Ageless Athlete - Stories and Secrets of Adventure Sports Icons

<p>Uncensored and deep conversations with extraordinary rock climbers, runners, surfers, alpinists, kayakers and skiers et al. Tap into their journey to peak performance, revealing stories, hidden strategies, and the mindset that defies aging and other limits. <br><br>Get educated and inspired to chase your own dreams. Come for the stories, leave with tools, tips, and motivation! Hosted by Kush Khandelwal. </p><p><br></p><p><br></p>

#23 Katie McConnell - Big Waves and Bold Choices, Crafting a Life of Passion and Advocacy for the Oceans

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!"It's kind of like... when the oracle is talking to Neo, and she's like, 'Know thyself.' I think if you just really stay true to yourself, and go, and just follow your dreams, I don't think you can lose." 💫🏄🏽‍♀️When I happened to chance upon a video of Katie McConnell masterfully dropping into monster waves in Nazaré, Portugal , and then heard her thoughtfully describe epic hold-downs, I knew I had to try to bring her on the show. Katie's t...


#22 Jessica, Jenna, Lisa, Alexis, Henrietta - Changing the Face of Mountain Biking in Northern California

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!“I'm not a 70-year-old woman on the trail, I'm a free spirit dancing with gravity.” - Henrietta Stern, mountain biking icon 🚵🏽‍♀️ 💜This week, we’re breaking the mold with not one, but FIVE remarkable guests – all powerhouse women from the San Francisco Bay Area mountain biking scene.Meet Jessica, Jenna, Henrietta, Lisa, and Alexis – a group of community entrepreneurs, passionate riders, certified instructors, and social leaders who ar...


#21 Craig DeMartino - The Unexpected Gifts of Adversity, How Climbing Became a Catalyst for Healing and Empowerment

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!🚀"Yes, that was a catalyst. Yours doesn't have to be falling off a cliff, because you know, everyone's going to fall off their own cliff, whatever that is. "💪🏾⛰️Craig DeMartino embodies the spirit of this podcast in every way. He's a climber, a teacher, a mentor, and an inspiration to anyone who's ever faced adversity. Climbing wasn't just a hobby; it became a way of life, a passion that shaped his world.But life, as we know, throws curveba...


#20 Mohit Oberoi - From Himalayan Summits to English Channel Swims, Defining Adventure Sports in a Country of One Billion

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!"Oh those early days. We started with a clothesline and carabiners, venturing onto cliffs with no adult supervision. Looking back, it's a miracle we survived" 🧗🏾😅Today, we travel to India 🇮🇳 to meet Mohit Oberoi, a man who turned his passion for adventure into a way of life. Mohit shows a side of that country that may surprise you. Growing up in the 80s, Mo and his friends were climbing pioneers, questing up cliffs outside Delhi with h...


#19 Lionel Conacher - Making History as the Oldest Rookie at Mavericks, "The Mount Everest" of Big Wave Surfing

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!🌊"The biggest thing that impacts you when you first go out there, before I even surfed it, I just went out on a on a jet ski and sat there and watched, is the sound it makes when it breaks...its terrifying" 🏄🏽‍♀️ At the age of 59 years and 8 months, Conacher became the oldest person in the world to surf Maverick's 🌊, the "Mount Everest of surfing" 🏔️ one of the most challenging and dangerous surf breaks in the world, located near Half...


#18 Matt Eggleton - Ultra Endurance Mountain Biking Racing, the Power of Habit Stacking, Honoring Ones Gifts, and Safety First!

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!"It's not selfish to honor your ability 💪. While I can, I have an obligation to use my gifts and make my mark 🏆. Someday I won't be able to, so I'll make the most of the time I have ⏳."Matt Eggleton, a former US Air Force veteran and accomplished endurance athlete, challenges age stereotypes by dominating the world of mountain biking. Despite discovering the sport in his 40s, Matt's dedication and discipline have propelled him to achieve im...


