idea of wealth is very very different um even in a monetary sense the most basic sense you know 10 pounds can mean a lot in one country and for a little in another where the cost of living is very high exchange rates make a difference as well if you make a lot of money in a currency it could be very little in the currency that you need for example so all these things to sort of consider about wealth and i i recommend actually that you write down a list of the things that mean a lot to you in terms of um how you perceive wealth how you perceive success what you're prepared to do to get it and this brings me to today's broadcast which is actually about being very careful who you work with now this gets overlooked an awful lot but working with somebody who has a negative impact on your brand or somebody who's doing things that are illegal or somebody that isn't very nice or loses public favor etc can bring down your empire i was watching the murdoch documentary recently and just seeing i mean the guy was a crook of course he was an absolute crook and but the thing is everybody that you know worked with him was tarnished by their association with him whole newspaper empires were tarnished where and when you make the judgment call is very very important i would recommend that you don't gravitate towards anybody is a bit dodgy and the world is full of dodgy characters we gravitate towards them quite often we think oh it doesn't matter you know i'm not going to question too much what it is that they do i think you need to be a bit wise about that sunac was uh had a an episode this week in the uk over his wife who'd been living at number 11 downing street our uh you know the center domain as in home of government and yeah and she'd lived here she's lived as a british citizen she also has american citizenship and she's also avoiding tax by uh saying that she doesn't live here i mean how on earth look you can't really criticize people when there's a loophole they're taking advantage of you know this should be sorted out in in legal terms loopholes are there to be taken advantage of we're all looking for a leap hole a loophole rather so i'm not suggesting that she shouldn't have done that what i am suggesting is that her husband shouldn't have associated with his own wife in in those terms they should have done something other you know maybe she should have got away for two months of the year or something or we don't however it is going to take advantage of a loophole why are you on earth would he do that what i'm saying here is it was very bad judgment for him very very bad judgment and this is my point today be careful look closely when you're embarking on some sort of business liaison or business relationship with somebody i mean you know they're married how how could he possibly avoid that well they're not taking proper advantage of the loophole by living in the center of london full time a complete lack of judgment there a foolish oversight if that's what it was i mean personally i think he might have to resign from it but this goes way deep way deep if you're starting to trade in gold and i'm not talking about the markets here i'm talking about you know hard gold be careful who you're buying from you know be very very wary about your source because you that could bring you down you could end up in jail for a start be very um vigilant check out your you know somebody comes to you and and this is what happens you don't seek these people out they seem to land on your doorstep i've done it several times actually in my life somebody's landed on me figuratively speaking either through the internet or whatever and suddenly they've got a proposition and suddenly i've been careless about the proposition who it who they are and what they're doing and their spurious internet presence you have to be vigilant making money is all about vigilance now if you know that this person has comes with some intel integral dangers or some dubious integrity and you you make a decision after that fact to liaise with them to use them etc that's fair enough you take risks that that's a decision that you've done you've made on purpose you've assessed you've decided the risk is worth it and you're going forward with it but if you sort of accidentally on purpose ignored it or thought oh i don't really want to know so i'm not going to you know inquire you can inquire without inquiring to their face you don't have to ask them because they're going to lie probably but you can inquire through other means the more money you're making the easier it is to inquire hire a private detective you can pay to you know you can pay for websites that look into things more closely you can usually churn up something if you're prepared to dig deeper private investigators will do that for you so there we go that's my tip for today be aware be aware of who you're associating with certainly be aware if you're making business deals with dodgy persons
hi guys welcome to the uh the show for women millionaires i'm not sure if i'm allowed to say millionaire s's anymore i i think it's politically incorrect probably so millionaires who happen to be ladies and why ladies because ladies have to think a little bit out of their boxes to become a millionaire and that's because the world makes it very hard for us because the world is filled with misogyny and uh a nicer way i suppose of being misogynistic caring men but it's misogyny and they like us to be told what to do told when to speak and not to have enough money so that we can be free um i'm generalizing of course but let's face it we know it's true so what's my tip for today well actually i've got i've got a lot of tips for you today i don't have just one the the main thing today i think that i do need to tell you is that since february my cryptocurrency investment portfolio has um gone down by 25 approximately these are approximate figures um and i saw a big low yesterday and today a little bit of an increase i mean really it's because of the russian um threat for european peace threat to european peace the markets really do overreact so you have to just bite the bullet and wait there's no point panicking unless you've you know you need to get that money out then obviously have your panic but um i think we've done another broadcast where i've suggested that you know the only way you should be investing is is if you can think about the long term because short-term investing is you you might as well go to ladbrokes and and place a bet um so you know a month's decline um actually it's not a month it's two weeks two weeks decline so you know that's that's a very short space of time in terms of investment um in another two weeks i may well be 25 up again or 50 up we can't tell when the market has got used to putin throwing his toys out the pram we may well see a change so um anyway let's have a little think about the things that we can do during a recession or when the cost of living goes up or when there's a bloody war on um you know i've spoken before about um how people make money in in war and it's and also the pandemic if we consider that was a bit of a war so that it's the people who are making the equipment the masks masks make it mask makers ppe that's protection clothing for hospitals and of course the injections never believe that just because the government are giving them to you free um that somebody isn't making a lot of money out of them of course they are but we don't all have access to that i certainly don't i don't um i mean i wish i'd perhaps launched a range of masks early on a lot of my friends did because i know i know designers you see i mean i tend to be in the art side of mass production and uh a few of my friends did launch their own these things are um you know you've what did you have a two-year market but if you'd come up with the right design at the right price you'd have had two years of sales but of course it comes to an end because the covet has come to an end um certainly i think it would have been worth doing a recycle recycled and recyclable mask that was easily washed uh etc and didn't stink because some of them were disgusting weren't they so what goes what sells well well there's quite a few unusual things that uh i've come across that so well i mean obviously the staples we know that the staples so well um you know bread and butter sort of foods actually not butter because this butter is actually a luxury but you know what i mean um but interestingly camping gear now how interested how interesting is that well it's basically because people can't afford to go on holidays but they still want to go on holiday so so they do the the sort of home front camping um although the cheaper option the um do-it-yourself holiday as it were so that's something to bear in mind now how how would you get into that market what about i was thinking about sleeping bags some kind of sleeping bag recycled i'm really thinking about that for my business um car parts what of course now what we're going to have is going to be a big change in i mean if we if we end up um with a a warring russian um what i don't know it won't be a skirmish would it probably be a bit bigger than that but you know where our gas and petrol is going to be adversely affected so i would reckon that pretty soon uh all cars are going to be especially ones that run on petrol they're going to need repairs people are going to want to keep them so they're going to need all the spare parts so that's something to bear in mind if you don't mind getting dirty because it is quite dirty isn't it but i do know someone who made an awful lot of money out of mats for the cars they designed the mats with your feet go on and so that might be worth looking into some sort of smaller accessory um that perhaps doesn't do one car just of various cars um so i thought i found that quite interesting actually um so thinking about what is going to be sought after in five years time is a really good way of considering your options i would say coffee and tea always always uh big sales and no matter what sort of recession or cost of living is happening now we can already get coffee and tea but you could do a rebrand okay so you could buy your coffee in and do a rebrand for your own uh niche market you know tupperware who'd have thought tupperware that's amazing a tupperware if you don't know what it is it's that plastic stuff with lids that you store food in so i assume tupperware and tupperware equivalents not just tupperware and that's because again people are storing food they're not chucking away so much food so or they're you know making job lots in the in the old slow cooker and i would say moving slightly sideways from tupperware i would say cookbooks budget cookbooks budget blogs budget cookbooks how to save money advice ebooks with um saving money tips etc all of that as tupperware all the same sort of thing isn't it sweet always sell cadbury cadburys and uh in 2008 for uh during the crash uh nestle went up by 11 and cadbury by 30 so um people turn to chocolate they turn to comfort food as long as it's affordable and anything that's under a pound is pretty affordable makeup now there there's a term called the lipstick effect and that's where people can't afford to buy expensive fur coats but they do buy lipstick so they go for the cheaper glamour cheap glamour yeah that's quite interesting isn't it sort of um saturday ch cheap hoe dressing saturday night out well you know what what can you if you're a seamstress perhaps and you or you're a designer and you want to get something out there what's affordable but gives that um effect the glamour effect yeah pet care this is very interesting um the pet industry broke a hundred uh billion dollars in 2020. that and a 6.7 increase over 2019 that's amazing well of course we were all at home and lots