A highly entertaining and relatable cast of lovable rotating hosts talking news, culture, movies, music, nostalgia, politics and life. And maybe sports.

#ABP EP 78 Rockin' with the Classics with guest Dave Collins

Cranky flies solo to have one of his dream conversations with DC Rock DJ Dave Collins. They chat about some history not only of music, but of rock stations in general. Dave has a rich musical history as well. He has one of the most dedicated and interesting early backstory for his ideal career path. Let’s just say some radio pirates start very young. And so do some legit radio disc jockeys. Dave has a fascinating radio origin story you just can’t miss! Twitter: @StillCrankyAF @DCRock Web:


Epoch Times. Cranky will be played by Brad Slager

KLRNRadio’s Brad and Aggie interviewing Joshua Phillip - Epoch Times


#ABP EP 77 CPAC 'n' Chill w/Jenn Holmstead

Cranky and Sarah bring on other CPAC attendee and fellow KLRNRadio host Jenn Holmstead for a sneak peek at the coming shenanigans. Twitter: @StillCrankyAF @FoundersGirl @JRHolmsteadWeb:


#ABP EP 76 Objection! Badgering the Witness w/Ron Coleman!

Deebs and Cranky reunite to bring us a fascinating discussion with Not-A-Cat Lawyer Ron Coleman. They hit on a huge range of topics from impeachment to the history of and present day state of the GOP, and the future of conservative “movements” in relation to Trump and otherwise. Ron also worked on some of the election challenge lawsuits and gives us a peek behind that curtain! Twitter: @DeebsFLA @StillCrankyAF @RonColeman Web:


#ABP EP 75 Gruel and Unusual! w/Chef! Andrew! Gruel!

Cranky and Sarah are together again with guest Chef Andrew Gruel to talk about his evolution in the entrepreneurial restaurant niche, including rethinking seafood at his Slapfish restaurants. Andrew saw the writing on the wall early as Covid lockdowns started ramping up and put in motion several proactive measures involving himself, his family, his company, and other restauranteurs. Chef doesn’t just sit on the sidelines-tune in to hear all of his recent actions from working to keep the restaurant industry afloat, to making seafood sexy! Tune in to meet our new best friend Andrew! Twitter: @StillCrankyAF @FiundersGirl @ChefGruel Support Web:


#ABP EP 74 Weaponized Fun w/Terry Schappert!

Dawn and Cranky manned (and womanned) the controls as Terry Schappert parachuted in for a great chat starting with his acting origin story. They also discuss all the fun to be had on his show Hollywood Weapons, segue into Improvised Weapons (including dog poop bags) and about the senior dogs he adopts just to produce those weapons (just kidding). Tune in for a good time! Twitter: @aurora_g96 @StillCrankyAF @terryschappertWeb:


#ABP EP 73 Silver Linings Praybook w/ Anna James Zeigler

Sarah and Cranky were thrilled to give Anna James Zeigler a second act after the first was full of technical issues (we still heard her brilliance, just in an unusual way). They manage to have a lot of fun and find many silver linings (serious and unserious) in all the chaos. Throw in a really interesting postmortem on the Trump era and some reasonable predictions that might also add more silver linings, and it made for a really great episode. Twitter: @FoundersGirl @StillCrankyAF @ajzeigler Web:


#ABP EP 71 Bleeping Bunch 2020

We got the band back together! What was one of Carla‘s favorite Christmas gifts? Did Sarah pick the most controversial Christmas song just for the fun of it? Does Cranky even like Gentile Christmas movies? Will Dawn be able to pick just one of anything? How many of his favorite holiday drinks can Deebs handle at his advanced age? And how many strippers did Jeff date in college anyway? Wait... what? Tune in for these answers and more!Twitter: @DeebsFLA @StillCrankyAF @FoundersGirl @LibertyBelleCJL @aurora_g96 @proteinwisdom Web:


#ABP EP 70 What a haul, we got Stigall! Guest: Chris Stigall

Cranky and Sarah welcome back one of the hardest working men in conservative talk radio, Chris Stigall, opening with a quick fun geography lesson! Take a walk down Chris’ career memory lane to see how he went from writing for David Letterman to grilling senators, including recent iteration of his current work. Tune in to see if Chris admits his dream product to endorse, and hear the encouragement he has to offer. Plus: the mail bag! Twitter: @StillCrankyAF @FoundersGirl @ChrisStigall Web:


#ABP EP 69 Bleeping Literary Corner w/Paul Hair

Cranky flies solo because the rest of us are too busy packing to leave the country. Author Paul Hair returns for his encore so Cranky isn’t completely alone. Tune in to hear Paul’s innovative ideas about how to settle political disputes that would be a lot more productive than shouting at each other on social media. Paul’s new book, Her True Self, tackles a transgender teen’s struggle, but especially a sibling’s path to acceptance. His reasons and approach to writing it will be of interest! You might also get to hear some election result prognosticating. Twitter: @StillCrankyAF @PaulHair1 Web: Paul’s Amazon author page:


#ABP EP 68 Bleeping Does Stu w/Stu Burguiere

Cranky and Dawn welcome host of a stupid little show, Stu Burguiere, to our stupider littler show! It’s mostly a nice break from current events as they get to know Stu a little better, and learn that we could just go follow his wife’s social media to learn about his life...the same way he does. Topics include: dark Garfield, some of Stu’s career history and how terrible social media (especially Twitter) is, and how the Cuomos are even worse. Its a fun one you won’t want to skip! Twitter: @StillCrankyAF @aurora_g96 @StuDoesAmerica Web:


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