Agile Team Movie Retrospectives

In this podcast, our team conducts an agile retrospective on a movie. In attempting to apply several traditional techniques with some collaborative technology, we see if we are able to retrospect as a distributed team.

2012-11: The Princess Bride

We gather a distributed group together to perform an agile team retrospective on a movie. We attempt to apply DSchool Design Thinking techniques to a retro of The Princess Bride. We also play Bus Trip. Our tool of choice this episode is Sococo.


2012-04: Waking Ned Devine

This time, we gather our distributed group together to perform an agile retrospective on the movie Waking Ned Devine. We try out a new game called Elephant in the Room, perform a triple-nickels exercise, and generally just spoil the heck out of the movie. Join us.


2012-02: Howl's Moving Castle

This time, we gather our distributed group together to perform part of an agile retrospective on the movie Howl's Moving Castle. We use Twiddla and Ready Talk to help our group discuss the movie using retrospective techniques. We focused on objective, reflective and introspective questions this go around, because we failed miserably to use the tool properly.


2011-12: Ocean's Eleven (1960)

Once again we gather a distributed group together to perform part of an agile retrospective on the movie Ocean's Eleven (the original, from 1960). We use Google docs and Ready Talk to help our group discuss the moving using retrospective techniques: to try to identify the team in the movie, to gather information through Retrospective Poker, and to create insights through a starfish diagram ( using Santa as our starfish ) and a spider diagram. We did not get to decision making -- something to look out for with your own time keeping!


2011-10: Charlie's Angels

In this podcast, our team conducts an agile retrospective on the movie Charlie's Angels. In attempting to apply several traditional techniques with some collaborative technology, we see if we are able to retrospect as a distributed team. We use a time line, an emotional (should be energy!) seismograph, a balloon force field, and gifts & greats. Two hours of retrospection distilled to less than one! Our music is "On Air" from Norman Jenstad, from How to Buy a TV. The music and this podcast are available under a Creative Commons Share-Alike/Attribution license. What TV show would you like to have lived inside of? This episode's participants: # Amy Renshaw # John Martin # Ken Clyne # Julie Chickering Things we mention: agile, software development teams, defects, customers, the prime directive, retrospectives, Diana Larsen, Esther Derby, Jean Tabaka, Match Game PM, Mad Men, Bewitched, Seinfeld, 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, Nevada City, CA, Broomfield, CO, Maryland, Dallas, TX, Drinking, Cacoo, ReadyTalk, McG, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, Bill Murray, The skinny guy from Back to the Future, Tim Curry, pygmy nuthatch, Canonball Run, The Great Escape, Smokey and the Bandit


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