Above The Net with Melissa Smith

Volleyball tips, news & hot topics for players & their moms all done from the perspective of sports are our passion, but they are NOT our identity. Let's make youth sports great again!

"I'm sorry, your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important."

Today we're going to discuss this quote from Megan Rapinoe made in Time magazine in June 2022. This is a statement I have sat with for awhile and feel that it is time to discuss this way of thinking. Youth sports DO matter. Youth sport DO save lives. Youth sports are VERY important in the lives of most kids and parents who participate in them. I invite you to listen in as I messily wrestle with this quote and hopefully provide a humble voice in opposition to this belittling and disregarding thought. Link to the article: Megan Rapinoe Discusses Transgender Sports Bans, Title IX | Time


Why are we encouraging youth/developmental teams to blow out their opponents?

On today's episode we’re gonna chat about what should be the aim of youth/developmental sports, how tournaments should be run and scored and why encouraging blowouts in matches is detrimental to the game and its young athletes. What we encourage by how tournaments are structured and determined will ultimately affect the development of young players and affect whether we can ultimately #makeyouthsportsgreatagain! Want more tips, encouragement and spicy topics from the Above The Net Volleyball? Head over to Instagram and follow us at @abovethenetvolleyball


Trash Talking Is Just A Part Of Sports, So Get Used To It!

Hey sports mamas and players, I think today's show is an important one for you to talk about together!! And that's because today we're chatting about a SPICY topic🌶️ - trash talking in sports. This is one of those topics that tends to get everybody all riled up, so before you listen, let's take a DEEP BREATH together friend. Everything is going to be fine, and we can always agree to disagree when it's all said and done! Alright, let's get after it and #makeyouthsportsgreatagain!


Are We Teaching Our Kiddos To Win At Any Cost?

Today we're discussing what lessons we are teaching our kids when we let them play "down a level/division" in order to win or secure a spot or bid at a large tournament. In youth volleyball you will often find club teams playing in lower divisions than they normally would in order to ensure they place high enough to receive a bid to nationals. I want to chat about what sort of unintended effects this may have on players & what we are teaching them about themselves when we choose to do this.


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