AfroBrit Ramblings

Welcome to AfroBrit. This podcast is about the many alleys of life and life lessons. Being AfroBrit, the two cultures result in growth, and a few chuckles and middle-aged ramblings. The intent is to create a platform for the voiceless to discuss mental health and invisible illnesses. As a person who has reinvented herself from a nervous breakdown, depression and living with autoimmune illness to a best-selling author, you get a seat in the women elders counsel 😉 giving a platform for the voiceless.

A Servants Heart

Today, there are all sorts of gurus giving advice everywhere. As an influencer, whether online, in the office, or at home, do you have a servants heart? A heart to serve those who come under our above you or are you seeking being a celebrity


It's okay not to be okay

A cliche that's repeatedly used yet, we don't give ourselves permission not to be okay. Life is uncertain at times overwhelming you cannot be always happy. You need to give yourself a break.


Making decisions with God

During uncertain times, one can be tempted to make deciding that could significantly change their lives. God cares and loves us and wants to be part of our lives. Fear can make permanent changes with far-reaching consequences that may be unchangeable. God leads and guides you trust him


You are made in God's image

In a world where we are battling with identity, your foundational belief should be "You are made in God's image". From eternity past He called your name into a certain nation, time, family, and every experience you have had to be an early expression of Him.


Starting over - Lessons from Naomi and Ruth

Whether you are starting over due at any age, bereavement, divorce, illness, or loss of your job, I found some valuable lessons from the story of Naomi and Ruth. Enjoy


Mental health as a Christian

The church is playing catch up with dealing with and supporting people with mental illnesses. Let's talk and o share my experiences with the added protected characteristic as an African woman


Existential crisis 2 help how do we deal with it

A chat with an American friend on how we deal with existential crisis


How do you express your gratitude

One of the things that is easy to say is I am thankful for what? Do you do an audit of your gratitude list getting really specific


How to deal with an existential crisis part 1

A discussion with Charlie from Canada on how we overcome the identity loss. A interesting conversion on how we define and limit ourselves on how we define ourselves


Being still in uncertain times

The hardest thing to do during uncertain times is to Be Still. In culture and may be personal concept of being busy all the time, the right decisions and directions can be missed. Let's talk about being still.


Life happens in series of moments

A discussion with a new friend from the USA on understanding process and decisions we make in adversity. As a man thinketh so he is!


The importance of Rest and Managing your thoughts

Rest is a must when you have fibromyalgia or lupus. We must learn to down our activities in order to help the body to recover. During these times it is easy to get depressed as one reacts to their pain and inability. Mitigating the circumstances by being prepared and Managing ones thoughts can help in your wellbeing.


Grief: Anniversaries and catch up

It's been a while trying to catch up on these unprecedented times. My sister's anniversaries have been horribly difficult but we cannot give up Hope inspite of depression


Grief: Bargaining

During the end of life of a loved one, friends and family will likely appeal to the Creator of the life for the healing our extension of life. This has caused challenges in faith of the person then passed on. The question is healing only to remain on this earth or is healing the release of the physical pain that ravages the person into final peace?


Grief: Survivor's Guilt

Survivor's guilt is a symptom of PTSD . This is where a person survives a tragic incident of losing a loved one. How to deal with it


Grief and Depression

Depression is part of the healing journey after a loss. Understand depression and how it affects you and what you can do to help yourself.


Grief: The friends who come

This is a look at a sequence of events in letting family friends know of the loss. The things not to do or say. The dissemination of information. The rhythm of life continues but order is necessary


Mum and I discuss grief

Grief within different generations is expressed differently. I invited my mum who is a church minister and a nurse so we could share our journey on dealing with grief. Within it perhaps you will hear my frustration especially when religious people speak their special language. When we have hard questions the meteing out of bible verses is the only way they know how to express themselves. Let me know what you think.


The stages of grief

Grief and healing are not linear. The 5 stages of grief were observed when people are coming to the end of life. Dr Kubbler-Ross and Dr. David Kessler have been at the forefront of educating us on dealing with grief. In this episode we deal with bargaining and anger. It is in the simplicity of words we can reach out and help others.


Grief vs Mourning

Grief is a messy business. One is never prepared for it even if a loved one or a loss of s home or relationship traits a long time. Mourning is peeling the memories and conversations


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