APIs You Won't Hate

A no-nonsense (well, some-nonsense) podcast about API design & development, new features in the world of HTTP, service-orientated architecture, microservices, and probably bikes.

APIs for websites that don't have APIs, with Suchintan Singh from Skyvern

Skyvern https://www.skyvern.com/Skyvern is Open Source! https://github.com/Skyvern-AI/skyvernLaunch on Y Combinator's site: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/skyvernSuchintan Singh (YC S23) on LinkedInCreators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Suchintan Singh - Guest


Building a unified API on the shoulders of OSS with Robin Guldener from Nango

Robin Guldener from Nango talks to mike about building an open, unified API, the value of building on top of Open Source products, and building a growing product team on this episode of the podcast.Nango.dev - Open, Unified APINango on GitHubRobin Guldener on LinkedInCreators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Robin Guldener - Guest


Building a developer brand and simple API for email, with Zeno Rocha from Resend

Zeno's flash->javascript demo with HTML5, Wormzhttps://zenorocha.github.io/wormz/Zeno Rocha@ZenoRocha on Twitter@zenorocha on Threads Dracula themeReact emailResend.comResend ForwardBroadcasts - marketing emailsBatch email sending - send 100 emails with one API callCreators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Zeno Rocha - Guest


Princess Beef Heavy Industries, Vacuum, Wiretap: API linting & Compliance with Quobix

Quobix - Dave Shanley's site. Code is artdaveshanley/vacuum on GitHub - the world's fastest OpenAPI 3, OpenAPI 2 / Swagger linterwework/speccy on GitHub - Well Spectually 🤓 Enforce quality rules on your OpenAPI 3.0.x specifications.Wire⚡️Tap - is the world’s coolest OpenAPI compliance and testing tool, from QuobixBattle of the API Ratings from APIs You Won't Hate - Dive into a detailed comparison of Trebble's API Insights and Zuplo's Rate my API, exploring their unique approaches to evaluating API design, performance, and securityOpenapi.tools - an Open Source and community-driven list of high-quality, modern tools for OpenAPI from APIs You Won't Hate.


Is your API able? With Allan Knabe from Apiable

Apiable is building an API Portal service that helps API teams to create, secure, market, and monetize API products. In this episode of the podcast, Apiable founder Allan Knabe has a chat with Mike Bifulco about building a great api product.Allan KnabeApiable - Every API is a businessCareers at ApiablePirate Weather


Redocly, OpenAPI, and learning to Moonwalk with Lorna Jane Mitchell

Lorna Jane Mitchell - lornajane.netRedocly - https://redocly.com/Meet Redocly CLI: The Modern OpenAPI Sidekick OpenAPI 3.1 SpecOpenAPI Moonwalk (4.0 proposed spec)Find great tools for working with OpenAPI at https://openapi.tools


Microsoft built Kiota to keep an API with 20,000 endpoints humming

Microsoft Kiota on GitHubDarrel MillerVincent Biret


Catching up with Danny Sheridan from Fern

Mike and Danny Sheridan from Fern chat about updates to Fern: client library SDK codegen, and their great new docs site generator tool.Fern - https://buildwithfern.com/Danny Sheridan - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheridandanny/Amazon SmithyPalantir ConjureFern OSS on GitHubCohereAPIs You Won't Hate: Make your API IdempotentFern Careers


An API to abstract everything, with Roy Pereira from Unified.to

Unified.to - one API to integrate them alltwitter: @unified_apilinkedin: Unified-toRoy Pereira online:roy@unified.to@roymap on twitterlinkedinUse Promo code APISYOUWONTHATE2023 for 3 free months on Unified's Startup Plan


Creating world-class API devX with Sagar Batchu from Speakeasy

Sagar Batchujoin speakeasy slackSpeakeasy - SDKs for your API https://speakeasyapi.devjoin betasdks as runtimes - terraformopenapi for chatgptOSSopenapi validatortemplating engineAI release - clippy for your OpenAPI Spec


Rich data for every location on Earth, with Ed Freyfogle from OpenCage

OpenCage: Convert coordinates to and from placesOpenCage Client LibrariesEnvironmental CommitmentEd Freyfogle: Cofounder of OpenCage (freyfogle.com, LinkedIn, Mastodon)OpenStreetMapLocalistico -  Taking Customers from Search to StorePaper TownsGeoMobmeetupspodcastOpenCage on MastodonCreators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Ed Freyfogle - Guest


