Accounting Success Academy Podcast

Struggling with your Accounting exams? Lacking motivation? Feeling stuck in your Accounting career? Think again, as this is where I can help you! Tried & tested, with a world leading success rate, I guide clients to develop new strategies, not only with their studies, but with mental wellbeing, personal & career development. 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻, 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗯𝘆 𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻!

Your Accounting Exam Journey

In this great 1 hour conversation with Yvonne Starkey, a fellow Chartered Accountant/ Lecturer/ Coach from South Africa & we cover a number of issues facing Accounting Students...... - What are the 3 biggest stumbling blocks for Accounting Students? - What areas of Exam Technique are neglected the most? - Do you have a "wacky" study tip? - Top tips for newly qualified Accountants - Does previous study habits work for Accounting Exams? - What we wish someone told us years ago about how to study and much more....... And why we both love being Accounting Exam Coaches! Enjoy!


Develop Your Personal Brand for Personal & Career Success!

Building your Personal Brand & Reputation offers numerous benefits to your personal life and career such as building confidence, gaining trust, authenticity, and credibility! This one is not just for Accountants, but for everyone! So give this episode a listen where I chat about...... -  Why do you want to develop your Personal Brand? -  How will you be perceived as the “Expert”?   -  What sets you apart from everyone else? What makes you special?   -  What platforms to use? -  Be You! And more!


Fixed v Growth Mindset for Accounting Exam Success

Why is mindset important in developing positive habits, especially regarding Accounting Exams? Your fixed beliefs about you will hold you back from making positive change. If you have a trait that you believe cannot be changed, such as your intelligence, or your bad habits, you will avoid situations that could possibly be uncomfortable or that you think that are useless. Such as your success in Accounting Exams. In a fixed mindset, people believe their qualities are fixed traits and therefore cannot change. These people document their intelligence and talents rather than working to develop and improve them. They also believe that talent alone leads to success, and effort is not required. Alternatively, in a growth mindset, people have an underlying belief that their learning and intelligence can grow with time and experience. When people believe they can get smarter, they realize that their effort has an effect on their success, so they put in extra time, leading to higher achievement. Give this episode a listen to find out more!


Passing Exams; Perspectives from a Marketing Tutor

EXCLUSIVE CONTENT: Amazing Top Tips for Passing Your Exams from a Marketing Tutor! I sat down and went though a whole host of topics with the amazing Peter Sumpton from Marketing Study Lab to chat about the similarities/ differences between Accounting and Marketing regarding the fundamentals of studying, completing assignments and passing exams.  We wanted to get across the importance of these topics and we covered: - Answering the Task Given, Not Your Own - What style should your answer be written in - Check the word / page count and sticking to it - Doing your research - Check the weighting of each question - Don’t waffle and get to the point - Use real life examples - Reference correctly And if that isn't enough we finish off with a Father Ted discussion and who doesn't want that!


The Struggle; Accounting Exams & Career

So often in the shadows when the boxer succeeds and is more likely to be front and center when the boxer fails.  The cornerman must have detachment from their boxer, but at the same time an unwavering devotion to that boxer’s well-being.  They must be a psychologist, able to assist the fighter through the emotional minefield that is the preparation for combat.  A Strategist, a General, able to see what it’s going to take to secure victory and offering the kind of tactical advice that can be put into practice in the crucible of battle. In this conversation with fellow Accounting Exam "Cornerman" Yvonne Starkey, a fellow Chartered Accountant/ Lecturer/ Coach from South Africa we chatted about our businesses and our Accounting Student clients - Why we like working with Accounting Students - What do we say to students who worry that we will judge them - Would we employ people who failed their exams - Was I the "perfect" student - Do students take on coaching only after they have failed and much more....... Enjoy!


What are students’ biggest mistakes when it comes to studying?

Recently interviewed by Deborah Fitzsimmons from "Go2Educate",  who provides educational resources, courses and merchandise for businesses & schools worldwide.  In this 20 min chat we covered......  (1) What I do in my job? (2) What inspired me to become an Exam Coach? (3) What advice I would give to a student on preparing to study and prioritising what they have to do? (4) I offer suggestions of effective study techniques that have been tried and tested by my student clients (5) All of us are guilty of procrastinating. How can students break this habit? (6) What are students’ biggest mistakes when it comes to studying? (7) What are the rewards of studying? (8) I give 2 inspirational quotes. Enjoyed this one


Need Inspiration? Listen to this!

Exams coming up, lacking motivation and feeling low? It is really good to get motivated, but not so good when you’re just beating around the bush and procrastinating. Remember, motivation is cr*p without taking ACTION and actually doing something! So listen to this 50 min recording to get you inspired, pumped, ready to go to crush your studies & exams!


Presentation: The Forgotten Aspect of Passing Accounting Exams

In every exam, there are always marks given for presentation, they are the 3 or 4 marks that could be the difference between a pass or a fail. Professional communication skills and capabilities are expected by employers so it is key that such qualities are demonstrated in an examination setting in order to gain these marks. You will need to be aware of the structure of the exam in advance to be aware of where these professional marks are allocated. Planning your answer properly and presenting it clearly is another critical component to success. While you’re planning how your answer should be structured, consider what format it should be in and how long each part should be.


