Advocates Viewpoint

Welcome to Advocates Viewpoint, a podcast dedicated to spreading awareness, and sharing viewpoints on social issues facing our nation today. Bullying, cyber-bullying, suicide prevention and social injustice. I will also be interviewing amazing and powerful guest that are advocating for a better tomorrow. Grab a tissue, pop the popcorn and get inspired by their powerful stories then join us for the advocate movement!

Join our Master Mind Group for peace!!

Hello, some time ago I created The Advocate Project and then later Advocate Tees (an apparel company) to spread peace and advocacy for anti-bulling and suicide awareness. After some time away from this, I am relaunching THE ADVOCATE PROJECT 2021 and creating a MastMind Group to later to become a new creative entity with a mastermind of creatives. If you are a creative person we need designer, graphic designers, social influencers, content writers, web developers, coders, marketing geniuses and etc. to join the Advocate Project team. If this interest you please text me at 801-970-2732 or email me at


Ep. 5 - Fat Shaming

Thanks again for taking this time to hear my views and again my hopes with this podcast is to be another resource and to provide some support in anything you are going through. I truly believe that you matter! In this episode I will go over a hard subject matter; Fat Shaming - My weight problem - how it played a huge role in my bullying and confidence - Why do we fat shame? - Awareness and self reflection


Ep. 4 - Thoughts, Voices and love

In this episode, I will be going over the "voices" in our head, power of influence and the power of you!


Ep. 3 - My story & purpose part 2

This time I will take you out of the pit and into the light of overcoming challenges, and mentorship. I will be talking about hope through teachers and educators that see you and how you can take on a better tomorrow with amazing friends and mentors to ultimately will help you achieve your dreams, as I did when I was able to get paid to draw as a graphic designer.


Ep. 2 - My Story & purpose part 1

In this episode Ryan will share why he started this podcast, and what to expect. He will also share his story of being bullied in middle school and sets the stage for what is to come in upcoming episodes. Please like and follow the podcast on - By advocating for others we can change the future and the world


Episode 1 - Guns in school debate

Just getting the hang of this and putting out some feelers on your opinion on guns and the state of the nation right now with the recent shooting at Parkland.


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