Permissions are the gift that keep on giving, with Or Weis from Permit.io

Permit.io - Never Build Permissions AgainOpal - open-source project: Open Policy Administration LayerOr Weis@orweisOr's talk about onboarding and complexity - https://youtu.be/1_Iz0tRQCH4Permit elements - ready-made UI components for user management and access controlFoaz - front-end only authorization


No-code APIs and Automation, with Constantin Schreiber from Fastgen

Fastgen - Build scalable backends and automations: Request access to the beta at https://fastgen.com/Fastgen's profile on Y CombinatorYC Winter 23 Batch pageConstantin Schreiber - email: constantin@fastgen.comLinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/constantinschreiber/Devs: It's okay to use no-code tools editorial by Mike BifulcoCreators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Constantin Schreiber - Guest


Analytics for your API, with Steve McDougall from Treblle

Phil and Mike sit down for a chat with Steve McDougall, who has just recently started working in Developer Relations at Treblle, a past sponsor of APIs You Won't Hate.Treblle - Mission Control For Your APIsSteve McDougall on Mastodon: @juststeveking@php.socialSteve McDougall on twitter: @juststevekingAPI Quality Score https://www.treblle.com/features/api-quality-scoreGreen Software Foundation https://learn.greensoftware.foundation/Current YouTube playlist for API content: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKJBt7aeK3k_v52GHzGgRDwoxWRvweOuARecording of Livestream with Steve & Phil: https://www.youtube.com/live/HxxlSQtsYU8?feature=shareBuilding APIs in Laravel talk at Cambridge PHP: https://youtu.be/CYPLEvJGpPUTesting JSON:API endpoints in Laravel with PestPHP: https://www.juststeveking.uk/blog/testing-json-api-endpoints-with-pestphp/Building APIs in Laravel: https://www.juststeveking.uk/blog/building-apis-in-laravel/Eloquent API calls: https://www.juststeveking.uk/blog/eloquent-api-calls/Interested in sponsoring APIs You Won't Hate? Get in touch!


Learnin' about webhooks, with Tom Haconen from Svix

Svix - webhooks as a service - https://svix.comSvix play - https://www.svix.com/play/Svix is hiring engineers - https://www.svix.com/careers/ngrok - https://ngrok.com/Catch Tom Haconen online - tom@svix.com svix.com/slackCreators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Tom Hacohen - Guest


Jazzed about API client library codegen, with Danny Sheridan from Fern

Fern - Build APIs Twice as fast - https://buildwithfern.com/Fern on GitHub - https://github.com/fern-api/fernFern's Profile with YCombinator - https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/fern Danny Sheridan - CEO and cofounder of Fern  danny@buildwithfern.combuf.build - protobuf codegen utility - https://buf.build/Creators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Danny Sheridan - Guest


Stigg: Infrastructure for pricing models with Anton Zagrebelny

Stigg: https://www.stigg.io/ - API-first pricing and packagingStigg is Hiring: https://jobs.lever.co/stiggFind Anton Zagrebelny onlin:  Linkedin - GitHub—Thanks for listening to APIs You Won't HateCreators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Anzon Zagrebelny - Guest


Don't roll your own API Management tools, with Josh Twist from Zuplo

Our guest this episode is Josh Twist, CEO and Co-founder of Zuplo. We chat about Zuplo's history, their developer products and audience, and the complexities of maintaining APIs in small and large companies. We also discuss Zuplo's support for APIs You Won't Hate through their recent sponsorship of https://openapi.tools. Thanks so much to Zuplo for supporting our community!Creators & Guests Mike Bifulco - Host Phil Sturgeon - Host joshtwist.eth - Guest


Funding Open Source with Dudley Carr from Stack Aid

Stack Aid - https://www.stackaid.us/Dudley Carr - @dudley@mastodon.social


Note-taking tools for devs, with Drew White from Stashpad

Stashpad - https://stashpad.com/Stashpad Discord - https://discord.gg/ScxPxcN9fKDrew White - @drucial


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