of people were buying dogs because they were unfortunately the knock-on effect of that now is that people are handing them back into um rescue centers very very sad actually um so perhaps you know i i'm not going to suggest that pet care products are still going to boom i'm not sure but according to records duringtimes of strife pet care products go up in sales so there we go home entertainment that's movies tv video games i mean that's kind of obvious isn't it people are so desperate for some escapism um so i i would suggest sort of anything media based anything that uh offers some suspension from reality and books by the same virtue you know kindle kindle books so much competition of course so you have to i would suggest do something quite niche people still wear clothes um i think you know budget clothes or clothes that last are becoming very attractive today uh especially during time you know as we're all so much more aware of eco issues etc so so clothing's still a pretty good gamble really or or not so much a gamble you know but all businesses are gambled darlings products people still have babies and even in difficult times they still have babies um non-fiction baby books or children's books 66 rise in 2020. i mean that's that's amazing isn't it 66 wow of course lots of people were home educating because of the pandemic so again that there might be a you know decrease in that figure now however i do think that home education or home support with you know by parents is um is something that's growing generally and i think the pandemic told that to people it uh brought it to people's attention that actually they could do a lot of stuff at home and for that reason i would i'd take a punt on educational but fun books which is sort of what i do actually food and drink people comfort with candy as we said or sweets sweets we say in england luxury goods like cosmetics and fancy food and drinks are still cheaper than dining out now everyone still wants to get pie eyed and in fact during the recession i know alcoholism went rocketed and it's quite interesting because i i wasn't really drinking i'm not a home drinker this is a a very interesting fact i mean the prospect of sitting at home drinking to me is quite grim but lots of other people were you know bored absolutely beside themselves #crypto #millionaireshandbook #lifehacks #guru #makemoney #succeed #juggling #businessplan #overtrading #taletellerclub #freeaudiobook #freepodcasts #talkingbooks #selfhelp #businesstips #economics #planning #success #goals
I am seriously looking at Powerledger today. Here is an excerpt from their Whitepaper....hi folks welcome to granny crypto now what's been happening i was reading today something about um the the weekend effect and that's a concept a phenomenon where um weird stuff happens at the weekend with the crypto uh with the investments i no you know uh not just crypto investments this is the the general markets whereby bad news on a friday can affect what people do on a monday and therefore affect um uh investments and rises and uh declines i was quite interested in that because i i really felt that um the weekend i i was wondering you know should i even broadcast on the weekend but i mean things do happen at the weekend but i think if you're doing this for a bit of fun and you're not actually using real money you're using the dummy versions we'll talk about that in a second and the weekend's a great time to sit and play around and have a look and learn your um your new skills um so i'm going to do them i'm going to do the weekend things but let's before we do any of that let's have a look at what's up and what's down um i was you know bitcoin i was looking into it and i thought was had a bad week how do i feel about that regarding you know buying any more um but bitcoin is the most stable um it's the the longest running um i i've got a feeling that bitcoin is more reliable um than a lot of the others the rising uh stars and there are an awful lot of them trying to be you know quite bullish they're trying to be um you know to get in on the act um and there are a lot of people supporting a lot of things just through absolute greed and you've got that's why you have to be so careful and it's really a sort of self-feeding animal so you know a bunch of people a bunch of very greedy people um support this uh rather um it's a fantasy thing as it doesn't even exist yet it's not even a currency they're neither trying to create it so they're getting all all the money they can to support it um but even they don't know you know even they don't know and it's all business and the thing with business even if you've got a tiny little thing you want to launch and create um it's a bit like in inventing something new and trying to create it as uh turn it into a necessity or a need for people and so you've got all these people that are supporting you because they are going to feed off it um and you know you've got so you're getting your advertising all done for it and you're getting all your celebrities saying yes it's really wonderful you must do it and um and you've got all the support you can but actually bottom line it it just it could just fail and because you know the markets are so incredibly volatile who know none of us can guarantee what's going to succeed and what's not and in that respect i just think bitcoin might be um have some favorable um advantages because it is the longest running um uh version that we can you know really invest in and feel a bit safer in but despite their losses this week and i'm not saying obviously the disclaimer's coming um this is just a bit of fun um you you can do a dummy uh run uh not on my i use coinbase um but i know my brother does uh uh sort of experimental ones and he uses a dummy account um for the you know the gold markets and um you can just pretend i don't know if they do it for crypto um but the dummy accounts are quite good because they you you you're on a steep learning curve and you're you know working out if coffee or oil is um is worth investing in or whatever etc so i'll do that next week for us i think um and i'll do us a dummy run so we'll start off with our pretend amount and we'll take it from there i don't think they did that you know they do that for the crypto i'm not i could be wrong i'll investigate but you know my fiverr which i invested in in crypto granny's five pounds um has done quite well this week so let's see what's up and what's down well for in regards to my um personal portfolio internet computer up seven percent it's been increasing all week so i'm quite pleased about that icp is the uh the shorthand for them um bitcoin the loss today is less than the loss this earlier in the week uh naught point four two percent um stella down polygon matic i was so hopeful for them down um but i'm patient s down uh fet down amp down now i i got those because of if you go into coinbase they give you a little learning um they give you pocket money if you answer some questions so no great losses to speak of but it's still not nice to see a minus and a red figure um so that's uh that's my personal portfolio today let's have a look at more general things um and who's up and who's down well i've been looking at power ledger and they're the greatest increase today now they're linked to energy and i'll do some inquiries but i think they may well be linked to clean energy which excites me greatly so i might actually um you know i might advise that you have a look at them and see what they're up to um power ledger powr is their abbreviation and they're they're the only the one ahead uh on the list of increases above internet computer which of course is part of our portfolio here so i i think i might have a little look and see um if you know anything for me with clean energy is very attractive because of course i'm you know i'm a designer and i've i have my um in my eco range so that mean that maybe something that i could work on um and also with uh you know the discovery that nfts were so unclean if you like that the blockchain was so so very heavy with nfts um looking for investments that are a little bit greener so i'm going to have a look at those today so i can tell you tomorrow if if they're perhaps um something we should look at in terms of you know eco and sustainability issues internet computer is second on the list of increases increased in value today 7.13 very nice very attractive uh chain link there up assemble protocol asm up for 4.2 percent um wrapped lunar token perpetual protocol up and another increases are quite small of course that's nothing to go by and then um no no change for paxos and rye reflex index and then we then we start uh looking at the the big losers so let's just have a look at the losers kyber network uh 17 minus lcx of 13 minus ribbon finance i don't think too much would change from yesterday cosmos atom down again i had my eye on those well there we go what can i say let's see if we can find uh anything else that i've i've been looking at no i don't think so so well that's a little bit to look at isn't it i i will um on our behalf have a look at go and look at the power ledger white paper um you can you can click on all these um people you can find out about them internet computer i'm going to go well i did read their bump but um it was very granny complicated so uh i didn't really understand it i just wish above all that i could access somebody who could tell me these things in plain english actually i might ask a friend i've gotta i might ask my brother he perhaps he can explain these things things to me i could write some notes do you know what i like i like the to explain things in plain english using because i'm an artist i work with visual things and creative uh pictorial um concepts pictures i like pictures so if i can just think of um money as you know cups of tea or cake i find that a lot easier so i might have a meeting with my brother who's uh clearly um not like well i say clearly well he's not you wouldn't know but he's not like that and he he's a money man you know he does he's in finance and things and um he always does my accounts for example and he likes figures um i might try and see if we can have some sort of um translation uh the translation of coffee so he can tell me exactly what's going on and i can draw pictures about it and then i can tell you guys um so that i think that's it for today do join me tomorrow for for monday and we'll see if there's a that monday feeling um in the markets and try and understand it all a bit better....' Energy trading between citizens brings humanity to the energy system.Instead of faceless traders hedging their positions, Citizen Utilities return profitsto communities, incentivize community investments in generating assets, andallow the sharing or gifting of energy.Ultimately, as dynamic distributed energy markets become mainstream, theowners of DERs can earn an income, not just from the energy they sell but fromthe network services they provide such as frequency and voltage control, loadshifting, load shaping and load sinking.EVs will become the back-up power source of choice as the owners of EVsmonetize their spare energy, not through selling kilowatt hours but by sellingresilient access to the lifestyles we take for granted.In aspiring communities building modern economies through electrification,citizen-owned microgrids are a leap in technology that by-passes the mistakesof the past and supports the development of low-cost, low-carbon, anddemocratic power systems in towns and gated communities all over thedeveloping world.In modern cities, Neo-retailers, the new species of innovati...'I really like all of these sentiments and feel they fit better with my fellowship goals at the Royal Society of Arts as well as my creative goals with the new range of eco dresses.