#17 Caroline Paul - From Firefighting to Wing Walking, Transforming Fear into Awe

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!"What nature asks of us when we go outside is to be strong, is to use our cognitive faculties, to be nimble, to be exhilarated, and to be brave. All of that flies in the face of what we're told about our aging ." ⛰️ 💪🏾Caroline Paul, a true renaissance woman, has spent her life shattering stereotypes and embracing adventure. In this episode, we journey alongside Caroline as she shares her remarkable experiences, from the remote landscap...


#16 Hans Florine - El Capitan’s Speed King on Staying Alive, Gender Representation on Big Walls, and Power of Visualization

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!⛰️"It's the struggle on those 3,000 feet that matters, the journey IS the climb."🧗‍♀️Hans Florine has a lifelong love affair with Yosemite's El Capitan, setting and breaking speed records on its iconic face, having climbed it almost 200 times. We talked about his climbing philosophy, staying safe on big walls, and what makes an ideal climbing partner. Hans opened up about why he loves partnering with new people up El Cap and his passi...


#15 Wayne Willoughby - From Severe Disability, To Big Wall Summits, an Adaptive Rock Climber's Transformative Story

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!"Anything worth doing, is worth doing well" Meet Wayne Willoughby- an adaptive rock climber who defied incredible odds and has climbed El Cap, not once, or twice, but a mind-boggling 26 times. 🧗‍♂️🏔️ From battling polio and disabilities since infancy, to suffering terrible injuries, Wayne overcame obstacle after obstacle. 99% of us will never climb El Cap. Wayne has done it not once, or twice, but a record 26 times. 💪He also became the firs...


#14 Dr Natasha Barnes - Teen Bouldering Star to Elite Powerlifting, Injury Truths, and, Gender Dynamics in Strength Sports

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!"Strength training is healthcare." 💪🏋️‍♀️With that powerful statement, teen climbing prodigy, turned climbing and fitness savant, Dr. Natasha Barnes cuts through the confusion around exercise, fitness, and longevity in climbing and quality of life.From a former winner of bouldering US Nationals, who "didn't think I would even be climbing at a high level, let alone competing in powerlifting or doing the profession that I do now," to overcomi...


#13 Katrin Tomanek - Deep Alaska Kayaking, Dodging Grizzlies, Relentless Preparation, and, Lessons from Cheating Death

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!🌊"I ate 28 cals of chocolate for each mile paddled" 🌊Katrin Tomanek is a true multi sport athlete who blends her career as a topnotch data scientist, with a passion for pushing physical and mental boundaries through uncommon solo adventures in wild and beautiful places. Born in Germany, and a former rock climber, the 44-year-old has quickly made a name with some remarkable accomplishments in kayaking and bicycling. Last year she finish...


#12 Meghan Canfield - Ultra-running Powerhouse, Peaking in her fifties, Overcoming Menopause, Truths for Training and for Life

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!"By mile 80 you are questioning life choices" 🎯At 62, enduring champion ultra-runner, Megan Canfield, is not slowing down. In the past 3 decades, Meghan has qualified and run in the US Olympic marathon trials 4 times, has completed the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run 13 times, with 10 of those being in the top 10, and all but one under 24 hours. She has also represented the USA in the World 100k Championships for 9 consecutive t...


#11 Maggie & Chuck Odette - Transcending Societal Scripts, Projecting Elite Grades, Making Good Choices, and Aging Joyfully

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!“One more 5.14 before I die”In today's episode, we head into the epic ️ mountains of Nuevo León, Mexico 🇲🇽 to meet two incredible rock climbers, Maggie and Chuck Odette!This sport climbing power couple has been quietly pushing the limits of their sport while building a beautiful and loving relationship with each other and the remote communities they visit.From the cozy living room of their camper van , Maggie (54) and Chuck (68) share:Inspi...


