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ABC KIDS Soundwalks
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ABC KIDS Soundwalks

Author: ABC KIDS listen

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Soundwalks paint rich, audio landscapes for children to explore, with different guided relaxations. From working through big feelings and letting go of stress, to finding joy or getting ready for the day, Soundwalks uses the soothing sounds of Australian nature to help kids connect with the present, and themselves.
31 Episodes
Today we're visiting the botanical gardens. A chorus of Currawongs is singing in the trees and a mother duck is gathering her ducklings together, ready for a walk. All families are different and that's what makes them special. Sometimes our friends can feel like family. What's important is finding the people who make you feel like you can really be yourself. Who make you feel like you belong.
Today we're visiting the Australian bush. Next to the trunk of the gum tree is a kangaroo with a joey in her pouch. The joey hops out to rummage for some food, whilst mum takes care of him. It's important to care for others. We are all stronger when we look after one another.
Today we're visiting a promontory. A promontory is a high stretch of land surrounded by water. In a nest there's a family of magpies with some new babies, ready to find their voice. It's important to find your voice so if you have something to say, people will pay attention. And when we speak, we need people to listen too. All communication must have those two parts. Someone who speaks and someone who listens. Our voices come from being heard.
Today we're visiting an island. Up above the sand dunes, there's a dingo howling to the sky. He's howling to get the attention of his pack so they can help him dig a big hole. What great teamwork. Do you sometimes work together with your siblings or friends to get something done? Just like this pack of dingoes.
Today we're visiting a savanna. A wild mob of Brumbies are galloping across the sandy desert, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake. A mare is encouraging her foal to join the rest of the group. Adventure awaits but the little foal is nervous. It's okay to feel nervous, everyone feels nervous sometimes.
Today we're visiting some mountain ranges right here in the middle of the Australian desert. Some busy grey crowned babblers are making their nest, flying up and down and up and down. Watching on, is a frill-necked lizard sitting very still. Only his chest moves as he breathes in and out. Even though he isn't moving, he is actually very busy on the inside.
Today we're visiting a Rainforest, where we meet two different kinds of birds, a yellow-bellied sunbird and brush turkey. Both birds are tending to their nests and helping their young to grow. We all need others to help us, and to help others, so we can grow and get stronger.
Today we're visiting the summit of a mountain. We're going to journey up to the top, but so that it's not overwhelming, we're going to break the trek down into small, manageable sections. Along the way we'll make some friends, as we piece each small task together to get to the top.
Today we're visiting a forest. A spotted nightjar owl flies back to his hollow where two baby owlets wait. One owlet is very talkative and extroverted, whilst the other is quiet and introverted. Are you more like the talkative owlet? Or more of a quiet type… Happy to watch and listen.
Sharing (Gully sounds)

Sharing (Gully sounds)


Today we're visiting a leafy, green gully. As the sun disappears, some animals are getting ready for the evening, including a wombat friend. He's dug a big burrow and is heading out for the for a night time wander. His burrow is attracting some visitors, do you think he'll share his home?
Let’s go on a journey to the beach, so that we can listen to the sound of birds, the wind and big waves crashing ashore. Do you sometimes have big feelings? Maybe sometimes you feel angry, or scared or sad? Big feelings are okay, everyone has them sometimes, and there are a few things that can help.
Being out in nature is a great way to relax, and when we’re outside there’s a lot to listen to and discover. All of these different things can make our minds feel busy. Sometimes when your mind feels busy, it can be good to stop, breathe and concentrate on just one thing.
The national park is full of wonderful nature noises, especially late in the day when birds are getting ready for bed. From cockatoos to rosellas, all our feathered friends are preparing for a good night’s sleep. What do you do to help yourself get ready for a nice rest? 
We’re sitting by some wonderful wetlands, using our imaginations to watch finches fly, and have a gander at geese. Mother goose jumps into the water and goes under to try and find some food. And her little goslings are trying too! Do you every use your courage to try new things?
Waterfalls make so many different sounds. They rumble, and crash, and gurgle and send sprays of water flying through the air. Eventually, they become a river. Calm and relaxed and flowing steadily.
Deserts are full of lots of marvellous sounds to listen to, including our friend little rainbow finch. Rainbow finch loves having lots of different finch friends and likes to go on adventures a little far from home. Sometimes this makes his friends a bit worried. Do you ever feel worried?
The rainforest is a beautiful place to relax. They’re filled with so many amazing things. From the tallest trees, to the littlest insects and everything in between. There’s so much to be grateful for, here and everywhere.
We’re down by the wetlands, and little duck is showing us his beautiful home. When you feel joyful do you enjoy sharing your happiness with others? It can feel wonderful to smile at someone and share your joy like painting a grey day with wonderful bright colours.
Let’s lie down by this soothing stream and do a full body scan. A body scan is when we check in with each part of our body, to see how it’s feeling. From the top of our head, to the tips of our fingers and toes. It’s a nice way to say hello and thank you to your body for everything it’s done for you today.
It’s early in the morning on a beautiful Aussie farm. The cows are waking up, the ducks are starting to quack and the sheep are off in search of food. But sometimes it can be hard to wake up in the morning. Maybe you’re like the farmers dog, and want to sleep in all day?