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Accordion Noir Radio

Author: Bruce Triggs & Rowan Lipkovits

Subscribed: 37Played: 418


"Ruthlessly pursuing the idea that the accordion is just another instrument."

Join the front-lines of the Accordion Revolution, broadcasting around the world almost every Wednesday since 2006.

From Punk to Piazzolla (a variety of loud rock and roll, and a famous tango composer). The most unexpected variety of squeezebox music you're likely to subscribe to today.
266 Episodes
The evenings grow chill again, the mornings thick with dew and fog, and a massive harvest moon loomed in the sky last night. We don’t have to tell Bruce it’s autumn, he’s already been told.   He reflects upon this annual turn of the seasons in this week’s episode of our weekly alt-accordion broadcast. If […]
Last week we were presenting our mainline Vancouver accordion fest outdoors at a park, our eponymous Accordion Noir Festival (enjoy video documentation on YouTube!) kicked off lo these many years ago by Geoff Berner, and this weekend he’s at the heart of another one, the second installment of Vancouver’s Clean Air Festival! Casting the spotlight […]
A month ago I alerted your regular Accordion Noir host Bruce Triggs that “Weird Al” Yankovic had just released a new polka medley to celebrate the ten-year anniversary 🗓️ of the release of his “Mandatory Fun” album, and maybe ours would be the kind of speciality radio program that might air it! Bruce doesn’t do […]
Here’s a little breather, a music-focused episode of Accordion Noir between two weeks leaning on guest interviews. Last week Bruce chatted with Emily-Rose Šárkova, and next week he’ll be talking polkas (again) with “Weird” Al! This week, though, he just played his standard mellow mix of outstanding squeezebox recordings. If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions […]
(different interview, but the thumbnail was so applicable to our situation we couldn’t resist reusing it.) This past Sunday we learned about a traveling accordion performer who was scheduled to be performing in our town the following night and across our country in the following days and weeks. Jaron Freeman-Fox pointed her in our direction […]
(Note: despite the obvious superficial similarities in names and appearances, phonographs and gramophones are different things. One is the horned music player that plays from wax cylinders, and the other is the horned music player that plays from flat records. Like mixing up a VHS and a Betamax — very different!) Not content to rest […]
The wild thing about a festival of the age and breadth of scope of our Vancouver Folk Music Festival, is that in addition to the main draw — all the incredible international performers demonstrating their regional specialities typically not on tap locally — also if you go by the “merch table” tent, you have one […]
Greetings out there! If you were wondering what happened to this week’s episode of Accordion Noir, you’re not alone! No worries — it did end up airing on Co-Op Radio, and now it has gone up online with this very post. The focus of this week’s episode is this weekend’s return of the recently-frail Vancouver […]
Perhaps Bruce meant that the accordion music is emotionally heating up in anticipation of a key change? Hot weather in July is nothing extraordinary, but hey — here’s an AI-generated illustration to underscore the theme of accordion heat by burning real electricity to negatively impact climate change and generating genuine heat at a data centre […]
Inspiration is where you find it. Your host Bruce recently visited the dentist, and consequently last night’s episode of our weekly broadcast includes a lot of squeezy songs about mouths and the teeth in (and sometimes not in) them! After this many years of weekly episodes, it’s rare for such a starkly fresh episode theme […]
Yesterday was the birthday of the late, great zydeco hero Clifton Chenier, so it lent itself to the occasion of an hour of accordion music, such as we air every Wednesday night on CFRO Co-Op Radio! Chenier only provides zydeco bookends to a set that wanders all over the place, musically, but it definitely informed […]
It’s that time of week again to slip on your headphones and enjoy a blissful hour of sweet squeezebox music. The theme is… here we are in June, and Bruce wanted to play you some excellent squeezebox music, just like he does every week. It’s a good theme, that has gotten us through a lot! […]
Yesterday was Accordion Noir host Bruce’s birthday! But since he has the “big picture” perspective, he knows of many other important birthday and anniversaries in the accordion world also taking place at this time of year, and last night’s episode of our weekly broadcast engages all of them! If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions (strongly […]
Because every DJ lives, to some extent, in the world, every week’s episode of Accordion Noir tells you a bit about what is going on in its host’s life that week. One thing going on is klezmer music, which is directly portable to music radio! Also in Bruce’s present zeitgeist is cycling, which … is […]
The focus for this week’s edition of the Accordion Noir radio program is Victoria’s imminent Klezcadia festival, whose free virtual registration closes tonight! Basically, if you think you might be interested, you should go register, then return to listen to our podcast. If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions (strongly recommended!) haven’t alerted you to the […]
A couple of weeks ago our regular host Bruce tried to seize the bull by the horns and broadcast an episode of our program from our home radio station, CFRO in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, mere blocks from his residence. He’s masterminded hundreds and hundreds of hours of broadcasts from the control board in its studios, […]
Today is Accordion Patent Approval Day, celebrating Cyrill Demian’s successfully getting the paperwork back with a stamp of approval in 1829 enshrining him as the inventor of the accordion! That’s after Patent Filing Day on May 6th, when the clock really started ticking. (And then there is Friedrich Buschmann’s 1822 claim, substantiated by more of […]
Last night’s new, hour-long episode of CFRO Co-Op Community Radio’s weekly Accordion Noir program celebrates the 195th anniversary of Cyrill Demian’s patenting of the first accordion! (Truly we are alive at a great time for accordion enthusiasts, with the instrument’s bicentennial only five years away.) In honour of the occasion, we played squeezy music from […]
Our spree has been a little disrupted by what we might describe as the intrusion of real life and the outside world, but we’re back on our nonsense again: the first Friday of the month is still Bandcamp Friday, and so we still champion the opportunity it represents to get your music entertainment budget into […]
On April 21st, 1994, the Polka was proclaimed the official state dance of Wisconsin. From that departure point, your host Bruce Triggs took an exploration into the wacky world of the most hated popular and fun dance fad that’s been going strong for nearly two centuries, since the 1830s!  [Bruce interjects, “Whoa Rowan, I’d say […]