Losses with the big guns but the small fry are gtowing.
good morning internet welcome to crypto news so what's going on well ethereum and bitcoin both down today about the same about six oh just over six percent almost seven percent down um so look out for those now good news polygon matic that's up but that's a lot of the nfts are using the polygons so i've got my eye on that actually internet computer up good news look not great gains four percent two percent respectively um lots of losses again with uh internet icp internet computer down be careful with that um cheering use cosmos atom they're up 20 percent that's what it's a nearly 21 what a great increase now i've got my eye on those um kyber network up quite a bit 15 healthy gains quant 16 healthy gains so if you have a hunt around you can actually see um there are some this isn't all bad news but you know obviously obviously it depends where you've put your money um be careful ribbon finance really watch that alchemics watch that immutable difficult um down six percent um so the overall the market today is very seems to be very um up and down from day to day hour to hour up and down this is the problem with crypto perhaps it's time to invest in some more um traditional stable um currencies so i'll be looking at gold and silver and um you know the the more um the thing you see the thing with cryptos it's all over the place and you know they're artificially inflating crypto every day every minute that doesn't mean so you can't make money darlings of course you can i'm just here to share the news be it good or bad join me tomorrow for more granny crypto#grannycrypto #nonfungibletoken #nft #nfttrader #nonfungible #digitalassets #contract #token #smart #vapor #eth, #ethereum #deed #erc721 #vapor #collectors #portfolio #ethereum #opens #tokens #blockchain #investments #art #goddamnmedia #bitcoin #polygon #ethereuminvesting #tips #crypto #sarniadelamare #tips #financial #secrets, #finance #money #industry #tech #production #makingmoney #wealth #futures #deregulation #unregulated #economies #freemarket
What is up and what is down on the assets trade accounts today.Disclaimer...just a bit of fun, I am not a qualified broker.#investments #crypto #millionaireshandbook #lifehacks #guru #makemoney #succeed #juggling #businessplan #overtrading #taletellerclub #freeaudiobook #freepodcasts #talkingbooks #selfhelp #businesstips #economics #planning #success #goals
Sarnia attempts to get behind the hype and find out what all the noise is about.It is proving a minefield BUT, practice makes perfect, just like her cello!Join Sarnia each day with the news of her investments and what else is happening in the new virtual world of art and money.#nonfungibletoken #nft #nfttrader #nonfungible #digitalassets #contract #token #smart #vapor #eth, #ethereum #deed #erc721 #vapor #collectors #portfolio #ethereum #opens #tokens #blockchain #investments #art #goddamnmedia #bitcoin #polygon #ethereuminvesting #tips #crypto #sarniadelamare #tips #financial #secrets, #finance #money #industry #tech #production #makingmoney #wealth #futures #deregulation #unregulated #economies #freemarket
Some great advice for anyone starting out and wanting to get in on the action.There is a lot of hype so let's break it all down for dummies.#nonfungibletoken #nft #nfttrader #nonfungible #digitalassets #contract #token #smart #vapor #eth, #ethereum #deed #erc721 #vapor #collectors #portfolio #ethereum #opens #tokens #blockchain #investments #art #goddamnmedia #bitcoin #polygon #ethereuminvesting #tips #crypto #sarniadelamare #tips #financial #secrets, #finance #money #industry #tech #production #makingmoney #wealth #futures #deregulation #unregulated #economies #freemarket
A free recording from the penthouse with Sarnia who is just starting as an art dealer in this market.Investing in Digital Assets, crypto and NFTs, what is the hype? Free Audiobooks with Sarnia. what do we know so far and is it safe?Follow Sarnia's journey toward building an investment portfolio in the arts and using cryptocurrencies to do so.#nonfungibletoken #nft #nfttrader #nonfungible #digitalassets #contract #token #smart #vapor #eth, #ethereum #deed #erc721 #vapor #collectors #portfolio #ethereum #opens #tokens #blockchain #investments #art #goddamnmedia #bitcoin #polygon #ethereuminvesting #tips #crypto #sarniadelamare #tips #financial #secrets, #finance #money #industry #tech #production #makingmoney #wealth #futures #deregulation #unregulated #economies #freemarket
one of the hardest things about launching something new a project or a an invention or an idea is understanding its pitfalls and seeing the bad things about it and the thing is when it's because we're passionate we're usually especially if it's our idea we thought about this night after night you know in the in the darks we small dark hours with imagining its future and this is really good actually it's a really good um thing that all the millionaires that i know have understood that um imagining themselves in certain scenarios enables these things to happen you sort of have control over your future if you see yourself in these positions but it's a vision it's a very tried and tested technique it's called visualizing and when you have these um dreams and sort of fantasies about your future success they are much easier um to uh control and and to make happen than if you know if you can't see yourself as a successful person you never will be so so on the one hand it's really good to see all that but you know the the idea of a product being good for launch is that you've ironed out all the pitfalls the negative factors and it's quite hard to do when you're so involved there are various ways that you can um have a look at your item or your concept in a more objective fashion and the biggest one which a lot of you know marketing people do um highly successful businesses and there's a you know american coffee shop so they're always doing it on the high street you know they market research they take people in to a hall and they give them samples and they ask them lots of questions and they fill forms in and it's it's a sort of tried and tested method actually for getting feedback cinemas do it as well quite often about an ending and a book draft you know it can go to a few readers um to to see if they enjoyed the ending or the process whatever um but you may not have the money to do that you may you may think that your product isn't suitable for that sort of testing and there are lots of products that aren't suitable for that some products are time sensitive some products um need to be spread out over a month or six months or a year and you know that sort of market research wouldn't wouldn't work you can't say to people what do you think would happen if if you had this facility um it's very gray area so there are there are some other things you could do and one of them is role play and it's it's quite interesting to do this so um act as if you are the customer and the easiest way actually to do this is to film yourself talking about your product and then to play it back and it sounds such a simple idea but when you do that you act as an onlooker you become the viewer not the maker the creator but you've put yourself in this sort of artificial situation you can really start to see the pitfalls and you can look at yourself and you can think well that doesn't make sense or that's a stupid idea or that i can see the failings in it so that's a really useful tool actually to to do that and you can do that as many times as you like you know every time you massage your creation you can do another film about it so sort of imagine that you're in dragon's den but don't imagine it in your head actually film it it's much better to film it than it is to leave it all in your mind because your mind's eye plays lots and lots of tricks on you and your ears also play tricks on you another way of doing it is to um imagine and debilitate yourself in in some way so for example if you were making uh i mean this is an obvious one but if you are making something for the blind um put a blindfold on you know i mean that sounds so obvious but it's funny that some people wouldn't even do that and that's crazy but how easy is that to do um you could lose one of your other senses you could become deaf and just use your vision that's a really useful one if you've created something or creating something for the elderly perhaps um you know tie up a hand just have one hand just have two fingers um tie your legs together you know these sort of things are really excellent ways of doing your own little bit of market research and you'd be surprised at the problems that you know come up when you when you do this sort of role play it's absolutely amazing you can really adjust things and there's a knock-on effect you know just because uh you didn't you couldn't see it there was also some other thing that came up that was very interesting so analyzing you know doing your own cheap it's very cheap to do this yourself you know you don't have to employ a team of marketeers or marketing personnel to to do that you don't have to um do a soft launch and see how things go soft launches are very very time hungry they they use a lot of time and energy and because they're experimental by their nature they're not giving back uh particularly um lucrative rewards unless you're very very lucky and so that that sort of experimentation you've got to be careful of it and this goes also for um you know if you're doing something online you think i'm going to because the the idea of google is that google likes established businesses um google is very cautious if you're a fly-by-night google waits to check your progress before it invests in you so you know doing soft launches and then completely changing things isn't such a great idea your your soft launch shouldn't be too soft and you should be fairly um assertive about your future so for example the the importance of your brand your name can't be overemphasized because if you suddenly after six months of google presence change it you've wasted six months you're actually going back to square one and this works for rs as feeds um you know anything that uh a permalink a permalink on your site that you change a page on your website that you erase very dangerous ground because you what you're doing is you're wasting all the previous uh time and effort that you've you know built with google but the other thing is anyone who's shared your links will lose faith in you and anywhere where you've put your links um your you know all your social media and everything all your tweets what have you will be waste you know they're worse than wasted because bad backlinks are the curse the curse of the modern business person um so so really these things all need to be thought of you know in it well in advance of um you know the proper launch as it were um so yes there we go uh be try and experiment yourself at home you know within your office in your studio i like the recording idea a lot i like the presentation idea because you know when i come up with a new thing i i'll i'll talk to myself in the mirror to start off and you you already get a sense of what's working and and what just sounds rubbish um because the selling isn't just about zeal anymore we're all zealous the the internet is filled now with people because we've all become so good in front of a um a selfie stick you know and we can be that person that really excitable energized person but actually you know beyond that have you got a good idea
