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A bit of Arabic

Author: A bit of Arabic

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Learn Arabic on the go, where and when it fits into your day. A free simplified Arabic course.
22 Episodes
In today's episode you will learn to talk about various weekend activities in Arabic. Vocabulary --> Quizlet
In today’s episode, we’ll explore how to describe the daily routine of a stay-at-home mom or dad. 
In today’s episode we will learn some school vocabulary, and listen to a school day routine, narrated by a high school student. Here are a few links to more Vocabulary! School Subjects School Subjects 2 Things around me in the classroom
In this episode, you’ll learn to talk about your daily work routine, along with many work related vocabulary words. مرحبا  اسمي كريم عمري 33 سنة، أنا مهندس اليوم سأتحدث عن روتيني اليومي Hello My name is Kareem  I am 33 years old, I am an engineer  Today I will talk about my daily work routine  أستيقظ في الساعة 5 صباحًا. أستحم ثم أصلي. أرتدي ملابسي وأعد قهوتي ثم أتوجه إلى العمل تستغرق الرحلة من منزلي إلى المكتب حوالي 25 دقيقة I wake up at 5 am. I take a shower and then pray. I get dressed, make my coffee, and head to work The commute from my home to the office takes about 25 minutes عندما أصل إلى المكتب ألقي التحية على بعض زملائي وأتوجه نحو مكتبي لدي الكثير من العمل اليوم. أرتشف قهوتي وأبدأ بالعمل When I get to the office I greet some of my colleagues and head towards my desk I have a lot of work today. I sip my coffee and begin working.  في حوالي الساعة 12:30 بعد الظهر، أخذ استراحة لتناول طعام الغداء مكتبنا يقع في وسط المدينة وبجانبه يوجد محل شاورما رائع   At approximately 12:30 pm, take a break for lunch Our office is located in the city center and next to it there is a wonderful shawarma place عادةً ما أتناول الغداء مع زميلي سمير ثم أعود إلى المكتب لمواصلة العمل أنهي عملي في الساعة 5 مساءً، وأخرج من المكتب حوالي الساعة 5:15 أو 5:30 I usually have lunch with my colleague Samir and then head  back to the office to continue to work. I finish work at 5PM, I get out of the office around 5:15 or 5:30 يومي الاثنين والأربعاء أذهب مباشرة إلى صالة الألعاب الرياضية. وإلا سأعود من المكتب إلى المنزل لأرتاح في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ألتقي بأصدقائي لتناول الغداء أو القيام ببعض الأنشطة في الهواء الطلق. أحب التجديف بالكاياك في الصيف On Mondays and Wednesdays I go straight to the gym. Otherwise, I'll come home from the office to rest On the weekends I meet up with friends for lunch or do some outdoor activities. I love kayaking in the summer
In today’s episode, you will learn how to talk about your DAILY ROUTINE using verbs in the present tense. And as usual make sure to check out the vocabulary list attached here that I have created for this episode --> Quizlet Vocabulary  Going to school - Transcript & Translation: In the morning, I wake up early and get out of bed. I shower then brush my teeth. After that I get dressed, pray then go to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. I go to school. When I arrive at school, I attend my classes then have lunch with my friends.  After that, I attend my other classes. After school I practice football then I head home. I shower, then I review my lessons and do my homework.  I eat dinner with my family then I go to sleep. في الصباح ، أستيقظ مبكرا و أنهض من الفراش أستحم و أنظف أسناني. بعد ذلك أرتدي ملابسي وأصلي ثم أذهب إلى المطبخ لتناول فطوري أذهب إلى المدرسة. عندما أصل إلى المدرسة ، أحضر دروسي ثم أتناول الغداء مع أصدقائي بعد ذلك ، أحضر دروسي الاخرى و بعد المدرسة أمارس كرة القدم  ومن ثَمَّ  أعود للمنزل . أستحم ثم أراجع دروسي وأقوم بواجبي المنزلي . أتناول العشاء مع عائلتي ثم أنام Going to work - Transcript & Translation: In the morning, I wake up early and get out of bed. I shower then brush my teeth. After that I get dressed, I pray then go to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. I drink my coffee then head to work. I go to work by bus / by car - Once I arrive, I greet my colleagues then begin working. At lunch time I take a break and have lunch with my colleague. I continue to work until 5 PM. At 5:30 Igo to the gym, workout then shower. I head home, on my way home I call my son to ask if the kids need anything from outside. When I arrive home I change my clothes, I rest for a bit then prepare dinner for my family. We eat dinner, we watch some TV then go to bed.  في الصباح ، أستيقظ مبكرا و أنهض من الفراش أستحم ثم أنظف أسناني. بعد ذلك أرتدي ملابسي وأصلي ثم أذهب إلى المطبخ لتناول فطوري . أشرب القهوة  ثم أتوجه إلى العمل أذهب إلى العمل بالسيارة - بمجرد وصولي ، أحيي زملائي ثم أبدأ العمل   في وقت الغداء ، آخذ استراحة و أتناول الغداء مع زميلي. استمر في العمل حتى الساعة 5 مساءً. في الساعة 5:30 ، أذهب إلى النَّادي ، و أتمرن ثم أستحم أعود إلى المنزل ، وفي طريقي إلى المنزل ، اتصل بابني لأسأل عما إذا كان بحاجة إلى أي شيء من الخارج . عندما أصل إلى المنزل أغير ملابسي ، وأرتاح قليلاً ثم أعد العشاء لعائلتي  نأكل العشاء ونشاهد التلفاز ثم ننام
