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Adventures in Truth Podcast

Author: R. James Case

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The mission of Adventures in Truth Podcast (AiT) is to stimulate the discovery of, and tap into the true knowledge of, our Self and our unlimited potential. AiT promotes living our lives in a state of what we call Universal Truth.

In order to know who we are, we have to understand the truths/beliefs we have aligned with. This clarity leads to greater awareness of and understanding about our core beliefs. The process of knowing our true Self begins with understanding the truths/beliefs that we've learned and accepted to be true in our experience. Consistently; and paradoxically, these truths/beliefs we attach to are actually distortions of Universal Truth.

At AiT we are committed to confronting these false narratives or stories that create powerful challenges in our experience. The Deep dive format that Adventures in Truth Podcast undertakes each week up-roots those core beliefs and truths that we've become attached to. In doing so we illuminate and clarify Truth. That clarity allows us to let go of truths/beliefs that no longer serve us. Through that release of the distortions of truth we get to align with Universal Truth, and develop a better understanding of who we are and why we're here. We also experience greater and greater levels of wholeness and fulfilment.
179 Episodes
The ego operates from a powerful, almost singular perspective- Sameness equals Safety. What kept me alive yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that is good enough. What has kept me safe will continue to keep me safe. This belief is the cornerstone of our struggle with change, AND our relationship with fear. This ego ‘will’ is so influential that we will MAKE UP beliefs about our experience to support it. What’s more challenging is we don’t see it. This Conversation With Moshe is going to blow your mind! We are diving deep on the hold that ‘sameness equals safety’ holds in our lives. This is an aspect of our consciousness that requires us to become more conscious. The job of the Ego is to keep our physical body on the planet, safe and alive as possible. This Ego is purely of this time and space reality- it lives and dies with our bodies. So how do we create a different relationship? Resistance and fighting are NOT the answer. Getting more conscious is. Ready to Dive in? About Moshe Engelberg: He is a teacher at heart. He works to uplift people and reduce suffering by helping good organizations and their leaders put love or “amare” to work, without sacrificing profits. Born in Pittsburgh, he grew up – literally – in Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. He moved to San Diego for college at UCSD, where it took him three years to complete my freshman year. Hey, the ocean called! While working in the health field, he then earned Masters degree in both psychology and in public health, before moving to Idaho to be a Health Promotion Specialist at HealthWise. Big picture, frustration in how poorly his field of work did marketing for something as important as health took him back to school, this time for a PhD in Communication at Stanford. In 1991, midway through his doctoral program, he began ResearchWorks, the boutique strategy consulting firm he still runs today. And concurrently he taught lots of executive education and graduate classes at San Diego universities. And co-raised his kids. Busy times. Fast forward to now. All he learned through consulting for some extraordinary people and companies, teaching many brilliant and hardworking students, and going on his own spiritual journey, led him to write the Amare Wave, and refine his focus to what it is now: Uplifting business with the energy of love. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: *************************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle *************************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Audible, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
So many have serious challenges with making choices. We are constantly choosing things- virtually every minute of every day. Some of them are conscious. Most of them are unconscious or semi-conscious. Mostly our choices are based on the stories we have been telling ourselves. Often time the true choice becomes deeply obscured BECAUSE of those same stories. On this Conversation With Moshe we are diving into this important and impactful aspect of all of our experience. Our minds runs 24/7- our computer processing our environment, filtering our experience based on what is active in our subconscious. The mind attempts to create it owns version of reality, using the vast warehouse of your subconscious to do it. Our minds are also tapped into many different thought stream. This concoction makes for much delusion and confusion in the choice process. Join us to learn more about understanding, and changing, where you choose