Top 10 Accounting Exam Tips

The aim of Accounting Exams is to create well-rounded, accomplished professionals.  Passing these exams is challenging, expensive and time consuming, but check out my top 10 tips to give you a greater chance of success:  1. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF  2. INVEST IN YOURSELF  3. PUT THEORY INTO PRACTICE  4. UNDERSTAND THE SYLLABUS AND EXAM STRUCTURE  5. PRACTICE PAST EXAM QUESTIONS  6. MAKE SUMMARY NOTES  7. REMEMBER KEY INFORMATION  8. MAKE USE OF YOUR NETWORK  9. PLAN YOUR EXAM STRATEGY  10. MAKE THE EXAMINER’S JOB EASY


How to beat the Accounting Exam Freak Out!

Your sitting in the middle of the exam......... Hot flushes Cold Sweat Feeling ill Lose concentration "I'm not ready for this exam" "I dont hate a clue" The "Freak Out" has begun! 


5 Study Tips You Must Adopt NOW!

We all love studying don't we? NOPE! Accounting exams are hard - damn hard. So here I give you 5 tips to take on board before you hit the books - 1. Its going to be hard..... for a while 2. Be aware of your biggest issues and concerns 3. Set goals & targets 4. Become accountable 5. Remove distractions Adopt some of the tips and move forward towards success


The 6 Biggest Mistakes Accounting Students Make - And How To Avoid Them!

People with accounting skills are highly sought after by employers. However, it is not easy to get an accounting qualification, as it requires a lot of discipline and hard work. Success is dependent on the amount of dedication and work you put in.  While studying towards a qualification in accounting, here are a few mistakes to avoid:  1 – NOT PREVIEWING THE MATERIAL 2 – NOT LEARNING THE TERMINOLOGY 3 – NOT ASKING QUESTIONS 4 – PROCRASTINATING 5 – NOT PREPARING PROPERLY FOR EXAMS 6 – NOT PRACTISING DAILY Give this quick 5 min segment a listen!


Your Accounting & Finance Career: Global Perspectives

Moving forward our profession continues to evolve as organisations continue to re-evaluate what the role of Accountants & Finance actually is.    Therefore this interview, has a particular emphasis on the next generation, so very relevant to those out there undertaking exams or just newly qualified.   A great collaboration with 3 Accounting & Finance Titans, Mitan Patel, Anders Liu-Lindberg & Andrew Codd CGMA MBA 


Interview with MCS Group Recruitment

Stephen Turkington - ​Specialist Recruitment Consultant from MCS Group, chatted to me about my ​accounting background and how I help Aspiring Accountants study and prepare for upcoming exams. Also check out the video on the MCS Group website -


"Strength In The Numbers" Interview: Succeed In Your Accounting Exams & Finance Career

Discussion taken from my interview with the fantastic Andrew Codd from his Strength In The Numbers Podcast.......  If you want to realise your potential in Accounting & Finance follow Andrew at &  "Our guest mentor today has a number of amazing stories to share as well as of some of those he's helped. James Perry is a Chartered Accountant and owner of where he offers his clients around the world a unique and fresh perspective to succeed in their exams and reach their potential in their careers.  Key Points From the Episode:  • Where his passion for exam coaching came from and the story behind why’s he’s so passionate about helping others through the process.  • The first question he asks his exam coaching clients that we should all know the answer to if we want to have fun, rewarding and successful careers.  • A number of practical tips to improve your finance & accounting exam and career success.  If you enjoyed this episode, check out our time-stamped show notes, key quotes, resources and ways to connect with our guest mentor and more at"


Accounting Exams........ Why Are You Doing Them?

So, you are in the midst of studying for your Accounting exams, you can’t be bothered and motivation is at a premium. How do you keep yourself going? The ability to get motivated to study can have a very positive effect on a student’s study levels and grades. Sometimes there is no magic formula to get yourself to do something. If you are lacking motivation regarding studying, I would suggest the first thing you tell yourself this....... “Stop wasting time just go and bloody do it!”


Exam Stress: The Ultimate Guide

Do you have your Accounting Exams coming up? 🤔  Myself and successful hypnotherapist Judith Ward had an exam stress Q&A  We chatted about the causes of this stress, practical advice, do's and don'ts etc.  THIS IS NOT TO BE MISSED IF YOU HAVE EXAMS COMING UP!  Show notes -  0 – 6.29 – Exam Stress in context & Intros  6.30 – 8.54 – How did James get into Exam Coaching?  8.55 - 13.05 - Emotional Responses, How do we get Exam Stress? Caveman Syndrome & Signs  13.06 - 17.20 - How I beat Exam Pressures & Practical Tips  17.21 - 20.34 - The "3 P's" & the Power of the Mind  20.35 - 24.30 - Have a Plan & Learn through Audio  24.31 - 28.28 - Oral Presentations/ Public Speaking/ Interviews  28.29 - 37.53 - What NOT to do, Advice for Parents & Lifestyle  37.54 - 42.22 - How to deal with Exam Day 42.23 - 45.09 - Final Tips, Look after Yourself & Distractions  45.10 - END - Contact Details


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