#10 Frank Chan - Coloring San Francisco's Streets with "Run Art", Bliss of Running Later in Life & Hacks to Train in a Wholesome Way

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!**Want to hear about an athlete who combines running with artistic expression? **This week on Ageless Athlete, we meet Frank Chan, a 51-year-old engineer who started running marathons just a few years ago, at the age of 45! Despite his late start, Frank has already conquered over 13 marathons and is dangerously close to the 3 hour mark! But Frank's approach to training is refreshingly unconventional. Tune in to discover:The...


#9 Tyler Farnham - Surviving Skydiving Tragedy and Opioid Addiction, to Triumphing as a Surfer, and an Award Winning Lifeguard and Ocean Therapist

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!“Surfing was always on my mind,” said the Cocoa Beach, Florida native. “I had a poster of Cory Lopez hanging up in my rehab room for inspiration. I never realized how much I loved surfing, until it was taken away from me.”Thrilled to be joined by surfer, author, and motivational speaker Tyler Farnham. Originally from Cocoa Beach, Florida, Tyler has turned his lifelong passion for surfing into a way to inspire others. Reborn twice, after suf...


#8 Dr Tyler Nelson - Strength Training for Older Athletes, Contrarian Advice on Managing Injuries , What is 'Good Pain, and Poor Habits Outdoor Athletes Should Discard

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!When I Invited Dr Tyler Nelson to come on the show, I knew he would drop the hammer on climbing training beta, but little did I know how wowed I’d be with the applicability of his knowledge across sports. Tyler’s lessons on training smarter, preventing injuries, and peak performance, based on the guiding principles of sports science, are spot on for climbers. However stay tuned in cyclists, runners, surfers, et al, as they are relevant for ...


#7 Lee Sheftel - Breaking Climbing Records, Biohackery, Celebrating Daily Wins, and Training Smarter Not Harder

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!🚀 A dynamo of focus and tenacity – Lee Sheftel is 77 and has been crushing it since forever. At almost 60, achieving 5.14, a 99.9% percentile grade in rock climbing, completing the Grand Teton traverse at 70 – Lee's rewriting the book on aging with power. But here's the kicker – he's not your typical climbing prodigy. Lee spills the beans on his secret training sauce, from biohacking his diet, to experimenting with performance enhancers. Oh...


#6 Mark 'Doc' Renneker - Pioneering surf discovery in the biggest waves in California, Arctic, Greenland, Iceland; balancing career, life and surf, mobility and diet practices

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!Join in this exceedingly rare conversation with Dr. Mark Renneker, a distinguished figure in the realm of big wave surfing hailing from San Francisco. With a surfing tenure spanning nearly six decades, Dr. Renneker has secured his legacy as both a surfing pioneer and a medical doctor at the University of California, San Francisco.Renowned for his notable achievements, including being the first to surf the treacherous Potato Patch outside th...


#5 Ari Tulla - Endurance Sports for Longevity vs Intensity, Water Fasting, Tracking Sleep and Personalized Supplements for All

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!This week, we delve into the world of water fasting and its potential as a secret weapon, along with the surprising impact of even the occasional drink on sleep quality (we've all been there, right?). Our guest is none other than Ari Tulla, a Finnish entrepreneur, biohacker and outdoorsman who loves climbing, cycling and surfing. Ari is not your average athlete – he meticulously tracks all his data and explores cutting-edge ideas in smart n...


#4 Tom Addison - Elite Grades, First Ascents, Games Within Climbing, and Endless Wit

Love the show, hate the show? Send us a text message!Get ready to hang with the one and only Tom Addison from Northern California; low-key but outperforming with a lifetime of big wall ascents and a knack for crushing sport climbing up to 5.14. But hold on, there's more to Tom than just climbing—he's opened up countless first ascents across the country and fought tirelessly to preserve public lands. In today's episode, we're diving into Tom's stories, extracting nuggets of wisdom you ca...


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