Be Careful, be aware, be in control.Tale Teller Club Music - Spreaker Teller Kids™ (podcast) - Listen Notes "Tale Teller Club" on the Spaces by Wix AppTale Teller Club Songs - GaanaBlack Jeans by Tale Teller Club Dance Track Made on A PhoneTale Teller Club - Give in to the Pain | Play on AnghamiTale Teller Club | Musescore.comTale Teller Club Music - Music Podcast | PodchaserTale Teller Kids™ | Podcasts on Audible#women #millionaireshandbook #lifehacks #guru #makemoney #succeed #juggling #businessplan #overtrading #taletellerclub #freeaudiobook #freepodcasts #talkingbooks #selfhelp #businesstips #economics #planning #success #goals
A recording of Resolve, Key to Motivating Your Dreams of Wealth and Sustaining Momentum Free Audiobook, by Sarnia de la maré Frsa, Art dealer, Writer, and Composer.more podcasts are available on our main site #millionaireshandbook #lifehacks #guru #makemoney #succeed #juggling #businessplan #overtrading #taletellerclub #freeaudiobook #freepodcasts #talkingbooks #selfhelp #businesstips #economics #planning #success #goals
the idea that women are independent entities and free forms is a myth in actual fact because what happens to women the minutes we're born is we're completely and utterly subjectively constructed so we're only seen as how other people see us and these references are very shallow definitions so from birth we are constructs of other people's opinions how pretty we are is the first one a beautiful bonnie baby um and it that goes on and the older a girl gets the more that continues and if you um if there's any deviation from the pretty girl it becomes problematic very very early on so the tomboy or the aggressor um bossy all these words and this still goes on this is so um so much part of the evolution of femininity that it's um it may never we may never get rid of it um we need to learn to manipulate it and lots of women do lots of women work in the arena of their their bodies their public images their sexuality their you know how they are perceived is the only market that they work in and there's nothing wrong with that that's absolutely fine but the issue really happens when we have to step away from these uh artificial structures of of who we are these artificial um images of the frame the frame the frame that we are seeing within when we need to move out of the frame when we need to become a moving target um and the reason that we do that very often is because this artificial construct if you want to make money is going to be a curtailing factorso a lot of the women that i've interviewed who have made money have had to step away from these ideas of their public image and when i say public i don't necessarily mean public as in you know the public media i'm just talking about your image actually presented publicly to anyone so even if it was one person you know your family your husband your child um your uh wider family the people you work for um this is all counted in this instance as the public and stepping away from the frame is something that's it's quite rare to do it but it has such an advantage when it comes to being a successful entrepreneur successful entrepreneurs are generally not in a frame they've stepped out of it a long time ago and these frameworks um very often are uh you know the standardized feminine ideal uh the um you know the nurturer the team player uh the the good lover the tolerate the tolerating um or the i mean toleration is a relative term but women are perceived as more tolerant and they are expected to be more tolerant um good mothers good teachers this is a big one the teaching because you know if if you've stepped away from the maternal frame there is still an expectation that you will be a good teacher and for that reason you are more likely to be controlled by perceptions of you as being a good teacher what happens if you're a rubbish teacher what happens if you're a rubbish team player what happens if you're a terrible mother and stepping out of these frames the women that i've interviewed who have been successful very often they step aside and it becomes an oblique reference um they know it's there they can step into it as and when they want so they can play these roles and it it's almost as if the successful entrepreneur female entrepreneur has several frames around them and they can pick and choose when to step inside them or they can eradicate them completely now eradicating the frame of how people perceive you is it's very brave because without the frame it's for women especially without that frame it's quite difficult to know who you are what are you if you're not any of these traditional accepted ideals of woman what's left well there's an awful lot left actually and this is where successful women often um you know take take control of things and are not caring about how they're perceived so does it matter if you're if does it matter if you're butch does it matter if you're a terrible mother does it matter if you're um if you're if you don't want to teach anyone does it matter if you're greedy all of these things and you'll find that a lot of the women that i've interviewed for the book actually have said that letting go of um the constraints of being viewed negatively is one thing but that's almost separate to actually stepping right away from the framework so that it no longer not only if you step to you don't care what people say but it no longer becomes part of your life your existence because you don't reference yourself by it so um you know for example if i say i'm i'm a 59 year old woman therefore i i don't reference myself as an 18 year old woman why would iso you know getting because it because it's not a factor so getting rid of factors that have have been that affected this framework that you'll see that you see yourself in i mean it's quite a philosophical thing um but getting rid of it where it's not relevant is one step above not caring what people think of you because care you know even by not caring you're still referencing the frame do you seeand for women it's much harder it's much harder because the reason it's harder is because we're not expected to be such good entrepreneurs so you know it's not that um in other arenas it wouldn't be important i'm not but i'm not here to talk about um how you're perceived in other parts of your life i'm just here to talk about being an entrepreneur and being a successful uh moneymaker so stepping out of the frame is part of your journey what happens if you're working in an industry where you have to be a teacher what happens well you're not going to make money as a teacher of course you're not but you you could make money launching a new um system of training you know and remember anything that you can mass produce is going to make you money but you need the means of production that's a given we know that you're not going to make millions with one thing but you might make millions with a million of them um so this uh means that you know for the traditional teaching one to one or one to thirty kids you won't make money but if you can mass produce the ideology or the this um you know the syllabus or the teaching aid or the you know whatever it is then then you could but do you need to be a teacher for that do you need to have teachering techniques tutoring style if you've already made it if you've already designed your your um you know your thing i mean i'm struggling with words here because it's not my bag but you know do you does it matter if you're a rubbish teacher but if you are a good teacher of course that would have helped you design this syllabus in the first place or this technique for teaching or this you know very often people who come up with new methods have very often come up through the ranks but quite quite often they weren't very good at it they're much better at designing new systems or or mass producing an idea it does it's a bit like being a doctor but having terrible bedside manner and so you know you go into research and you're brilliant at it so it it sort of might come from that it might stem from the same place but it um you know you were you can be rubbish at something and still make millions out of it but you what you need to do is come out of it come out of the frame and think about the money and the the mass production um so there are lots of examples of this um so what you don't you hate toddlers can't bear them and you never wanted children but you've got this really good idea for a nursery education some sort of franchise um that you know utilizes some sort of volunteer and you know blah blah whatever it doesn't matter that you didn't that you can't be seen in this frame of perfect mother now the idea that your face your persona this image that's in this frame is really important for your business is mostly a bit of a myth nobody care if if you're producing something especially if it's data based you know if you're doing something that's just all about data um all about it nobody no one in the whole entire world is going to care who you are or what you look like really it's or it's irrelevant so you don't need to market an image actually this idea that you've got to market an image um when you're starting out i mean later on when you if you if you go public your company goes public and then you have to be seen to be a certain thing you could