ALPA Canada Podcast

ALPA Canada is the segment of the Air Line Pilots Association that manages all things Canadian, representing the interests of nearly 12 thousand professional Canadian pilots, who operate a diverse range of aircraft at 20 different airlines.

ALPA Canada Podcast Ep - 3

This episode provides a brief update on our government affairs work, including the Bill C-58, and Bill C-355, the importance of working with the both the federal and provincial governments and highlighting just how ALPA Canada is making a positive impact on our industry, as the voice of the piloting profession in Canada.


ALPA Canada Podcast Episode Ep - 2

ALPA Canada President Capt. Tim Perry, Vice President Rod Lypchuk, and Vice-President Administration and Finance Capt. Louis-Eric Mongrain discuss the importance of fellow labour institutions, such as IFALPA, and the important work ALPA Canada does in support of IFALPA.


ALPA Canada Podcast en français

Podcast d'introduction en français avec le vice-président des finances et de l'administration de l'ALPA Canada, le commandant Louis-Eric Mongrain.


Introduction to ALPA Canada Ep -1

ALPA Canada President Capt. Tim Perry and Vice President Administration and Finance Capt. Louis-Eric Mongrain discuss the current status of ALPA Canada.


The ALPA Canada Podcast - Trailer

Learn more about the new ALPA Canada podcast. 


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