API Storytelling

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are.

API Storytelling with Zdenek "Z" Nemec

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode Aidan and Kin sit down with Z from Superface to talk about what is wrong with the way we have historically done APIs and how what we've been doing won't get us to the future we envision. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Aidan and Kin

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode it is just Adian and me talking about the API lifecycle, breaking down how we and the world sees or doesn't see the API lifecycle around us. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Audrey Watters

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode we sit down with Audrey Watters and talk about her book Teaching Machines, behaviorism, and how culture affects how we see technology. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Micha Mazaheri

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode we sit down with Micha Mazaheri and talk about being an building side projects, and how API specification shape the space. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Dev Doshi

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode we sit down with Dev Doshi and talk about crazy big ideas for taking the API space to the next level. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Matt Trask

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode we explore the Swagger meme from Matt Trask. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Mike, Aidan, and Kin

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Mike, Aidan, and Kin

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode we think deeply about change. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Steve Peak

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode we explore the conversation that we should be having across our API infrastructure with Steve Peak of Story.ai. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Bill Doerrfeld

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. This episode we learn about armatures from Bill Doerrfeld, Editor in Chief at Nordic APIs, and how they provide the storytelling backbone for the movie industry, and discuss with Mike, Aidan, and Kin about how they exist in the world of APIs.  Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with David Berlind

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. This episode we cover the history of the web, APIs, the future of API aggregation and low-code / no-code, and how the old WWII Italian fascist thought David  Berlind and Kin Lane were somehow "together" after they were working on API standards for the European Commission at a nuclear facility.  Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Gregory Koberger

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. This episode we talk with Gregory Koberger of Readme about the world of storytelling through documentation.  Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Mike, Aidan, and Kin

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. No guests today, just Mike, Aidan, and I talking about API copyright about how APIs are shaping are reality (if they are real in the first place).  Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Alianna Inzana

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode Alianna Inzana joins Mike, Aidan, and Kin to talk about Ali's journey through the worlds of science, energy, and finance to accidentally land as a API product manager, and knowing what stories to leave behind and which to bring forward and allow to define who you are. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Ben Hutton

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. This episode we sit down with Ben Hutton, the lead behind the JSON Schema community to talk about vocabularies and other ways we validate and annotate how we tell stories we tell in the API space.. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Kin and Aidan

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. This episode is just Aidan and Kin sharing stories about how we all should strive to just be dirt. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Stephen Mizell

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. This week we sat down with Stephen Mizell to talk about his API journey, and his deep dives down the API (and other) rabbit holes. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).


API Storytelling with Kristen Womack

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. This episode we sit down Kristen Womack to learn about  being a multipotentialite, which "is an educational and psychological term referring to the ability and preference of a person, particularly one of strong intellectual or artistic curiosity, to excel in two or more different fields." Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).  Links: Multipotentiality - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multipotentiality


API Storytelling with Matthew Reinbold

This is a gathering of API storytellers, exploring what is going on around us each day, using API technology to make sense of who we are. In this episode we sit down with Matthew Reinbold to explore  API analogies and approaches to technology, beginning with gardening and moving "Pace Layer", and talking about the fashion, commerce, infrastructure, governance, culture, and natural layer to our world. Opening image credit goes to Giulia Forsythe (@giuliaforsythe).  Links: https://matthewreinbold.com/ and https://jods.mitpress.mit.edu/pub/issue3-brand/release/2


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