from. Ready to Dive in? About Moshe Engelberg: He is a teacher at heart. He works to uplift people and reduce suffering by helping good organizations and their leaders put love or “amare” to work, without sacrificing profits. Born in Pittsburgh, he grew up – literally – in Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. He moved to San Diego for college at UCSD, where it took him three years to complete my freshman year. Hey, the ocean called! While working in the health field, he then earned Masters degree in both psychology and in public health, before moving to Idaho to be a Health Promotion Specialist at HealthWise. Big picture, frustration in how poorly his field of work did marketing for something as important as health took him back to school, this time for a PhD in Communication at Stanford. In 1991, midway through his doctoral program, he began ResearchWorks, the boutique strategy consulting firm he still runs today. And concurrently he taught lots of executive education and graduate classes at San Diego universities. And co-raised his kids. Busy times. Fast forward to now. All he learned through consulting for some extraordinary people and companies, teaching many brilliant and hardworking students, and going on his own spiritual journey, led him to write the Amare Wave, and refine his focus to what it is now: Uplifting business with the energy of love. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: ****************************************************************************************TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Audible, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
We have all experienced the growing uncertainty in our human experience. There are so many things we used to be certain about, and now it seems at almost every turn, there is another piece of that certainty breaking down, blowing up or falling apart. Trying to find your New Normal within all of the apparent uncertainty is definitely challenging- physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. On this Adventure I am excited to welcome back Author, Intuitive and Healer, the amazing, Cyndi Dale! Her new book “Chakras, Food and You” releases August 3! We are going to dive deep into exploring the gift of uncertainty, and dispelling the illusion of certainty as a solution for our uncertainty. Cyndi and I will be offering tools you can use to navigate the uncertainty with greater peace and more Joy! The underlying belief is that uncertainty equals fear, and certainty equals stability. But just like so many mass conscious concepts and beliefs- it is an Illusion. Ready to Dive in? About Cyndi Dale: Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant and the author of 27 books about energy medicine, intuition, and spirituality. In addition, she has worked with over 70,000 clients and presented hundreds of seminars and workshops across the Americas and in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, Iceland, Costa Rica, Belize, Morocco, Peru, Scotland, and more. She is also a favored teacher and healer for China, leading in-person and on-line classes, and has been published in over 17 languages. Her books include The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, the winner of four internationally recognized Publisher’s Awards. Most recently, her titles include Energy Wellness for Your Pets (2019), Llewellyn’s Little Book of Empathy (2019), Awaken Clairvoyant Energy (2018); The Subtle Body Coloring Book, The Little Book of Chakras, and Subtle Energy Techniques (2017); and Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras, the largest compendium of chakra knowledge ever produced (2016). Overall, she seeks to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples. Her next releases include Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Illness (Llewellyn, July 2020), and Advanced Chakra Healing, a reissue of a popular book first printed fifteen years ago (Llewellyn, August 2021.) Co-written with Dana Childs, she is also writing a book about making food and healthy choices through the chakras, to be published in 2022 by St. Martin’s Press. Cyndi graduated from the University of Minnesota summa cum laude with a degree in English and a minor in Philosophy. She also holds a fifth-degree Reiki certificate, the highest of distinctions in this healing arena. Cyndi currently teaches a certificate-level program at Normandale College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, through which adult students earn an accredited certificate in Energy Medicine. As well, she teaches a year-long Apprenticeship Program through her own company, Essential Energy, assisting individuals with developing their natural intuitive and healing gifts. These courses are added to the dozens she teaches locally and worldwide in energy medicine and spiritual healing. Learn more @ We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: *************************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle...
