Don't need charms send roses, you are the magic not some outside force, people are killing at distance, the dream of wizards of old. The transcript can be found here: Magic and Human Relationships
It is not easy to change a culture of trauma because often people adopt to it and accept it as normal. Often one group of mystics replaces another group of mystics, well you see all the trauma around you, it is not as if it has been the same groups running the show for ever and ever, it is just the same trauma. When one decides to blow up bridges, and burn corn fields they must accept the reason is because they have been unfairly treated, why if victory comes to you want to set up the same structure and you yourself traumatize.One is blowing up bridges and buring corn fields and ports because the justice system can not be relied upon, the culture of the land says accept your place, the courts uphold the culture of the land. Just accept that we are all just human beings, the more free we are to be the more satisfied and the more knowledge.The Transcript can be found here: Facing Trauma and Relationships in Society
One’s outlook in life is based on the reality they see around them. Refusing evidence is one of the key reasons why there is trauma on this planet. If one refuses evidence in front of them it means they know the reality will burst their bubble about themselves. They must deny these realities and depend on trauma, most conflicts are just about people refusing to accept the evidence in front of them and fudging it to suite them. Once humans accept evidence in front of them, they are existing by the rules of the universe, everything is in a relationship that need energy to maintain. The transcript can be found here: Truth to Oneself and Relationships.
Most trauma in society is caused by denying that everything is in a relationship, that those relationships need energy to maintain and they are all random. They give themselves special positions that they use trauma to maintain and justify their causing of trauma on others that they are somehow enlightened, they walk with the light. The light they talk of is mystical, because we understand that all relationships are random because we studied the true light, the photon. The transcript can be found here, Trauma an Existence in Relationships
love itself can end up in action that is good or bad, the same as the concept of ubuntu. We end up with a yin and yang situation of Taoist philosophy. The golden rule anticipates this and says be respectful, if not love can lead to grand trauma. The transcript can be found here, love and relationships
From the very first human being to walk this planet, the scientific principle has been the human beings’ primary tool of survival. Food, humans knew not to eat poisonous plants, no amount of prayer, chanting or dancing up and down will change that fact, the plant will remain poisonous. The mystical stuff is for other things but eating a poisonous mushroom will kill you no matter what. Given what we know the greatest scientific achievement humans can ever do, given that most material progress has been about understanding and mimicking the principles we understand. To mick our surroundings to the ultimate would be to create life. Not the grotesque imaginations of hybrid humans and animals as seen on Egyptian hieroglyphics, or legends everywhere of hybrid creatures. Creating life for it to be a meaningful boast must start with creating a particle, then an atom, then, molecules, then a cell. Then humans can boast we have truly mimicked, we have created life. The transcript can be found here: Material Progress and Everything is in a Relationship
To get energy to be involved in relationships and experience life, human beings need sustenance. This sustenance comes from food. The golden rule first and foremost must work at this level, getting sustenance for it to have any true value to human beings. The golden rule is about society, if different rules apply to different people in that society, it is not one society, it is about others robbing others and those doing the robbing call it society. Do unto others as you will have them do unto you, simple as that, if you don’t like to be robbed, don’t rob others. The transcript can be found here, the Golden Rule and Relationships.
Control of fire by humans being is the most influential tool humans have had throughout history. Without fire it would be impossible to know that everything is in a relations, that all these relationships take energy to maintain and they are all random. It is said that a liver ate the liver of Prometheus for the longest time imaginable because he gave humans the ability to control fire, the first break of the superstition, there was fire, one did not need to pray but the meat tasted better than the meat one ate that was not cooked but one prayed and prayed. There was fire giving humans access to beans, beans require a lot of energy to prepare, inaccessible without fire. The transcript van be found here: Fire and Some Human Relations
Money is a tool for the exchange of knowledge, that is all, that is all it will ever be. Anything you can buy is a result of knowledge of that thing. We use knowledge to get food, shelter and clothing. Thus who is allowed to use their skills and knowledge determines the eating order of that society. One can never claim to be the best of anything of others had their skills and knowledge hindered, they wouldn’t need to cause this kind of trauma. It is humans who cause trauma, money is just a tool for the exchange of skills and knowledge. It is human culture that determines. The abundance of money is when it is a free medium for all to use their skills and knowledge, for those who desire to seek out those skills and that knowledge and survive and contribute to the best they can. All contributions no matter how small affect tomorrow. The podcast can be found here: Money and Relationships
Knowledge has always been the primary resource of humans since the first human beings walked on this planet. How a society exploits this knowledge is according to cultural expectations, standards around knowledge should never be reduced to progress, who at the end of the day can claim to be enlightened, it always ends up as a hoax. Being the primary resource for humans, many use knowledge as a way to rob others by claiming to be enlightened.The transcript can be found here:
