DiscoverAll About Soul: The Akashic Records Podcast
All About Soul: The Akashic Records Podcast
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All About Soul: The Akashic Records Podcast

Author: Inga Kastrone

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The Akashic Records are the memory of the universe. More than that, the Akashic Records are a field that informs and creates our reality.
In this podcast, I share my experience as an Akashic Record reader, healer and spiritual seeker. Join me as we unravel the secrets of the Akashic Records, the cosmic archive said to contain the collective wisdom of all existence. Discover how tapping into the Akashic Records can catalyze profound healing, unlock hidden potentials, and illuminate the path towards inner peace and fulfillment.
88 Episodes
Has it ever happened to you — you are in the middle of a meditation or prayer, and suddenly you receive spiritual guidance for another person? What was your first impulse? To go and share, right? And if you did go and share — you probably already know what I'm going to be talking about in this podcast :) Truth is, we have to be incredibly careful when we share guidance and inspired messages with others, especially if it is not asked for. Even as an Akashic Records reader, I prefer to guide people into their own experience rather than just tell them in my own words. Every spiritual message we receive is bound to be colored by our own experience, our expectations and the context of the situation. In this episode I share some stories and suggestions on receiving guidance for others.
Egregores are thought forms, and can also be defined as a collective consciousness of a physical or spiritual entity. Those of us who are spiritually curious are bound to interact with many egregores, especially those of major religions. In this podcast, I wanted to share how the concept of egregores can help both with healing and expanding your own very physical and material business or practice.
In this episode I share the Akashic Records perspective on the process of learning our life lessons. Perhaps, life lessons is not always a very good term to use. We are not kids stuck in the same grade for 10th year in a row, learning lessons and never allowed out to play. Life lessons are empowerments, ways of expanding our experience and gifts. They are always for the good of everyone concerned. With this in mind, let's delve into the basics of life lessons!
How do we know we had magical initiations, incarnations and powers in a past life? In the Akashic Records, these often come through for me in the form of magical seals. In this episode, I am going to talk about what "magical" even means in this context, and how to practically work with magical seals that come through
In this episode we will discuss some of the new understandings that want to come through for us collectively in relation to money and abundance. We will also talk about common abundance blocks for sensitive souls, assigning value as a way of working with your money capacity, the energetic meaning of charity, and a lot more.
In yoga sutras, the ambrosial hour is the time from 90 minutes to 48 minutes before sunrise. This is the hour that is considered to be most suitable for meditation and the practice of Union (yoga). We find similar practices and suggestions across many spiritual traditions. Why? Why is the time before sunrise considered to be so powerful? And how can we practically benefit from it, especially if we are not morning people? If you are into time magic and circadian rhythms, you may also find this article interesting: The Moon, the keeper of dreamtime mysteries A podcast episode with Dr Jalal Khan, where he goes more deeply into Sun-Earth energy transfer, circadian rhythms and morning sun exposure:
Are you very "galactic," with a tendency to "ground up" and a natural gift in connecting with high-frequency energies? This is a wonderful gift that you are bringing to the Earth, but it is also important to ground and balance it. Otherwise, life will gradually become quite difficult to manage. In this episode, I share the practice of elemental reconnection as one of the ways of grounding and balancing high-frequency energies.
Do we need to protect ourselves from dark energies? And if so, what is the best way to do it? On the topic of dark energies, clearing and energetic protection, there are probably as many opinions as there are people. Some believe that ultimately we all go back to light and darkness is just an illusion. Consequently, if we are all love and light and positive vibes only, we will be immune to darkness. Others spend their lives removing curses and clearing blockages and setting up elaborate protection rituals. Other still believe the universe is out to get them for some unknown reason, and have tried every form of clearing and protection imaginable, yet to no avail. So how does energetic protection work — and does it?
If the Akashic Records are an information field, then can we receive all kinds of information? A reader can just open my "file" and tell me everything that's in it? Right? I can hear some of you giggle at that prospect already. Listen to this episode to find out more about attempts to have one's files read and other fun stories! And as far as information goes — the correct answer is anything, absolutely anything. But probably not in the way we expect :)
