Above and Beyond

Join me, Phillip Kesterson, as we dive into the lives of men and women, from history, who exceeded their call to arms and solidified their spots in the history books.

Episode Thirteen: SFC Leigh Ann Hester

SFC Leigh Ann Hester shattered expectations for women in combat roles when her bravery and fast acting saved the lives of her men and gave her the honor of the first female recipient of the Silver Star since the Second World War.  Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aboveandbeyondpodcast


Episode Twelve; Military Animals Part Two

Tonight we start the new year off with a bang as we explore four more animals who made a name for themselves on the battlefield. These are the stories or Roselle the Guide Dog, Siwash the Duck, Bill the Goat, and Moustache the Dog.  A link to the book on Roselle, that I mention in the episode, can be found right here: https://www.amazon.com/Thunder-Dog-Story-Blind-Triumph/dp/1400204720/ref=asc_df_1400204720/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312443114357&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=700657233322974693&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013145&hvtargid=pla-464931009734&psc=1


Episode Eleven: Richard Rowland Kirkland

Wars bring out the worst in people, but sometimes they also bring out the best in people. Going above and beyond is not just about standing your ground or killing a lot of enemy soldiers; sometimes it is about going above and beyond what it means to be a soldier in combat and putting your humanity before your duty. Tonight, we talk about Richard Rowland Kirkland, a man who put his human need to help people above his fear of being killed earning him the nickname "The Angel of Marye's Heights".


Episode Ten: Audie Leon Murphy

Tonight we talk about the most decorated soldier in all of WWII and one of the most decorated in all of American history. Audie Murphy was a super soldier, but he also went on to have a successful career in acting. In this episode, I will cover the military aspect of his life, but to hear the acting part of it, you will need to pop on over to I Love Old Movies to hear, hosts, Derek and Sam tell you all about it. This father/daughter duo have a fantastic podcast that explores old movies and the some of the actors behind them. A link to their episode can be found right here https://anchor.fm/iloveoldmovies/episodes/ILOM---Episode-17---To-Hell-And-Back-e1anv1d Also, Audie Murphy suffered, greatly, from PTSD, if you are a veteran who suffers, as well and feel you are on the path to destruction, please call 1-800-273-8255 or visit https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/ . You do not need to fight alone.


Episode Nine; Part Two: Q&A

Tonight is the second installment of the Q&A series. Join me as I, again, answers questions that you guys have asked me.  As it was again mentioned in tonight's episode, here is the Stephan Westmann interview. https://youtu.be/XruYsAmKLyU


Episode Nine; Part One: Q&A

In this episode, I answers questions that you guys sent it to me. The links below are links of stories, shows, or songs I mention tonight.  Band of Brothers Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/4kPks2or9xa26GdMRRu2lK?si=2ksGVRpiRpiWXSkB_9fSRw&utm_source=copy-link Sabaton: Winged Hussars https://open.spotify.com/track/4HVuyLPE90zk19NYv55dzX?si=tn-FZ461Tdi-M_Ctnvqd0A&utm_source=copy-link Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam (American Empire Project) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250045061/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_SSKWQRQHSDRWBC0X3DAQ Stephan Westmann Interview https://youtu.be/XruYsAmKLyU


Episode Eight: Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez

Imagine you are in the jungles of Vietnam and your position is being overran by enemy forces. You have been critically wounded and feel you are going to die, but just as all hope seems lost, you look over to see a lone soldier with a knife in one hand and a first aid bag in the other running towards you. For the next six hours, you hold you position with this crazy man as you see he has been shot multiple times, blown up, stabbed and beaten, yet, he still fights. This is exactly what happened on the night of May 2nd, 1968 and that man was Roy Benavidez. Hear his incredible story on tonight's episode.  Link to Roy Benavidez's 1991 Medal of Honor Speech: https://youtu.be/_oUtJxE4sjs


Episode Seven: Gurkha Soldiers

Gurkha soldiers are among the deadliest in the world. Their inability to quit or accept death makes them insanely valuable on the battlefield. Tonight, we dive into the story of two Gurkhas from hsitory: Lachhiman Gurung and Dipprasaad Pun.


Episode Six: Robert Smalls

This Civil War legend was a former slave who broke through his chains and sailed his way into tonight's episode. Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCccCki5R0P6TSmIEobMyvjQ


Episode Five: Military Animals Part One

This week's episode begins a series on recognizing the efforts of animals during warfare.


Episode Four: Francis Augustus Hamer

This week we talk about the man responsible for bringing down Bonnie and Clyde.


Episode Three: Lyudmila Pavlichenko

This Soviet sniper earned the nickname "Lady Death", find out why on tonight's episode.


Episode Two: Charles White Whittlesey

This week we talk about Charles Whittlesey of the famed "Lost Battalion".


Episode One: William Barret Travis

This week we talk about William Barret Travis: lawyer, outlaw, and defender of the Alamo.


Welcome to Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond is a weekly podcast that explores the lives of men and women, in history, that exceeded their call to arms and made their mark in the history books.


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