I was once again reminded; during an afternoon of tension and struggle with my spouse, that when I am mired in a viewpoint, feeling heavy, upset, righteous, angry, frustrated, and things are not resolving- I CAN SHIFT THAT! We carry within us two of the most POWERFUL tools to shift ANY energy. Those tools are Appreciation and WWLD (What Would Love Do). On today's show we will dive into these amazing tools. So often we find ourselves in situations or interactions that feel or seem unyielding, or not resolving. That is typically caused because we are 'clouded' by our own perspective of what we are dealing with. This is the time to invoke a shift in your perspective. The Power tools of Appreciation and WWLD do exactly that. Join me to find out what they do, and why they are so effective. Ready to Dive in? We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
Everyone agrees this time is unlike any other that most, if not all of us, have ever experienced. We (collectively) have created powerful opportunities to create incredible, paradigm shifting change. We are in a time of tremendous upheaval. We are in a time of quantum growth. Because we (individually and collectively) have never been here before, we are learning and experiencing as we go. We have created challenges that are; quite literally, beyond our brains ability to solve, or even completely comprehend. While that sounds daunting, it is really about each of us working a daily practice that supports our alignment and connection to God, All That Is, The I Am, The Universe or Divine Intelligence in order to open our energies up to 'other' solutions. Part of that process is understanding the impact of power of the state of 'Not Know'- the willingness to put the ego to bed, stand in a space of clarity even when we have no idea where its going. It is part of what I call "feeling my way into" all the opportunities and experiences. To follow the ENERGY to our solutions. Get ready for this adventure! Ready to dive in? We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
Sounds simple right? Stop pushing, start flowing. We are mostly trained to push, fight, struggle, grind, force, conquer, etc. In this Year of Conscious Creation it is time to unlearn resistance and learn flow. Everything in our world and in the Universe has a rhythm. When you survey this amazing world you can clearly see that, other than us humans, everything in the natural world is in flow and seeking balance. How do we step into, encourage and live that rhythm in our own lives? How do we change the paradigm of struggle and resistance in order to truly create #MyWorldIsGood. There is a bunch to unpack in the adventure. Looking forward to having you along. Ready to dive in? We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
This is going to be quite the adventure! On this episode I am presenting a new perspective on Imagination. We will explore why Imagination is; not only important, but actually integral to our wellness, our ability to create, and our aliveness. How do you use your imagination? How do you interact with it? Do you include it in your meditation or contemplation? This will be a deep and powerfully satisfying dive! It is always an awesome experience unraveling concepts and beliefs and really looking at them and their impact in our lives and experience. Join me as we play in Imagination! Ready to dive in? We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
On a recent ski trip I had a powerful, debilitating, distracting, triggered experience that became an uplifting, empowering, enlightening, clarifying experience that I must share with you. The impact of a thought can fire up our triggers, create powerful momentum and inspire change. I wouldn't have believed myself had I not experienced it. This show is all about laying bear the power of ONE thought with energy. I want to take you through every aspect of the incredible experience, because we ALL experience the same thing. I will share the tools I used in my effort to shift my energy, change the momentum, and finally to create positive change. You won't want to miss this! Ready to Dive in? We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
On this show we talk all about Chapter 2 of "Fear Is A Choice". We will review the chapter in depth and talk about the evolution of fear in the human experience, and how it become a staple in our consciousness diet. We will explore the ways we embedded fear in our experience through storytelling and trying to make sense of things we did not yet comprehend- like the weather! Even though fear has been around a long, long time it is still something we learn or are trained into, and NOT intrinsic- meaning we are not born into this world in fear. It is and always will be a choice. What is your relationship with fear? Ready to dive in? We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: *************************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle *************************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Audible, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)



Welcome to Adventures in Truth!