be seen about the place doing things yeah obviously we're not talking about that we're talking about get getting your first million getting stuff off the ground it's not dependent on your reputation at this current time that's not to say that you can't you can go around doing god awful things and then you know it's not going to come back on you of course it is don't be tweeting stuff that think we did a lecture about this actually you know always think about your future self or your is your future self going to um be possibly um concerned because you told someone very publicly that they were a fat to be arch well yes don't do it you know think ahead but i'm not so much talking about that i'm talking about you know the framework of the the perfect woman that's really what we're talking about here today so you don't have to be perfect to make money at all and you don't have to really think about attaining perfection in terms of uh traditional feminine um ideals of self you know this this mirror that you're looking in uh don't don't look in the mirror yet you don't need it you worry about you know you can worry about other people's perceptions of you later in life when you um when you have made absolute millions i mean there are women anyway who there are lots of millionaire women who we've never heard of and there'd be no need to hear of them because they're dealing in you know dollars and data and revenues and investments and profits why would you hear about these women why would you care if they were terrible drivers if they can't park why would you care if they were barren why would you care if they'd been to prison you know all of these thi
Notes from a book by a millionairessAuto Texthello ladies welcome to my podcast so i wanted to talk to you today about health mental and physical and how important it is to be in peak health when you're trying to make your first million ill health is debilitating it's kind of obvious but that's not to say you can't be the person that you're trying to be if you're disabled or you have a chronic illness that's not true but what you do need to be is in the best possible health each day that you can possibly reach now for me personally that means my vitamins my supplements and enough exercise to keep me slim enough to be active you know you're you're going to struggle if you've got problems with weight and you're preoccupied with them and you're going to struggle if you've got um if you're you know if you've got cancer you're and you're going through treatment you're going to struggle but that's not to say you can't do this you can but you need to be as best you can every morning when you wake up okay regarding mental health this is even more important i would say because if you're feeling down if you're feeling got out if you're feeling paranoid if you're feeling you know self-loathing self-hatred or any of these things that's going to get in the way of your project remember the project here is making your first millionso how do you make sure your health is on par we don't abuse your body and you don't abuse your mindso it takes a strong mind not a passive mind remember that a passive mind will not succeed so you have to be in the morning when you wake up or whenever it is you wake up i i'm not here to tell you how what um facility you're going to use to make your first million it may be that you work nice you may be a stripper you may be in the adult sex industry um you may be running a club you may be working nights to supplement um the project the business i don't know that's irrelevant but whenever you wake up you need to be in peak condition the peak condition that you can be in you don't need to be an alien here you just need to be as best you canso exercise is really really important but don't go mad with it don't get distracted by it we'll do another broadcast about social media and judgment it's a really big thing don't judge yourself don't beat yourself up because you you know you didn't go for a jog yesterday that's not what i mean here that's not what i mean if you're not getting out and getting much exercise just cut your fat you know balance it all it's all about understanding how the temple works that your body is your temple okay we've been through a lockdown i think a lot of us realized actually that the impact of lack of exercise and bad food you know what that can do to us but more than that what that can do to your ambition is huge absolutely huge so get yourself a treadmill if you can't go out get yourself um an exercise program um you know you can you can watch the footsie you can watch the business tv while you're on your treadmill you can you can work while you're exercising in a lot of situations you know um you can certainly do a lot of internet activity while you're you know doing some sort of um physical exercise this is great time of life the technical technological advancement um that has enabled us to multitask now we're good at multitasking aren't we and i'm i'll be doing another broadcast about spreading yourself too thin but i'm just giving you tips so that you can't give yourself excuses about why you're not in tip-top condition okay so mentally you need to be at this peak that i talk of and you need to sustain it so what that means actually for for women is that you need to be alert and you mustn't be tired if you're struck with a head cold dose up split your work into doable sections little parts okay it doesn't matter what stage of growth you were at this is still going to apply break things up so that you're staying healthy you know even from the eye exercises you know from looking looking at a phone up for six hours it's not good for you so you need to understand what how your body is going to peak how your eyes are going to peak how your brain is going to peak rule of thumb think back to uni they told us to if you went to uni they told us to break every 20 minutes look out the window stand up stretch it still applies same thing this is this ideology this um method it's so easy to follow but so easy to forget okay so you don't want to be you know curled over a computer or what you know whatever job you're doing you don't want to be pushing it and you want to be resting and you want to attack things in small bite-sized pieces and where you can you want to delegate so if your health means that there are certain things you can't do you need to delegate those things you should get some someone else to do it you need to get some help now i'll be doing another podcast about help there's no such thing as free help so be careful when you delegate be very careful make wise choicesyou won't get all of this done totally on your own you're going to need some help and that help may be a facility online that enables you to do more work um as a streaming some you know in it could be instagram you know whatever instagram if you think about it tik tok and instagram these places youtube you know they're like uh you're delegating really um let's say you're um you know you want to do some kind of viral video um type activity and that this is where you want to you know this is your project well these facilities these are your they're kind of like your staff in a way you know you're probably paying them at some level either on commission or um you know to set up your platform they're getting paid you're paying them you need them to do the job properly delegate to them to seei'll be back later with more#women #millionaireshandbook #lifehacks #guru #makemoney #succeed #juggling #businessplan #overtrading #taletellerclub #freeaudiobook #freepodcasts #talkingbooks #selfhelp #businesstips #economics
Making money is easy but keeping it is i want to talk a little bit about investing and investments at some point in your success there will be money to spare but investment can actually become a business in its own right it can be your thing this thing that you do the idea that you have investing in people in things that people do and singers writers film directors these are all things that often require people that require confident parties with finance to invest in them and it's always a gamble all investors at the start of a film know that it's a gamble it's really good for business to gamble a little bit it's not good if you gamble everything and you lose everything and then you go past if your job is marketing and investments you're going to become you know very very good at investing in things in startups finding cool inventions and finding great ideas you know business concepts you will be you'll start to get a nose for it wasn't really quite what i wanted to talk about what i'm talking about is having a bit of extra money flying about that you could make a bit of extra money on top if you invested it so traditional investing the thing that springs to mind i guess really is uh you know the markets the exchange uh financial markets and gold i've been investing in gold for years i find it's nicely robust and uh traditional but there are lots and lots of other things you can invest in coffee if you want and you know you can use a broker one would usually use a broker um to do your dealings for you they're all set up go for obviously go for a legitimate broker who's um you know not going to rip you off and has some record of success these things are never guaranteed um spread your investments etc um i mean they seem these things seem startlingly obvious but um it's very easy to make a mistake especially if you're not concentrating if you're not reading you know reading the small print um understanding who you're dealing with um say you've got um two grand a month to invest in things projects people um exchange rates uh foreign banks i don't know you know all sorts of things a ship company wants to you know we talking of ships um you know make sure you're investing in legal things always legal things um this absolutely ridiculous idea to invest in criminality if you want to be a successful entrepreneur ridiculous you're going to you know come across a cropper doing that and you you're going to be as a woman very very vulnerable and as women actually you know the for the when i was writing um one chapter in the book which was about con artists um i spoke to several women who'd been conned out of fortunes by men who were clearly criminal and uh not just criminals in themselves but um you know part of quite widespread criminal organizations so as a woman we have