This world is full of trauma, one can say looking at human history it has been built by trauma. Just look at history, look at what is happening right now. It is about food, water and shelter at its basics, everything else is just superficial. Trauma begins with the child in the school system, a child learns their place. If a child is not allowed to fully recognize their potential, they are not part of that society but merely a slave to serve others who can reach their potential. For example, if a child is not allowed have an intellectual thought, business shuns their ideas but accepts same ideas from others, they are not part of that society simple, no matter the lies of all in it together, no matter how much taxes they pay as an adult, grow up. The ultimate enforcer of trauma is the government they have all the guns. The transcript can be found here:
Look around you, is your mind enslaved, is the attempt of enslaving in this modern era real. Make up your own mind, let us discuss the children, your enslavement is their enslavement. The transcript can be found here:
What is a fair tax rate? That depends on the kind of society one wants to live in as well as expectations of the role of government. If however one is paying taxes and they're at starvation levels they should think about their relationship with the government. The transcript for this episode can be found here:
Transcript for this podcast can be found here: Education is a system of passing on knowledge. Society accepts that before going out to the world one must gather enough knowledge to be able to contribute to their best abilities to society. The reality that everything is in a relationship and the laws that come from this should be taught to every child in education so that at the very least when they stop schooling at whatever level they understand that everything is in a relationship and the first two laws of everything. These laws being that every relationship leads to a loss of freedom due to the energy needed to maintain them, energy is the cost of the relationship. The second law or principle being an information package will remain in its present state unless a relationship is established. These laws affect all matter, be it having mass or massless. These laws precede all laws of the universe, the rest of the laws are merely describing relationships and the types of energy needed to maintain relationships. Understanding that all relationships are random, after leaving school one can ask themselves key questions around food, shelter, and clothing, are the relationships as random as they can be, who is benefiting from the degree of randomness. Who is the system in their society bent towards and what is the justification for this? When called upon to die who is benefiting in society from these relationships. sorry to be so serious but a lot is at stake as we build up to explain the onstant trauma in society
The Coronavirus, Covid - 19 pandemic that is ravaging the world right now, is part and parcel of human history. Pandemics are random events, and given the world of today, all the principles are out there for a society to be best ready for a pandemic. For a society to have best policies for knowledge creation in that society which is paramount in fighting pandemics. Human beings must not be expecting excuses from governments at this time given that all the principles are out there but governments reject the principles out of greed and lust for power of which will only benefit them and a small click. Then make a new deal such that system society uses incorporates everybody acknowledging processes are random. The Transcript can be found here:
The defence of a society depends on that society having the best weapons. If not there is a possibility that society will be invaded, they will be annihilated or turned into slaves. Taxes are needed to provide for these weapons, how then should society be organized to maximize the tax revenue to provide for this defence or always face the random possibility of being annihilated. It always happens. When organizing economic activity, humans should understand the relationships they are encouraging. The transcript can be found here:
If the Continuity of Society is paramount, and that justification for paying taxes is to defend the borders. The taxes come from members of society producing goods and services. Then society should not hinder for any reason, ethnic, religious, race, sex, stop the one who does or could do better from producing. We do not know who will best produce that food, let the random events play out because all relationships are random. Those who say relationships are not random it depends on some particular quality belonging to them are robbing humanity. more ideology than science Transcript can be found here:
There are governments, are they needed, must we pay taxes? Who will protect the society? Can find the transcript here:
The Importance of everything is in a relationship to our everyday lives is introduced. I am doing this because at the end of the day how we treat each other tells about the relationships we have with one another. Let us forget relationships between particles where the theory was confirmed that everything is in a relationship. But we first understood that everything is in a relationship because to know anything you must observe it finishing the missing link, life. Once you accept life is important, only then could it be discovered that everything is in a relationship. But we must understand human relationships, they are the ones that cause so much harm to humans. Why do we culturally rob each other, stop each other's potential, kill each other, an important topic, there might be nobody left to study those precious particles. The transcript can be found here: In this episode I introduce myself Bhekuzulu Khumalo. I talk about how I got everything is in a relationship starting from knowledge a commodity in economics to understanding the photon to its very depths in quantum mechanics, arriving at everything is in a relationship. My work seems to be appearing in strange places, but nobody actually wants to say it is from me, turning my work in some cases to communist ideology, eventually Lee Smolin of Perimeter Institute, a Liberal Democratic science institute, an important one, he would claim my work as his. He claimed my works as his on CBC, a government broadcasting, thus a liberal democratic institute Once you listen to this podcast more than enough evidence will be shown that this principle, that takes us beyond the world of Newton and Einstein is from me, everything being random is freedom, liberty, not a world run by fraud, Lee Smolin has committed fraud and every major science institution is letting him get away, whilst at the same time saying there should be no racism in science. All disciplines study relationships, unifying all disciplines.