Adrianomics Property Investment

No fluff - just podcast! That's what they're saying about this exciting new podcast about all things that affect us as property investors and landlords. Presented and written by Adrian Kempton-Cumber, who began his Buy-To-Let experience back in the 90s!

This Is For Real - Managing Finances Now

I had a ride in an Uber a in early 2024 and the driver was complaining how he worked really hard but, year after year, never seemed to have anything to show for it. He explained how that was happening, and by the end of the 25 minute journey I'd made suggestions to him that he said would make him thousands better off each year. This episode I explain what I did for him and how you can apply the same thinking to your personal and business finances. I will post a link here to all the relevant suggestions in this episode very soon. If you have a specific request in the meantime, then simply email me at and I'll get back to you with the link/s required.


Death By Mortgage - How Your Mortgage Can Cost You Everything

People typically think that their mortgage is a friendly tool. Perhaps it was those Woolwich adverts years ago. Either way, a mortagge is a piranha and if you don't keep it fed it'll kill your portfolio! This applies to both residential mortgages, and even more to Buy-To-Let and Commercial borrowing.


How To Get Started In Property Investment - Part 2

Looking at what sort of properties and strategies are out there, and some of the regulation that is in force for them. (This is based on properties in England as Wales, Scotland and NI have different rules in some cases). I also talk about training and choosing a strategy, some things to avoid and some alternatives to investing.


How To Get Started in Property Investment - Part 1

In this episode I talk about what you need to do to get started in property investment, really anywhere, since this stuff is actually universal. I talk about the things you need to think about, mindset, education, and what competition you'll face. I also cover the opportunity we have right now. If you have any questions then please email


RIP Holiday Lets

In this episode I talk about Holiday Lets, a strategy which I considered quite seriously a year or two ago, but which I'm approaching very differently now. We'll see how the holiday market changed over the decades leading up to Lockdown, how Lockdown had a massive effect on Holiday Lets, what's happened since and what's coming up. Are they dead for ever? Listen and find out... For those interested in strategies as mentioned in the podcast please email putting HL in the title.


The Property Ladder Is Dead!

The property ladder is finished. It's not coming back. But some might be able to climb up the fire escape! In this episode I examine the truth behind the property ladder. As property investors we need to accept that it's over and find new ways to satisfy demand. And there is a way... want to know more? Email and put Fire Escape in the title.


Adrianomics - Introduction and What To Expect

I want the Adrianomics Property Investment Podcast to be different, unique. Offering opinion and analysis, tips and tricks, and be entertaining whilst educating. So this episode is about my background in property, and what the podcast is about, what it's not about, and what to expect. Which is disruption going forward!


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