A chat with Uber

<p>Midnight Mini Podcasts and Midnight Mini LLC presents : A tale of tells of Rideshare all true as told by the teller stories and xcapades and more! NOW hosting A New Podcast Series Back to Black! </p>

Batman Vie Batman

A hauntingly synomous and storied tale of how the Batmobile lost a wheel and the Joker got A Guey! Shortly after Batman retires and works nights Ubering around town for fun mostly Batmans true wealth comes from the intent of one's behavior and not the result of a caped cru"seder"... at Wayne Enterprises ✡️ 🕎 Vie....


Can I just tell you mister Uber driver

A tale of a small not legal to drink adult about 2 years old whom wanted to compliment the driver or say something so profound it gave pause to all .. Can I just say............ we may never know now ugh thanks mom! Adios mio


Cross over with podcast Tours with google maps and apps

Cross over with tour with google maps and apps :) down load today ...A recount of a ride explaning my the powers and use of my third eye to see clear into the future and beyond


Knots landings

A journey through what is now known to me as the working girl district. With Uber and Lyft lighting the way.....


Start of Podcast season rough go!

Test /pilot podcast vocal start : Tours with Google & A chat with Uber Content lost new ep. Recording


Wiscon"sin" Dells

This one time at band camp my dog jet skies across the lake; at least that's what I heard there was too many Dahmers' around so I stayed home.


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