In today’s episode, we talk about different ways to express pain or aches - We will be able to name different parts of the body that are aching and/or hurting. 
In this episode, we will go shopping. We will learn how to ask for a price of an item and probably even haggle a bit. Vocabulary Quizlet:في-السوق-flash-cards/?x=1qqt
In today's episode, you’ll learn to order food in a restaurant. Shahiyya tayyiba - enjoy your meal.
In today’s episode, you’ll be able to order some coffee, perhaps tea in a café or at a restaurant. You will also learn a few common drinks vocabulary.
In this episode, you’ll learn to talk more about your city, or the city you are visiting and learn how to describe a few places in your "medina". You will be able to use some direction prepositions while talking about various "amakin"  In this last part I will share a few lines from a beautiful piece of Nizar Qabbani’s great poem “This is my Love .. This is my City. هــَـــذهِ هــِــى حــَــبــيـــبـــتـــى .. هــَـــذهِ هــِــى مـَــــديـــنــــتـــــى ..  This is My Love .. This is My City .. أبــْـــحــَــــثُ عــَــن مــَـــديــــنـــةٍ  I look for a city نــَـــكــْـــتــُـــبُ مــَــا شــِــئــْــنـــَـــا عــلــى جــُــدْرَانــَـــهـــَـــــا  That we write whatever we want on its walls مــَــديــنــةٌ تــُـــحــَـــرِّضُ الــزِّلــزالَ فــى دَاخــِـــلــِــنـــَــــا  A city that stirs the earthquake inside us تــُــدهــِـــشــُــنــا .. تــَــخــُــضــُّــنـــا .. تــُـــقــْــلــِــقـــُـــنـــَــــا  Surprises us .. frightens us .. worries us مــَـــديــنـــةٌ لا تــَـــقــْـــمــَـــعُ الــحــُـــبَّ .. و لا الــشــِّــعــْـــرَ  A city that does not suppress love or poetry و لا تــَـــقــْـــمــَــعـــَـــنـــَـــا   And suppress us not أبــْـــحــَــــثُ عــَــن شـــَـــوَارِعَ ضــَــيـــَّـــقــَـــةً تــَـــبـــْــلــَـــعـــُـــنـــا  I search for narrow streets that swallow us عــن مــَــرْكــِــبٍ مــُــغــَـــامــِـــرٍ  (I search) for an adventurous boat يــَـــأخــُـــذنـــَــــا لــَـــيـــْــــلاً .. و لا يــُـــرْجــِـــعــُـــنـــَــــا  That takes us at night and never gets us back  أخــْـــتـــَـــارُ مــَــنــْــــفـــَـــاى كــَــمــَـــا يــُــعــْـــجــِــبــُــنــِـــى  I choose my exile as I like و أصــْـــنــَـــعُ الــزَمــَـــانَ و الــمــَــكــَــانَ  And create the time and place أخــْــتــَـــارُ دَوْمــَـــاً جــَـــانــِـــبَ الــقــَـــصـــِــيـــدة  Always choose the side of the poem و جـــَـــانــِـــبَ الإنـــْــــســـَــــان  And the side of man أبــْــحــَـــثُ عـــن زاويــةٍ صــَــغــيــرة فــى مــَــطــْـــعـــَـــم  I look for a small angle in a restaurant تــُـــصـــْـــغــِـــى إلــى حــِــوَارِنــَــا  That listens to our conversation
S1 E2 - Greetings

S1 E2 - Greetings


Did you know that there are different ways of greeting people depending on the time of day in Arabic? In this episode, you will learn how to greet people at different times of the day. You’ll also learn how to say your name in Arabic.
In this episode you will learn how to ask and answer the question "How are you?" in Arabic.
In this episode, you’ll learn to talk about the weather. To help you practice more of the Weather Vocabulary here is a Quizlet link
In this episode, you’ll learn about Al-madina - the city. You will also learn how to ask for directions, to ask where places in the city are, and understand the words “where”, “here” and “there”
In this lesson you will learn various adjectives to be able to express feelings and emotions
In this episode, you’ll learn how to express your likes and dislikes in Arabic. Link to hobbies and leisure activities vocabulary 
In this lesson you will learn how to talk about jobs and occupations as well as hobbies and interests.
In today’s lesson you can speak further about your family members and numbers. You will be able to say how many brother, sisters, or cousins you have. 
S1-E5 My Family

S1-E5 My Family


Learn how to introduce your family members.
In this lesson you will learn to ask and answer the question: Where do you live?