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After Math
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After Math

Author: Sarah Sun and Ifaz Kabir

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Have you ever wondered, “Why Math”? After Math is a podcast about the lives and perspectives of math people. These are people who experience life, culture and careers looking through the lens of a shared love of mathematics. After Math explores the reality between what you think math is, and what it really is.
7 Episodes

Many Right Answers


Sarah and Ifaz do math on the air in this episode to illustrate how some math problems can have many solutions, each with their own strengths. The conversation also delves into the relationship between techniques and solutions as they discuss whether they would be able to come up with the solutions if they hadn't seen the techniques before. Disclaimer: Some of the solutions discussed aren't exactly correct, but can be adapted to correct solutions. CONNECT WITH Sarah and Ifaz Website: after...
Sometimes the best way to get into a community is to build your own. In this episode, co-hosts Sarah and Ifaz talk with Jenna Race about her struggles to find other people who think Math is cool and ending up on Math Twitter. The conversation ranges from discovering college algebra, finding out about other math communities, arranging Pi Days at work and the dark sides of online life, all while dispelling myths about slide rules and log books. Guest Jenna Race Jennifer 'Jenna' Race is a futu...
We've heard before in many sectors and areas of expertise.. if you can't do, teach! Although that might be true is certain professions, that can't be said for math. To teach math, you have to know the material and know it well. In this episode of After Math, co-hosts Sarah and Ifaz talk about teaching math with Vincent Chan, a researcher turned teacher who shares important math skills with his own children and others. This is a great ...

Math in Movies


It’s the critical point in so many movies. The astroid is going to crash into the earth, what is the precise trajectory for us to blow it up before it hits? We’re stranded on a desert island, what is the certainty that rescue crews might find us? What is the exact speed and positioning of that runaway train? But the math we see in movies, is it really math? And is the math used in an entertaining way? Sarah and Ifaz dig into several blockbuster movies and reveal their calculations CONNECT...
We've come a long way in regards to gender equality. A woman is a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Women run more Fortune 500 companies than anytime in history. But there is still so much more to do. In this episode of After Math, Co-Hosts Sarah and Ifaz look at math, careers that math leads to, and where the women are. They found that not all the numbers add up. CONNECT WITH Sarah and Ifaz Website: Email: Social Media: Twitter - @after_mat...
There are stereotypes and bias about Math skills, and like most stereotypes and bias, those are hold them are often misinformed. The co-hosts of After Math are of East and South Asian backgrounds. Both can speak first hand to the stereotypes when it comes to math skills. In this episode of After Math, Co-Hosts Ifaz and Sarah discuss the many misconceptions when it comes to Math skills, who has them, and the REAL reason that is. Links to the above article: Maclean’...

What is Math?


It’s a pretty logical question (or is it philosophical?). What is Math? For Ifaz, Math is the study of structures to reveal properties of themselves through creative and systematic application of logic. For Sarah, Math is the language of the Universe, a way to understand how our World works and how things relate to each in a form we can both prove and appreciate. How ironic the interpretation of what Math is – actually has more than one right answer. CONNECT WITH Sarah and Ifaz Website...
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