Continuing with the larger topic of Self Awareness, I am excited to welcome back my Guest Co-Host for the show this week, Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D! Considered one of the world’s leading authorities on energy healing and mind-body medicine, she is a bestselling author and world-renowned past life regressionist. Shelley received her Ph.D. in Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology in 2001. Her new book, “Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life” just released! As we evolve our experience and understanding of Self Awareness we also begin to come into a profound clarity- I am exactly where I WANT to be! This awareness is paradoxical, mind bending, and incredibility liberating. The implications are profound. I find more desire and energy for Appreciation and Gratitude, I experience time differently, I see the connectedness of my life, and how it all brought me exactly to where I am right now. I also get to truly see how my thoughts, beliefs and desires are creating my life right before my eyes, influenced by my past history and life experiences. This will be a big AHA moment! Ready to dive in? About Shelley A Kaehr PhD: A world-renowned past-life regressionist, Dr. Shelley’s method of combining energy work with hypnosis has been endorsed by numerous leaders in the field of consciousness, including near-death experience pioneer Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Brian Weiss who called her book Lifestream, “An important contribution to the field of regression therapy.” Shelley coined the term Supretrovie to describe the externally induced past life memories of her clients. That information, along with her latest research into her RELIEF Method for Anxiety, is featured in Meet Your Karma: The Healing Power of Past Life Memories. A world traveler and popular guest speaker, Dr. Kaehr (pronounced “care”) developed several healing techniques including Edgar Cayce’s Egyptian Energy Healing, Pythagorean Healing, Binary Healing, Platonic Healing, Holographic Mapping, among others. She has trained thousands of energy healing practitioners during her many years in private practice and is also considered a leading expert on the practical use of gems and minerals to shift energetic patterns and frequencies, as discussed in her several books on the topic, including Edgar Cayce’s Sacred Stones and Edgar Cayce’s Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals & More. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Audible, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
Moshe Engelberg is back for another Conversation in the series on Self-Awareness. On this episode we dive deep into Understanding Your Why, and its importance to pretty much everything in your life. Our focus will not be on the big “Why”, but rather the “Why” itself. Every choice you make has a “Why”. Every decision you make has a “Why”. Every desire you have has a “Why”. As kids we always asked “Why?”. The importance of our “Why” about anything is very important. Want to know why? As we continue on this adventure in Self-Awareness, we find the deeper we go the more clarity unfolds for us. “Why” is a gateway to clarity- every single time. Join us to learn more about “Why” and how it plays such a powerful roll in our ability to create and live our best, most fulfilling life! Ready to dive in? About Moshe Engelberg: He is a teacher at heart. He works to uplift people and reduce suffering by helping good organizations and their leaders put love or “amare” to work, without sacrificing profits. Born in Pittsburgh, he grew up – literally – in Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. He moved to San Diego for college at UCSD, where it took him three years to complete my freshman year. Hey, the ocean called! While working in the health field, he then earned Masters degree in both psychology and in public health, before moving to Idaho to be a Health Promotion Specialist at HealthWise. Big picture, frustration in how poorly his field of work did marketing for something as important as health took him back to school, this time for a PhD in Communication at Stanford. In 1991, midway through his doctoral program, he began ResearchWorks, the boutique strategy consulting firm he still runs today. And concurrently he taught lots of executive education and graduate classes at San Diego universities. And co-raised his kids. Busy times. Fast forward to now. All he learned through consulting for some extraordinary people and companies, teaching many brilliant and hardworking students, and going on his own spiritual journey, led him to write the Amare Wave, and refine his focus to what it is now: Uplifting business with the energy of love. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Audible, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
This is part two of our adventure regarding Self Awareness. In our last episode together we talked in broad terms about what it is, and how to grow it and cultivate it. This episode we are going deeper. We are going to look at a variety of opportunities that we each have to expand and cultivate Self Awareness pretty much every day. We will also be looking at energies like friction and contrast, and how powerfully these experiences can bring positive clarity and stronger alignment to what we want. This occurs because friction and contrast drive us into Self Awareness, or self abuse. Join us for this adventure in Self Awareness! Ready to dive in? About Moshe Engelberg: He is a teacher at heart. He works to uplift people and reduce suffering by helping good organizations and their leaders put love or “amare” to work, without sacrificing profits. Born in Pittsburgh, he grew up – literally – in Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. He moved to San Diego for college at UCSD, where it took him three years to complete my freshman year. Hey, the ocean called! While working in the health field, he then earned Masters degree in both psychology and in public health, before moving to Idaho to be a Health Promotion Specialist at HealthWise. Big picture, frustration in how poorly his field of work did marketing for something as important as health took him back to school, this time for a PhD in Communication at Stanford. In 1991, midway through his doctoral program, he began ResearchWorks, the boutique strategy consulting firm he still runs today. And concurrently he taught lots of executive education and graduate classes at San Diego universities. And co-raised his kids. Busy times. Fast forward to now. All he learned through consulting for some extraordinary people and companies, teaching many brilliant and hardworking students, and going on his own spiritual journey, led him to write the Amare Wave, and refine his focus to what it is now: Uplifting business with the energy of love. