Acts Teens Live

Acts Teens is the happening teens’ ministry of Acts Church that is on a mission to reach the world of teens and to reach the world through teens. And we welcome anyone aged 11 to 17 years old to join us on this mission! <br /><br />Acts Teens is not just a regular youth group. It is a movement of young people who are living for a cause greater than themselves – teens who are filled with purpose, full of passion and packed with power to change their world.

Which Direction: Where We Goin'? Series - What Makes You Beautiful (Self-Esteem) - Yap Ken-ji

Low self-esteem is based on what you believe about yourself based what people around you have said, or your experiences. But, our God placed great value on you, and He has great plan and purpose for you.


Which Direction: Where We Goin'? Series - Story of My Life (Identity) - Yap Ken-ji

Our true identity is found in Christ not by the world, not by the people around us. He has the ultimate power to define who we are. We are loved, we are wanted, we are worthy, we are His child, so lean in to Him to search for your true identity.


A Father's Love - Daniel Chong

Your validation comes from Jesus who loves you for who you are. The world will tell you to do more and better to deserve better, but Jesus is saying, come to me as you are. He loves you for because of who He is!


Are You Drunk? - Pr Andy Yeoh

Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to not just touch you but take control? A person drunk with wine does foolish things, but a person drunk with the Holy Spirit does bold things for God. What else does it mean to be drunk with the Spirit?


This Fruit Hits Different (Fruit Of The Spirit Series) - Self Control - Pr Andy Yeoh

Self-control is knowing when to say no, and what to say no to – and doing it. You cannot control what happens to you. You can only control what you do with what happens to you.


This Fruit Hits Different (Fruit Of The Spirit Series) - Gentleness - Core Teens: Aaron Quek, Arielle Wang & Jonathan Chiew

Gentleness is not weakness. Gentleness is to love first, though the first reaction should attacking or defensive. It is strength wrapped in peace and therein lies power to change the world.


This Fruit Hits Different (Fruit Of The Spirit Series) - Faithfulness - Pr Alvin Keng

It is a tall order to be faithful. When we are faithful to God, we would be faithful to His Commandment and know His purpose for us.


This Fruit Hits Different (Fruit Of The Spirit Series) - Goodness - Pr Andy Yeoh

If kindness is doing something good for someone even when it's not necessary -- goodness is doing something good, especially for someone, because it’s the right thing to do; because it’s necessary. It shouldn't be just be explained, but experienced and then be expressed!


This Fruit Hits Different (Fruit Of The Spirit Series) - Kindness - Dr Jill Ling

No matter what comes your way, choose kindness because it is powerful! God is kind not just to those who deserve it, but people who don't.


This Fruit Hits Different (Fruit Of The Spirit Series) - Patience - Pr Aaron Anand

Sometimes there might be a lot of waiting in your situations, but then remember to not rush through the moments of life. Jesus did not rush through, but captured every moment because it is precious. So waiting is not a bad thing, but it would produce really valueable moments!


This Fruit Hits Different (Fruit of the Spirit Series) - Joy - Yap Ken-ji

Joy is more than a feeling we feel, it is even in the midst of trials and hardships, it helps us to connect with the meaning and purpose God has placed in our lives.


This Fruit Hits Different (Fruit of the Spirit Series) - Love - Pr Andy Yeoh

The Fruit of the Spirit is not a Reach (Achievement) but a Result (After-effect) ofWalking in the Spirit. In Part 1 of this Series, we learn about what LOVE is - the kind that is unconditional and only God can provide!


Life is Hard, No Cap - #3 Knowing Your Calling - Pr Benjamin Rajendram

What has God given to you right now? What is your strength right now? Steward it and use it well. Allow God to use you because He know what He has called you to doesn't matter the mistakes you have done in the past! He will lead the way, the journey He has prepared for you!


Life is Hard, No Cap - #2 Insecurities - Daniel Chong

Stop saying that you can't when God has hand-picked you to do His will! Trust that He can turn your weaknesses into strengths for His glory.


Life is Hard, No Cap = #1 Self-Love - Pr Andy Yeoh

Self-Love - sounds good, makes sense, but the question is: is it Biblical? Or, is it commanded of us? Do we need first love ourselves before we can love others?The Bible does say that we love because God first loved us. So, whether it is loving ourselves or loving others, it is based first and foremost on the truth that God loves us.


New Level, New Devil (Part 2): The ABCDE of Going to the Next Level - Pr Andy Yeoh

Valuable insights and practical steps that you and I can follow, if we want to reach that next level that God has called us to!


New Level, New Devil (Part 1): The Next Level - Pr Andy Yeoh

Without challenges, there is no growth. Challenges and growth are uncomfortable, but if you want growth, then you have to be willing to be uncomfortable. Learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable!


Are You Ready to Love? - Pr Sandra Chin

Have you thought of how have you been loving? Before you get into a relationship, and talk about love, it is good to think about how Christ have loved us, sacrificially and unconditionally.


Who Do You Say That I Am? (Identity) - Rev Kenneth Chin

There will always be a 'They' who wants to have a say about you, but find confidence in what the Word of God says about you and in Christ - the one and only who defines who you are!


It's My Wish, I Do Whatever I Want - Kanesh Fisherman

We all have our wishes and we want them granted! But the secret to fulfilment is not to live out our wishes but rather live our God's will! Seek Him first, and you stand to be blessed!


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