to be very very smart and it's tempting quite often um and this i came across this quite often that women automatically especially women of a certain age just assume that the man who says he's you know a broker or an investor or this or that who has a large house and a fancy car and talks the gift of the gab and perhaps went to eaton and you know gives it all that um the woman the women there were several women that i interviewed who'd all been conned by really suave smart talking men um they sort of assumed that the man would know better and i see this happening a lot over and over again and it's a gender expectation that men can do and do do better in business that they can make more money that they can be more successful than we can and indeed they can because the world is theirs for the taking and the world is not ours for the taking uh we have to fight harder mark my words and this idea that a man who appears to be a successful business entrepreneur banker investor who's you know perhaps making this film and it has this you know the next big thing and they need some money and and their last film you know netted uh half a million which wouldn't actually be very much for a film but um you know relatively speaking or everything looked looks good on paper and then the you know the temptation for a woman is to think oh well i don't really know much about this i know that i've got such and such amount of money i've got 50 grand floating around um i can you know invest that without checking the small print without taking the paperwork to your lawyer always have a lawyer always have a lawyer and you know it's 50 quid 100 to get your lawyer to to look over as contract to check out that you know businesses and people are verified it's just a matter of sort of um good business sense you know passing money from a to b without checking every small details should never ever be done even under you know pressure at speed quite often these um these business dealings have to be done quickly well the quicker it's done the less attention to detail but there are lots of other ways to invest money rather than um you know risking dodgy deals and not everyone's a criminal of course they're not a lot of people are i will find it there are a lot more criminal uh activities going on than one might first assume but there are other things that are a bit more straightforward property property is the biggest thing i actually interviewed a lady who'd uh in the 1970s or 80s had squatted a council flat in camden and the uh the owner or the person the tenant left and the council gave this lady a tenancy this sort of thing went on still goes on and then with the right to buy she purchased the property for 30 000 or less i think and it was worth millions within two decades lots of people have made money through the the you know the demise or the selling of social housing umjust buying cheap houses at auction is the other way to do it and then becoming a landlady and i mean you know ghastly problems can arise and is it really something a millionaire would do no um you'd be really up at the top of the pyramid somewhere else you'd have other people do dealing with all that the last thing uh lady in my opinion would want to be doing is you know going around collecting rent or whatever it just seems one of the most hideous prospects um of the hideous sides of any type of you know building uh renovations doing things up designing all of that you know it's not like grand designs on tv it's much more cutthroat and dirty it's dirty business being a landlady or a landlord so have a look around if you've got money to spare and you can't invest it on yourself anymore i mean that's you know the idea that uh you've got money floating around means that you don't need to invest it anymore on yourself it means your business is doing well enough or perhaps you you're avoiding growing too quickly but you have this money you know this is another interesting thing that can sometimes happen is you're building up your empire um it's going at a successful increasing monthly rate or annual rate and you there's no reason to hurry it up and there's no um there's no successful way to hurry it up some businesses grow very very slowly some businesses rely on the seasons their annual um they're you know four seasons to a year uh orchards you know these sort of things these things can't there's nothing you can do to hurry them up you just have to wait to the crops ready um but you know even uh using that as a metaphor there are other businesses that um you know going back to the film um scenario that you have to wait till the film comes out you know you can't rush anything so if there's money lying around and it's not doing anything you don't want to set up another business presumably because why would you you know one's enough quite often um so let's look at investments let's look at hedging our bets let's look around and see what possibilities there are and i think once you start looking we perhaps look at startups of female startups of great thing at the moment anything to do with eco um anything um that's nouveau um idea-wise you know not necessarily a gimmick because gimmicks run out very quickly um but certainly something that's got some sort of appeal i mean even a short-term investment is worth looking at you can invest in something for a month if you wanted to you could invest in something i mean you could uh buy a load of gold and sell it a month later if you know possibly um i mean i don't you make much and but then if you've got an awful lot to invest i mean the more you've got to invest the less you have to sit on it before you make any money out of it that's that's how it works um so but i'm not here to tell you what to invest in i'm just really guiding um guiding you to ways to think about what you can do how you can invest and it really does require to be rather creative but there are some really you know creative people around other people like yourselves who do very very interesting things and it you know there's a sort of fluffy glowy feeling um you know if a designer for example designing um a range of eco um outerwear with tents to match that would be great wouldn't it involve no plastic at all i'd be fantastic i mean i'd be straight in there with my investment so there we go i hope that helped a little and i'll be back well soon
A podcast series with tips and advice from the experts on how to make a million as a woman.hello ladies welcome to the women's podcast the millionaires podcast and if you're not yet a millionaire you're definitely going to be because you're engrossed in the ways and methods that successful people have used to attain their goals so i want to talk today about monetizing everything that you do and not doing anything for free now especially if you're a creative individual and you're working in the creative arts you know they tell us we need to do free stuff to um as a sort of calling card if you like a portfolio an example but all that happens actually over time is that your work becomes completely devalued because it's everywhere suddenly you're all over you know instagram like a rash your everything about you as a potential millionaire is monetizable so every part of your body every part of your you know your eyelashes your fingernails your toes your movements your happenings your daily routines your actual being everything your words your thoughts your breaths all of these things everything that is you when you were an entrepreneur is now monetizable now what does that mean for us well it means you're probably doing a lot of stuff that is a waste of your time because it's not making you money and this is something that all millionaires share an ideology a mindset that time is money and time when it is wasted is no different to grabbing a bunch of 50 pound notes ripping them up flushing them down the loo makes sense doesn't it totally makes sense so when you volunteer yourself when you vote when you say to somebody i'll do that for you in exchange for a bit of free publicity be very very careful about publicity in this day and age free publicity is usually it's not that it's bad publicity per se but it's not effective publicity and we live in a world of media and the media the online technological media is very very different to the media 50 years ago or even um you know 100 years ago with the onset of film you know when things were just starting out and the only way that people would see you would be when you're um you know when hollywood got hold of you and turned you into a starlet etc etc these things don't apply anymore we're all starlets now we're all potentially famous in within two minutes even you know the idea that we could be famous for 15 minutes is passe literally now it's we can be famous for five seconds and then we're gone we're nothing but not even a memory and not a memorable fame these sound bites of success the tick tock and the reels the instagram reels all of these things they're you know they're not doing you any favors unless they're monetized if they're monetized then fair enough you know you can do them and and see if even a penny is if you get a penny for your one minute um or let's say it's less 10 seconds that's actually you top that up and if it's every time it's played you chop that up and you start thinking oh well here was the rule of mud doubling um now we're talking but if you're doing it for free and you think to yourself well it's my brand it's my brand i'm gonna have to tell you that you're completely and utterly misguided nobody gives a flying about your brand okay now there are better ways to invest in your branding and your marketing than wasting your time doing what everybody else hopes they can do for free because it's free it's a free facility and free facilities are not good publicity they never will be and they never are so you need to sort of get out of that mindset but let's talk about um you know something a little bit uh more highfaluting say perhaps you're in i.t perhaps you're really good at website building uh or or code or you know i i'm not 100 sure of the language these days but um because i get somebody else to do that stuff because it they're more value for money i'm not good value for money with my web building um or anything to do with social media or anything like that i i'm wasting my money if i do it myself i'm paying myself about 50p an hour because five hours down