Yes! This episode is about psychic abilities and developing your intuition. I will illustrate 4 most common intuitive gifts: claircognizance, clairsentience, clairvoyance and clairaudience, and share how they may already be expressing in your "3D" life even if you don't believe yourself to be psychic. I will also suggest some practices to begin developing them further. This episode may be particularly interesting to you if you are undergoing a spiritual awakening and have started perceiving the world differently, but are not sure what to do with your newfound awareness. I will touch on premonitions, magic, ringing in the ears, not being able to sit still during meditation, clearing the mind, distinguishing between the mind and intuition, and much more! Read: ⁠Is Clairaudience Your Hidden Superpower?
Is biohacking, greater productivity, more healing, manifesting and generally demanding things from the "universe" the way forward? Is it all there is? Or are we collectively called to something else? And if so, what is the missing piece?
When we strengthen our auric field, we also expand our bandwidth to receive. This may mean receiving what we have intuitively sensed to be ours all along, or what we have been trying to co-create and manifest for a very long time, be it in the areas of health, relationships or business. Why weren't we able to draw it into our lives before? Because we didn't have the bandwidth. Listen to this podcast to learn about the importance of strengthening our auric field and how it correlates with tangible expansion in our career and relationships.
In this episode, we delve deep into the intersection of science and the Akashic Records. Far from being just "New Age woo", the Akashic Records (often called the Akashic Field) have been a topic of many a scientific exploration. Research into quantum entanglement and non-locality parallels interconnectedness implied by the Akashic Records. So let's embark on a journey to understand how the Akashic Field, often referred to as the cosmic information network, intertwines with the fabric of reality, and latest scientific research. Get ready to expand your mind and challenge your understanding of the universe :)
Womb and throat centers (and their corresponding physical organs) are physically and energetically twinned from our very first days in the mother's womb. The issues in one are often connected to the other. In this episode, I will talk about the womb-throat connection, how the blockages and issues manifest, and some of the ways of healing. You can also read my article on Healing Radiance Blog, Understanding the Link: Womb, Heart and Throat Connection
The Akashic Records are the field where cutting-edge science and psychic experience converge. It is the field that informs and gives shape to our reality. In this episode I talk about how we are continuously informed by the Akashic field, and how to deepen this connection.
Why is learning to love the body so important in the process spiritual awakening? Why do our issues, such as anxiety, depression, fear, often intensify when we have a profound spiritual experience? We connected with my friend, colleague and client, Anita, for an informal conversation about limiting beliefs in relation to spirituality and healing. We had to work through these beliefs on our own healing journeys, and hope this conversation will resonate with many other fellow travelers on the path. The spiritual path is a path of balance (not perfection), and if we are to truly heal, perhaps we can also embrace it as a path of honoring and loving our body. For more info on PSYCH-K sessions with Anita, you can check out her flyer HERE. More info on healing sessions with me is HERE.
In many traditional cultures, the beginning of February, what many know as Imbolc, was a celebration of the first glimpses of spring. Now imagine being up to your waist in know somewhere in Northern Europe, low on winter supplies, celebrating spring! It would have been a minimum 2 months to the actual spring. Why would one celebrate spring in the middle of winter anyway, and what can it teach our modern disconnected selves? Healing Transmission on February 3 Healing Sessions
Codependency is an addiction, just like any other. It is often brought out into the light by a soul connection, which highlights to the extreme our inability to surrender. Beneath this inability is the pain and wounding that our egos have been trying to cover up, often for lifetimes (either our own or ancestral). So how do we understand we are codependent, and how do we shift this dynamic? If you need more help on your healing journey, you may want to explore twin flame healing sessions. Also, these articles from my Healing Radiance blog may be helpful: Twin Flames and Dark Night of the Soul Codependency and Twin Flame Love
Embodiment is often the last thing on our mind when we begin our spiritual explorations. The body is base, slow, annoying, let's all just astral project and have visions all the time! But what we may forget, or not know, is that our universe is holographic and holofractal, which means that every tiniest bit of our own bodies contains that structure and information patterns of the whole universe. Our souls incarnated to learn from our bodies (and of course, our bodies learn from our souls).
Mintakan Souls

Mintakan Souls


Star traveler souls from Mintaka star system, their home planet Arturvia, and the relationship of these souls with polarity on planet Earth
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