A look inside my soul

In this podcast Selena talks about her own experiences being psychic and what her spiritual journey looks like while also covering the basics. If you are new to the world of spirituality then welcome and enjoy the journey on a look inside my soul !

Alone but not lonely

Welcome back to a look inside my soul! We are getting deep and personal with what it means to be alone and how our lack of communication in relationships can harm so many aspects.  Just remember; Alone is not the same as being lonely. You can choose to be alone and that will allow you to learn to love yourself but the second that you seek validation from others is when you end up feeling lonely. 


The universe has laws?

This episode is an addition to the last episode about energy. In this episode Selena will cover the basics of the universal laws and how they can help you achieve your everyday life! 


Good vibes only

In this episode, Selena talks about how we all vibrate at our frequencies and how other energies can truly affect your life. 


death is for the living

In this episode Selena talks about the process of grieving and how it leads to your healing along with her personal experiences from the last year. 


It’s the journey not the destination

Welcome back!! It's been awhile but I am back with a deep dive into my personal experience over the last year. It's been a roller coaster of a year but this is only the beginning!


what does it really mean to live life?

Welcome to the beginning of our journey on a look inside my soul. In this episode we dive into what it really means to live life and how we can use this new mindset to improve our day to day living!


to be or not to be... psychic

In this episode we talk about what it means to be psychic ! Exploring the clair abilities and how I've experienced them so far. 


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