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: ****************************************************************************************TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Audible, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
Socrates said, “Know Thyself”. Powerful words, challenging execution. Moshe is back for another deep dive. On this episode we are going to explore Self Awareness. What do we do to cultivate it? Can we grow our experience of it? Is there a process to expand this energy? What does it mean to explore Self Awareness? We will be exploring these questions and more with examples and tools you can use to really know thyself. Ready to dive in? About Moshe Engelberg: He is a teacher at heart. He works to uplift people and reduce suffering by helping good organizations and their leaders put love or “amare” to work, without sacrificing profits. Born in Pittsburgh, he grew up – literally – in Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. He moved to San Diego for college at UCSD, where it took him three years to complete my freshman year. Hey, the ocean called! While working in the health field, he then earned Masters degree in both psychology and in public health, before moving to Idaho to be a Health Promotion Specialist at HealthWise. Big picture, frustration in how poorly his field of work did marketing for something as important as health took him back to school, this time for a PhD in Communication at Stanford. In 1991, midway through his doctoral program, he began ResearchWorks, the boutique strategy consulting firm he still runs today. And concurrently he taught lots of executive education and graduate classes at San Diego universities. And co-raised his kids. Busy times. Fast forward to now. All he learned through consulting for some extraordinary people and companies, teaching many brilliant and hardworking students, and going on his own spiritual journey, led him to write the Amare Wave, and refine his focus to what it is now: Uplifting business with the energy of love. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
When you are called, or invite, Pacha Mama into your experience your relationship with fear is illuminated. What does that mean? We experience and indulge in many different types of fear. When we are burdened by a fear of self, or fear of ‘who am I’, the experience you may have in ceremony can be quite challenging- often called a bad trip. When our fears are more circumstantial you may find some of your experience like being in a horror movie, but you are the lead character. Your dance with Ayahuasca is about illuminating that which you use to keep you from your potential. You relationship with fear has great influence in that. It is why it is so important to choose an Ayahuascero that you can feel connection and trust with, and that feels deeply in alignment with you intention. It is also why surrender is so, so, so, so important. I am excited to welcome back to the show, from Peru, Ayahuascero, teacher, and guide, Paul Diamond. He holds three degrees, including a bachelors in the study of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and a Masters degree in The Study of Mysticism and Religious Experience from Canterbury University, England. Following his shamanic path, Paul was called to work in the service of the Goddess Kali, who remains his main guide, teacher and master. Paul has a Center called Tantraya in the Sacred Valley in Peru. The country is open again, and he is welcoming people to his Center for retreats. Check it out @ Ready to Dive in? About Paul Diamond: Paul is an initiate in a wide variety of mystical and spiritual traditions. For over twenty years, he has been meeting and studying with spiritual masters from across the world. He has been initiated into the Ayahuasca tradition by the legendary shaman Peter Aziz of England, by Don Agustin Rivas of Peru and by Don Lucio Panduro of Peru. He is also an initiate in the Mongolian Buryat Shamanic tradition, is a fully trained Houngan in the Haitian Voudon tradition, has been initated into the Nepalese Shamanic tradition as a Bon Jhankri and Phurba priest. He has also been initiated into various streams of Tantric, Yogic, Taoist and Sufi mysticism and is currently training to be a Daoist Priest in the Zheng Yi Lineage Paul is also a fully trained Acupuncturist, Kundalini Yoga instructor, Qi Gong, Tai Chi and internal martial arts instructor, as well as a fully trained massage therapist and teacher in the Thai Massage tradition. He holds three degrees, including a bachelors in the study of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and a Masters degree in The Study of Mysticism and Religious Experience from Canterbury University, England. Following his shamanic path, Paul was called to work in the service of the Goddess Kali, who remains his main guide, teacher and master. Please check out Paul's amazing work- both plant medicine based and non-medicine modalities. He has been teaching and guiding for decades. His skill set is extraordinary. His skills are highly complimented by the breathtaking depth of his knowledge- truly a Master. Check out his website for all he has to offer in Peru: Facebook: Email: We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: *************************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle...