the line my website website still looks clunk click and a mess you know so it these are this is the idea this is the mentality the mindset you have to get into are you value for money for any of the skills sets that you're utilizing is it a skill set probably not actually unless you're a qualified web designer you know you're not going to be value for money you can start off doing things yourselves of course you have to we don't have money unless we've got a big um you know start-up loan or a start-up grant but even then you know i've had a generous start-up money for for certain projects and it's never enough it's never enough and usually you have to just think well i need materials more than i need this website and unless you specifically uh managed to attain some funding um you know specifically for your website your website actually probably is going to be a bit lower down after materials for your production people paying people paying bodies for um you know if it's a performance for example if it's a theatrical performance well the website's probably going to be quite low down isn't it if at all um but anyway uh the the point is i mean you have to do some things for free of course you do and if you've got to build your own website then so be it but if you've got if somebody else comes to you and says could you build my website and i'll put your i'll put a little thing at the bottom to say that it was made by you know um josephine fortescue carruther smythe it's a good name isn't it um is that good publicity probably not because they can't afford to pay you which means they're not very good themselves which means nobody's going to go to this website anyway so that's not good publicity and what you might think well i can give it as an example well your example of your built website should be the website that you built for yourself the all singing wonderful one which doubles up as an example for your portfolio and advertises your own you know idea awares embryo whatever it is that your entrepreneurial asset that you're utilizing to reach this goal of your first million so be very very careful when somebody says could you do something for free very very careful indeed there is really the thing with doing something for free it's it's not even for free it's a minus figure it's actually putting you in debt because what you're doing is you're stopping yourself doing other stuff that you could be paid for or is promoting your you yourself under your terms with your rules okay so really really think about that and we live in a world where everyone everyone is trying to get something for free because they're lazy they're lazy about their own financial concerns they haven't budgeted properly and they're not going to do very well if somebody wants you to do something for free it probably means they're not going to be very successful and i would recommend that you avoid anyone who's got i'm going to be unsuccessful glaringly stated above them wherever they walk
Welcome to the new daily podcast with our resident millionaire blogger.the millionaires podcast now i'm a woman as you can probably guess and this podcast comes from my own personal uh knowledge and attainments and goals and achievements but also i was doing a really um varied podcast and blog last year and i interviewed a lot of millionaires female millionaires and that's where a lot of these tips have come from i've collated all the things that i think may be useful so these are just eight of the podcasts there are lots lots more actually in the library so you can pop along there and have a listen if you get a moment but i do update every day so and they're quite short we keep uh pods short short pods that's what we like here at um the telltale club so i hope you enjoy them and i'll be back at some point for moreso i wanted to talk a bit about gambling and lucky charms i've spoken to a lot of very very wealthy people i've spoken to a lot of people who've lost everything because they gambled everything i very rarely come across a very wealthy person who says anything other or greater than it was a bit of a gamble now what's the difference between a gambler and doing something that may be construed as a bit of a gamble well successful entrepreneurs business people are always looking out for good fortune good chances good opportunities that they can manipulate use seize act upon sometimes violate almost that's what good entrepreneurs do they're constantly sniffing out opportunity when they take a chance generally they've put something aside to create a loseable amount of money or assets if things go wrong so when you hear a wealthy person or a successful person saying it was a bit of a gamble it's very unlikely that they gambled everything upon the thing that they're talking about so you shouldn't either you certainly shouldn't be gambling in a casino this is ridiculous it's we all know about how futile gambling is but sometimes we can be a bit um lazy about controlling our urges to gamble large parts of our business or our assets and we can gamble our time we can gamble our lives we can gamble a decade that happens a lot people spend years and years nurturing and it's not paying off and they think well it's not costing me anything but a successful entrepreneur will know that time is money and you can gamble time too i'm not saying you shouldn't try anything you should try everything but you need to be on the ball and you need to know which point at what point you're gambling too muchlucky charms are not going to help you lucky socks are not going to help you lucky shirt lucky people are not going to help you look if you've got an anxiety disorder and you need to wear lucky socks to get through the day fine but if you start thinking i'm going to do such and such and everything's going to be fine because i've got my lucky socks on or because this lucky person who every time i'm with them this you know luck seems to come my way that is a recipe for disaster you're going to become a cropper never gamble your assets your stock or your whole business never never never never because if you royally f up part of your assets part of your business you've still got most of it left and you'll put that down to experience you should have if you're of a gambling mind if you need to invest in things that are not dead certs and what is a dead cert very very little in life as a dead cert you should separate loseable assets for chancing for experimenting for playing around for seeing if you can increase its value or you know if you can well look if i put um six weeks into this uh can i do that is it affordable will the rest of my business suffer if i do that if the answer is no and you you think it's a pretty good bet then do it of course the fewer bets you have the fewer gambles you have the higher your chances of a success a successful businessthe more that you accrue as you climb the business ladder as your business your burgeoning business expands and takes over the world the more you can lose it and the blink of an eye it can be goneyou just hedge some bets you're going to be gambling somewhere along the line that's what being an entrepreneur is about but you need to spread yourself around thinly when it comes to lossesif you have one supplier and all of your business relies on them find more find two suppliers find three find four because if they go down you go down okay if you're uh an artist's agent for example and your career your business is dependent on one artist it's a bit of a gamble isn't it if that's your only artist in fact it's 100 gamble find another artist if you have one buyer for your product uh you're like perhaps it's a yacht or something you're going to sell one a year find two find another don't hedge these bets to don't narrow your opportunity of success to a very tight marginand when it comes to lucky charms feeling lucky i never met met a successful woman or man who ever said that they didn't create their own luckand there isn't really any such thing as luck there's only perceived luck and levels of identifying with how lucky we are and successful business people and successful entrepreneurs generally think in terms of the full cup they generally feel that they're quite lucky well they are uh compared to um somebody a homeless person living on the street begging for lunch but it's not really luck is it because you've created all of these things you've made them we'll be talking a lot about uh inevitability creating a path of inevitability it's the biggest um affirmative method of creating extreme wealthso there we go i'll be back later with another lessonlet's talk a little bit about discipline primarily in regard to the entrepreneur the self-made business woman the discipline i'm talking about is self-discipline that overriding guide that tells you to do something even if your body or mind is a bit reluctant so do something because you know you need to do it for a better end to how the end would be if you didn't do it okay some of us are really you know we're not born with self-discipline nobody's born with self-discipline it's usually drummed into us through some uh sort of nurturing or um you know at school or or something something changes us to become this very organized person in control of everything with enough self-discipline to self-manage because really discipline is all about being able to manage your activities successfully and to keep doing them and to keep doing them successfully and therefore becoming more successful there's no point learning to be really self-disciplined about a negative thing doesn't make any sense so self-discipline is a positive thingso what if you don't have any self-discipline what if you're you know your hippie chick what if you know you've been uh under the radar you're a traveler you live by someone else's rules you don't get up in the morning and go to bed at night you don't what if you don't have kids and you've never had to have that discipline of you know preparing other people for a disciplined life getting up getting fed going to school what if you've never had that i've met people who have been like that and know that they have to change so where does it start it usually starts with some sort of obsession and entrepreneurs always share some sort of obsession so they become focused on this obsession that they've now developed but i've met people who've become disciplined and then become entrepreneurs as a