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Welcome to AMSA-UHO Podcast! AMSA-UHO Podcast is one of the newest work program by External Relation of AMSA-UHO 2021/2022. Contact us on for more information!
16 Episodes
Salutations, People of Tomorrow!✨ Delegation is one of an amazing experience you could ever go through. Imagine going out there, have a nice trip, meet new exciting people, and have wonderful experiences! With AMSEP, you can make those dreams come through 💫🪐 So, better not waste your time! Prepare yourself ready to listen to the 16th episode of ”AMSA-UHO Podcast”🎙️ on spotify and youtube with Syuhada Cahaya Cintiya, one of our member as host and our special guess, Muhammad Rezki Alwahid, S.Ked
Hello, People of Tomorrow!✨ To fulfill any plan or task, time management decisions are needed, from a few minutes, to several years. Therefore, a special thing in planning is time management. Time is a resource that cannot be reproduced and cannot be taken over. Time management in activity planning is a technique for managing and improving the use of time effectively So, what are you waiting for? Listen now🎙on Spotify! Podcast Host is Aniendya Chairuningtyas Gaffang with Our Special Speaker is dr. Moh. Afif Nashrullah, that will be disscussing more deeply about “Time Management : Things That Everyone Should Know” Let's stay tuned on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast and YouTube AMSA-UHO for the next episode!⏰📱
Hello, People of Tomorrow!✨ Stroke occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is reduced due to a blockage or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. A stroke can occur suddenly and must be treated immediately because it can be a dangerous condition. If not treated immediately, a stroke can cause lasting brain damage, long-term impacts, or even death. There are many myths circulating about stroke. One of the most believed myths is that stroke only attacks the elderly. In fact, stroke can attack anyone regardless of age. Let's stay tuned on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast and YouTube AMSA-UHO for the next episode!⏰📱
Hello, People of Tomorrow!✨ Radiological examinations are still quite common for the public, however radiology has many functions which are quite important for determining the condition of disease in a patient's body. Radiology is a branch of medical science that is used to find out or diagnose the inside of the human body using imaging technology, both electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves. Doctors who specialize in the field of radiology are also called radiologists or radiologists. The radiologist himself acts as an expert consultant whose job is to provide recommendations for necessary examinations, interpret medical images from examination results, and use test results for treatment that is appropriate to the patient's condition. Let's stay tuned on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast and YouTube AMSA-UHO for the next episode!⏰📱
Hello, People of Tomorrow!✨ Along with the development of the discovery of herbal medicines and the widespread use of traditional medicines, it is easier for people to get these medicines on the market. People can buy this drug freely at pharmacies, drugstores, supermarkets or other places. Most people consider that herbal medicines are safe to use because they come from natural ingredients, unlike chemical drugs. But is it true that herbal medicines are efficacious and without side effects? So, what are you waiting for? Listen now🎙on Spotify! Podcast Host are Dea Shiras Wahid and Tisza Maharani S. with Our Special Speaker is Dr. dr. I Putu Sudayasa, M.Kes that will be disscussing more deeply about “Herbal Medicine : What’s Important to Know” Let's stay tuned on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast and YouTube AMSA-UHO for the next episode!⏰📱 “Enrich Possibility, Boosting Ability” Viva AMSA!
Hello, People of Tomorrow!✨ Do you know Acute Glaucoma? Acute Glaucoma is a medical emergency case that caused by the angle of the anterior chamber suddenly closed by the iris with the result that sudden very high increase in intraocular pressure. It can rise within a matter of hours. It happens when fluid in your eye can’t drain the way it should. So, what are you waiting for? Listen now🎙on Spotify! Podcast Host are Agung Ayu Danastri and Nola Azzahra with Our Special Speaker is dr. Dewi Nugrahwati Putri Ansar, Sp.M., that will be disscussing more deeply about “Acute Glaucoma : A Silent Cause of Blindness” Let's stay tuned on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast and YouTube AMSA-UHO for the next episode!⏰📱 “Enrich Possibility, Boosting Ability” Viva AMSA!