There is much talk about “getting back to normal”. Here’s the reality- there is no “getting back”. This is going to be a great show filled with tips and tools for managing and aligning into the New Normal- which we are creating right now! How do we find alignment amid the apparent chaos? My guest Co-Host for this adventure is Cyndi Dale. She is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant and the author of 27 books about energy medicine, intuition, and spirituality. We are going to dive deep to really unravel what’s going on energetically, how to best respond, and ways to tap into your greatest potential, so you are using this incredible time to build your New Normal into an environment in which you can thrive! Ready to dive in? About Cyndi Dale: Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant and the author of 27 books about energy medicine, intuition, and spirituality. In addition, she has worked with over 70,000 clients and presented hundreds of seminars and workshops across the Americas and in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, Iceland, Costa Rica, Belize, Morocco, Peru, Scotland, and more. She is also a favored teacher and healer for China, leading in-person and on-line classes, and has been published in over 17 languages. Her books include The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, the winner of four internationally recognized Publisher’s Awards. Most recently, her titles include Energy Wellness for Your Pets (2019), Llewellyn’s Little Book of Empathy (2019), Awaken Clairvoyant Energy (2018); The Subtle Body Coloring Book, The Little Book of Chakras, and Subtle Energy Techniques (2017); and Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras, the largest compendium of chakra knowledge ever produced (2016). Overall, she seeks to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples. Her next releases include Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Illness (Llewellyn, July 2020), and Advanced Chakra Healing, a reissue of a popular book first printed fifteen years ago (Llewellyn, August 2021.) Co-written with Dana Childs, she is also writing a book about making food and healthy choices through the chakras, to be published in 2022 by St. Martin’s Press. Cyndi graduated from the University of Minnesota summa cum laude with a degree in English and a minor in Philosophy. She also holds a fifth-degree Reiki certificate, the highest of distinctions in this healing arena. Cyndi currently teaches a certificate-level program at Normandale College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, through which adult students earn an accredited certificate in Energy Medicine. As well, she teaches a year-long Apprenticeship Program through her own company, Essential Energy, assisting individuals with developing their natural intuitive and healing gifts. These courses are added to the dozens she teaches locally and worldwide in energy medicine and spiritual healing. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website:
I recently read a definition of abundance that really struck me, “…the cultivation of respect for the creative energy of the Universe”. I would express it another way: the cultivation of respect of/for Self. What does that mean? When we cultivate, we nurture, we appreciate, we honor, we attend to that which we desire to cultivate. How does that look? Moshe Engelberg, PhD and Author, is back with another powerful ‘Conversation With Moshe’. We will be diving deeply into the topic of abundance. We can have a lot of a lot of things, but how are we cultivating and engaging a state of abundance? What does a state of abundance look like? Feel like? Abundance is ultimately an inside job. Join us as we show you how and why. Ready to dive in? About Moshe Engelberg: He is a teacher at heart. He works to uplift people and reduce suffering by helping good organizations and their leaders put love or “amare” to work, without sacrificing profits. Born in Pittsburgh, he grew up – literally – in Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. He moved to San Diego for college at UCSD, where it took him three years to complete my freshman year. Hey, the ocean called! While working in the health field, he then earned Masters degree in both psychology and in public health, before moving to Idaho to be a Health Promotion Specialist at HealthWise. Big picture, frustration in how poorly his field of work did marketing for something as important as health took him back to school, this time for a PhD in Communication at Stanford. In 1991, midway through his doctoral program, he began ResearchWorks, the boutique strategy consulting firm he still runs today. And concurrently he taught lots of executive education and graduate classes at San Diego universities. And co-raised his kids. Busy times. Fast forward to now. All he learned through consulting for some extraordinary people and companies, teaching many brilliant and hardworking students, and going on his own spiritual journey, led him to write the Amare Wave, and refine his focus to what it is now: Uplifting business with the energy of love. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: *************************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle *************************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Audible, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