result of their discipline so you could do it that way round there's no reason to say that you couldn't do it that way round but how do you make yourself more disciplined if you're f if you're worried if you're feeling that perhaps you don't have the discipline to create this entity this business that uh you're planningwell you need to start somewhere you need to start somewhere you know small so you need to give yourself targets little mini targets so keep fit is a really really good one it's a really good way of to of um encouraging your body to work to a schedule uh especially if you're doing something like setting an alarm now you're gonna set an alarm for nine o'clock every day you're gonna have some muesli and you can go for a jog or you're gonna walk the dog that's a really good one as well walk the dog you know some people who live alone there is no reason for them to be disciplined or self-disciplined the days are watery the days maybe um you know the the flowing water in and out of netflix um box sets you know i mean it we all come from different places we all do different things i quite often meet people who are really disciplined about something unusual like uh i've met young people who are obsessed with a war game or um a computer game and they're very disciplined about that and they will get up in them a certain time or set you know they'll know that it's coming up you know because of time differences around the world for example and they'll be ready to play an online game at midnight um i've i've met people who theoretically on the surface don't seem to have much in terms of management skills and yet they're part of a team who are part of an online game and it it's being successful and they're negotiating these relationships and they're negotiating time schedules and they're planning so it's quite easy to think that you're not self-disciplined and that there's absolutely no way i could run a business i'm not self-disciplined enough i've heard that so many times so many times but if you're growing your business from nothing from an idea it doesn't matter because your business is going to be your discipline and what's going to happen is over a period of time because your idea is brilliant and because you're obsessed with it discipline is just going to follow and it's just going to be part of your business but what you do need to know is that discipline is such an integral part of success that you have to pay attenti
Welcome to the best get-rich podcast around with real advice, not soundbites.A recording from our live shows of Making Money Know When to Stop, Fortunes are Not Made Flogging a Dead Horse, tips from the Millionaire.let's talk about giving up when to give up when is it okay to give up no no there was another broadcast where i said i talked about resilience most millionaires are very resilient they have um persevered where other people have just given up and this balance between perseverance and jumping ship is really really difficult to understand and it's really difficult to do and that's why most of us fail when we're trying to get richso how how do you make the decision to leave something alone to give it up to stop doing it because it's not uh making you money because it's not appreciating in some way because appreciation happens in the value of your brand there are lost leaders we we've busi in business we talk about lost leaders that's doing something but we don't make any money from it and we possibly even make a loss from it but it leads other people into the to the fold into your brand into your project so you know free videos might be something if you're working in multimedia for example working contemporary um media or uh in it the free blog that sort of thing you don't expect to make any money out of it but i'm not talking about that today i'm talking about your actual beast you know the the fundamental source of your um success your income your strategy remember we talked about the business plan i hope we're not doing this with no business plan so when is a good time to say to yourself this isn't working i need to stop doing it i need to adapt and we talked about adaption we talked about twisting changing altering flexibility in your product and not being um so sort of pig-headed that you aren't prepared to deviate from the initial thing that's slightly different to completely abandoning something and lots of millionaires that i've spoken to that the one thing that they had above and beyond others was their perseverance their self-belief their belief in this project they the fact that they just knew that one day but lots of failed um business people persevered where there was no success it wasn't ever going to happen some things happen because it's the wrong generation some you know i'm thinking about sinclair's electric car thing you know i mean people are talking about that again now and this happens quite a lot a generation the next generation it happens with art the arts particularly you know but are you making money for yourself are you making it for your children your grandchildren you know i mean i'd really focus on yourself i don't think focusing on a future generation is very a very good idea at all look you can do that when you've made your money so when do you jump ship when do you completely abandon everything well there are a couple of ways that most of the millionaires that i've talked to a couple of methods that they've used and one is the time paradigm um you know putting things into time boxes so the first week what would you expect in the first week and then if that hasn't happened in the first week drop it abandon it reshape it so if you give yourself this schedule at the start and then don't deviate from it you can always relaunch it you relaunch it when you've relearned something what if it's a bit longer what if it's four four months my the business that i'm in it takes about four months to generate funds so in four months if something's not working do you abandon it just like that or do you go in and you look and you think to yourself this needs to adapt it showed some promise but it needs to adapt that's interesting isn't it if you're especially if you're doing anything with sort of blog writing perhaps you're a writer for example and you've got a couple of blogs going where you do little snippets internet love snippets and some of the snippets are read more than others analyze why in your first four months were you updating it enough were there as many words i mean this is the minutiae of uh detail were there as many keywords etc etc you know this is all about copy editing and not my bag i have to say um but there are other things you know perhaps you launched a mini skirt and the summer's gone that's that's quite difficult isn't it the summer is over leave it alone abandon it don't waste any more time on it maybe think about it relaunch next year but actually you know there will be massive sacks of failings in the store cupboard of your business you can draw on these failings if and when you know you need to when the market changes when styles change when colors change you know all of these things so learning to work within a time schedule i think is a really really good way of managing disaster and not flogging the dead horse as it were but there's another way which i really think is a perfect way if you were paying yourself imagine yourself as another person a member of staff and the member of staff was doing what you're doing would you carry on paying them for the job they're doing for this launch for this manufacturing for this creativity this is an amazing way isn't it because suddenly you know use a real person if you can use your you know say it's your mum or you know think of a friend or think of anybody think of a person so you've employed this member of staff and you're paying them i don't have 500 pounds a week and in the first week there were no sales from the work that they did now you've probably accounted for initial losses this idea that you can you'll lose for three yearsbefore your business succeeds before it gets into profit it's a very old idea for a start and it really takes on the greater expenses of um the the business so you know not personal wages that takes on you know lots of businesses have to pay debts back for example start-up fees start-up loans um the the vehicles the equipment etc that's a different type of thing that sort of assets and uh that sort of comes under another thing we're talking about the work that you put in for this product in week onedid it meet expectations and if your expectations were to make a loss including the wage that's fine but if the expectation was to make 10 pounds in your first week and remember the rule of doubling that's quite good going for the next week is 20 and it takes about 17 months to get really juicy figures using that formula so if you've accounted for those losses and that that's fine now at some point you would have accounted and predicted for takings profit sales and if you're employing this member of staff now now you've paid him or her two grand because you're paying 500 pounds a week and how much have you netted how much have you how much have you grossed you know you look at either when you're starting out and if the answer is none you need to fire them you need to if you've been doing the work you need to fire yourself it might be that you'd be better off employing somebody else to do it because you're rubbish but you have to analyze what went wrong so say you love love love love knitting knitting is just wonderful we just do it in front of the telly it's really not really nice did it net you your expectationand if you paid somebody to do it would you carry on paying them it's a really really good litmus test now obviously a lot of people start a business and they're prepared to put 20 hours a day in and not get paid i don't think that's going to make you any money at all and i think you need to get rid of these rather romantic notions okay so you you know i mean there are things to look at you need to max output we've talked about that in this podcast before you need to maximize your output the output of one pair of hands is usually not enough to make a million i can assure you of that you need to employ machines or people to take over the tasks okay mass production that's it i think i hope that helped a bit for 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