[AMSA-UHO PODCAST] EP. 10 Hello People of Tomorrow✨ Abdominal pain is pain or pain that appears in the stomach, which is the area in the front of the body between the ribs and the pelvic bones. A person with an upset stomach may experience cramps, heartburn, or a stabbing sensation in the stomach. One disease that can cause abdominal pain is appendicitis. Appendicitis or is inflamation of the vermiform appendix episodic and intermittent for a long time. This disease can affect all ages,  but more common at the age of 10-30 years. Don't forget to listen 🎙on Spotify. Host Fawwaz Rizqullah Rivai and Co-Host M. Fajri Siddiq Manik with the resource person dr. Eko Krahmadi, Sp.B., M,Kes that will be discussing more deeply about "Appendisitis : Bahaya Radang Usus Buntu" always stay tune on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast and YouTube AMSA-UHO for the next episode 💻📱 "Enhancing Integrity, Revive In Harmony " Viva AMSA!
Hello People of Tomorrow✨ Oral health refers to the health of the teeth, gums and all the systems in the mouth & face that allow us to smile, speak and chew. However, sometimes many people underestimate the health of their teeth. In fact, if left unchecked can cause various diseases one of which is gingivitis.Gingivitis is a condition of the gums caused by a bacterial infection and results in inflammation or swelling of the gums. Gingivitis is characterized by reddening of the gums around the gums closest to the teeth. Don't forget to listen 🎙on Spotify. Host Nola Azzahra and Agung Ayu Danastri with the resource person drg. Sulastrianah, M.Kes., Sp. Perio (K) PM that will be discussing more deeply about "Gum Disease : What Is Gingivitis" always stay tune on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast and YouTube AMSA-UHO for the next episode 💻📱
Cervical cancer is cancer that grows in cells in the cervix and is also a dangerous disease that causes many deaths in women. In its early stages or stages, cervical cancer often has no symptoms, so many women don't realize it. Reporting from the WHO official website, cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer affecting women globally. In 2020, there were 604,000 new cases of cervical cancer diagnosed with 342,000 deaths in the same year. Don't forget to listen 🎙on Spotify. Host Syafiqah Salsabila with the resource person Dr. dr. Juminten Saimin, Sp. OG (K) that will be discussing more deeply about "Kanker Serviks : Diam-diam Mematikan" always stay tune on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast for the next episode 💻📱
Forensic medicine is a field of science that is used to assist the law enforcement process through the process of applying medical science. Maybe we are still unfamiliar with forensics and how the reality is that forensics is a bridge between law and medicine. Don't forget to listen #AMSA-UHO PODCAST🎙on Spotify. Host Syafiqah Salsabila and Co-Host Aniendya Chairuningtyas with the resource person dr. Raja Al Fath Widya Iswara, MH, MHPE, Sp.FM that will be discussing more deeply about "Forensik : Realita dan Pengalaman" always stay tune on Spotify AMSA-UHO Podcast 💻
The pandemic has raised a lot of anxiety for everyone, including students. human as a social being, there has always been a need for the presence of others within life. Human as a social being, there has always been a need for the presence of others within his life. Restrictions on social life create certain impacts that affect the comfort of human life such as the emergence of a sense of fear and worry, feeling lonely, until the emergence of feelings anxiety that disturbs and causes stress. In this episode, we will be discussing more deeply about the importance of stress management during the pandemic.
AMSA-UHO Podcast #EP.5 Doctorpreneur
AMSA-UHO Podcast #EP.4 AMSA Action Event
AMSA-UHO Podcast #EP.3 Talk About Diabetes Mellitus
AMSA-UHO Podcast #EP.2 National Team
AMSA-UHO Podcast #EP.1 Introduction AMSA-UHO - with EB's
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