Unraveling Divisiveness

Unraveling Divisiveness


I had a powerful experience the other day in a group I was a part of. The topic was divisiveness. For me It became a powerful process in unraveling this destructive energy. On this episode I want to share with you what I discovered. Consider that divisiveness is the way our judgmental-ness gets used against us. Tickled your interest? We are currently, seemingly drowning in divisiveness. It has been weaponized in ways I don't think that we ever even imagined. But I am finding more and more that it appears to start as an inside job. Enter our Egos. I am really excited to unfold this with you! Ready to dive in? We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
Busting the Meditation Myth

Busting the Meditation Myth


We spend a lot of time and focus on the show supporting, guiding and encouraging everyone to have a solid daily practice. On this show we are going to bust the meditation myth. We are going to de-mystify the whole deal. We are going to dive into how you build your daily practice with meditation, how really simple and easy it is to shift state, and how you can find immense peace and joy in quiet. This is going to be a fun, demystifying conversation! Ready to Dive In? We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: *************************************************************************************************** TO PRE-ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon and Barnes and Noble *************************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)
Get ready for another powerful Conversation With Moshe! It is time for us to evolve our relationship with death. How do we change our relationship with death? The word itself can stimulate crazy fear. On the show we will deep dive into the various aspects of our "death consciousness". We experience death on many levels. It is important to illuminate these levels to truly understand how our beliefs about death are strung together, and to begin to change our relationship with and reaction to death. Ready to dive in? About Moshe Engelberg: He is a teacher at heart. He works to uplift people and reduce suffering by helping good organizations and their leaders put love or “amare” to work, without sacrificing profits. Born in Pittsburgh, he grew up – literally – in Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. He moved to San Diego for college at UCSD, where it took him three years to complete my freshman year. Hey, the ocean called! While working in the health field, he then earned Masters degree in both psychology and in public health, before moving to Idaho to be a Health Promotion Specialist at HealthWise. Big picture, frustration in how poorly his field of work did marketing for something as important as health took him back to school, this time for a PhD in Communication at Stanford. In 1991, midway through his doctoral program, he began ResearchWorks, the boutique strategy consulting firm he still runs today. And concurrently he taught lots of executive education and graduate classes at San Diego universities. And co-raised his kids. Busy times. Fast forward to now. All he learned through consulting for some extraordinary people and companies, teaching many brilliant and hardworking students, and going on his own spiritual journey, led him to write the Amare Wave, and refine his focus to what it is now: Uplifting business with the energy of love. We deeply appreciate your support! Please subscribe to our YouTube page and like us on Facebook using the links provided. We would love to hear from you. Please comment with your thoughts, questions and ideas, and any topic you'd like us to explore. Show Intro created and produced by Loren Michaels Harris. Find him here: **************************************************************************************** TO ORDER MY NEW BOOK "Fear Is A Choice: Unraveling The Illusion of Our Separation From Love" head over to Also through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound, and Kindle **************************************************************************************** LISTEN: iTunes, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Deezer, Spotify, Ganna, Jio Saavan, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Podcast Index, Podchaser- Adventures in Truth Podcast Website: YouTube- Facebook- @Aitpodcast WATCH: FB Live, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, Fire, Amazon, Periscope, Andriod e360tv- (LIVECAST Wed @ 8a pst and Fri @ 4p pst)