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All Indians Matter

All Indians Matter

Author: Ideabrew Studios

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All Indians Matter is a digital home for conversations with and about India on the issues that truly matter.

For most of our post-Independence years, this was done by the news media. However, in recent times, the media have been found wanting. As a result, the issues that should be highlighted are sidelined and the voices that should find a megaphone are muffled. This podcast is an effort to engage with everyone who cares about India, its Constitution, its liberal and secular values.

All Indians Matter is the creation of Ashraf Engineer, who was a senior journalist with some of India’s leading newspapers for 17 years. His media work included a stint in 2011 in Afghanistan, where he trained and mentored journalists. He subsequently quit the news media and is now part of the brand communication industry.

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  • Twitter: @allindianscount

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The views, information, or opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the hosts and/or guests appearing on the podcast and do not reflect the views of Ideabrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd (Ideabrew Studios). Ideabrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders does not assume any liability or responsibility nor endorses the views, information, or opinions expressed by the guest. Under no circumstances will Ideabrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. assume direct or indirect responsibility or liability which may arise from the views, information, or opinions expressed by the guest including but not limited to claims for defamation, libel, slander, infringement, invasion of privacy and publicity rights, obscenity, pornography, profanity, fraud, or misrepresentation. Ideabrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has no control or endorsement over the views, information, or opinions expressed by the guest but is a mere distributor / interviewer and merely acting as a passive conduit for the distribution of this podcast, Ideabrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. does not warrant that the views, information, or opinions in the podcast are accurate, complete, or true. Any views or opinions in the podcast are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organisation, or individual. 

292 Episodes
Most people don’t understand it but a weakening rupee raises the cost of living, especially impacting the cost of essentials and leaving you with less in your pocket at the end of each month. It also impacts a wide variety of sectors, from automobiles to electronics, agriculture and aviation. The health of the rupee is, in fact, an indicator of the state of the overall economy. So, a falling rupee is bad news for you and me. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Food inflation has fallen slightly but it remains way too high for comfort. This was mainly why the RBI did not lower interest rates despite pressure from the government. High food inflation affects the lower-income group more because it has less money and so a larger proportion of its earnings are spent on basics like food and fuel. High food inflation also lowers consumption across many sectors, which is bad news for the economy. Why are food prices so high and what can be done about it? Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Misinformation and fake news are serious concerns, having implications across internal security, business, social justice, politics and more. They combine with deep-rooted biases to shape events, from elections to the COVID-19 pandemic. People are especially vulnerable to misinformation at a time when polarisation is widening. What can you do to avoid fake news and misinformation when the mainstream media and social networks are reluctant to address the problem and in some cases even encouraging it? Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There have been several warnings that information on packaged food labels can be misleading. For example, food advertised as sugar-free may be loaded with fats, refined cereals and even hidden sugars. In July, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, approved a proposal to display nutritional information, such as total sugar, salt and saturated fat content, in bold letters on packaged food labels. However, experts feel this may not be enough to make consumers aware of the contents. Shashi Kumar, co-founder and CEO of Akshayakalpa Organic, spoke to All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s been yet another disappointing COP. It’s clear now that the poorer nations are least responsible for the climate crisis but most affected by it. If the COP is to have any meaning, the richer nations – historically responsible for the most emissions – will have to play their part and dig deep into their pockets. Otherwise, the COP is in danger of losing all legitimacy. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Air pollution is costing India big money. It is estimated that India’s GDP would increase by $95 billion a year if it achieves safe air quality levels. As far as the human cost goes, a study showed that 464 children under the age of five die every day as a result of factors associated with air pollution. So, there is an urgent need for businesses and policymakers to get aggressive in cleaning up our air. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There have been several warnings that information on packaged food labels can be misleading. For example, food advertised as sugar-free may be loaded with fats, refined cereals and even hidden sugars. In July, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, approved a proposal to display nutritional information, such as total sugar, salt and saturated fat content, in bold letters on packaged food labels. However, experts feel this may not be enough to make consumers aware of the contents. Shashi Kumar, co-founder and CEO of Akshayakalpa Organic, spoke to All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Female-owned businesses create opportunities for other women, thus boosting their workforce participation. Also, they are less likely than male entrepreneurs to exhibit gender discrimination. So, policies that support female entrepreneurship are crucial and lead to greater social inclusion of women – much needed in a culture that perpetuates traditional gender roles. Importantly, female entrepreneurship models business ownership for younger generations of women – thus transforming deep-rooted cultural norms and gender stereotypes. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Indian agriculture finds itself at the intersection of three major challenges: ensuring food security, climate change and sustainable use of resources like water. Further, there is an overreliance on chemical inputs. Given the environmental crisis, there is a crying need for a pivot towards sustainable farming. This pivot spans policy reforms to awareness and everything in between. How can India do that while achieving its food requirements? Maninder Singh Nayyar, founder and CEO of the CEF Group, an expert on sustainable farming, speaks to All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A government survey painting a bleak picture of businesses closing down and jobs being lost in the informal sector was followed by one published by a ratings agency that said the situation was even more grim than indicated. What’s undisputed is that the sector that provides most of the country’s employment and more than half of the GDP is in deep trouble. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
At a time when institutions are failing us and our freedoms are under attack, memes offer a language of resistance that is contemporary, easy to produce and quick to disseminate. They are enabling citizens to project their democratic power and to initiate action. By doing so, memes represent a welcome addition to our democratic discourse. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The STEM workforce of women in India is estimated at 27% of the total, way behind the global average of 30% and far below the aspired-to 50%. This gender gap is even wider in leadership positions. It's an old story. Women usually have no choice when it comes to domestic and care burdens, and they face prejudice, stereotyping and other systemic barriers. So, the path to an inclusive STEM ecosystem will involve shattering stereotypes and weeding out deep-rooted social prejudices. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A recent study says that the rate of growth of student suicides now surpasses that of the population and overall suicide trends. Over the past two decades, student suicides surged by 4% that while overall suicide numbers rose by 2% annually. Crushed under the weight of family expectations and social pressures, with little access to counsellors or awareness about mental health, many students are choosing to take their own lives. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The debate over the need for a higher minimum wage is intensifying as the cost of living and income inequality rise. India hopes to move to a living wage regime by next year, which would set a wage floor that takes into account basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter and healthcare. Whatever the regime India adopts, there can be little doubt that worker incomes need to rise. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Summary: Fast-rising premiums, frequent rejection of claims and complicated contracts are only some of the challenges the health insurance sector presents. As a result, hundreds of millions are left out of the safety net. What’s urgently needed is clarity of what’s covered by policies and what’s not as well as simplified claims processes. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Summary: In India, like elsewhere in the world, there are serious concerns about the impact of detrimental social media use on the mental health of young people. While some people suggest an authoritarian approach by parents, others prefer laws that regulate social media use by the young. Neither is optimal or practical. What’s needed are more open conversations with children, a greater emphasis on mental health by educators and government bodies as well as a no-compromise approach to child safety by social media networks. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
More than a year since violence began in Manipur, 200 have been killed and hundreds injured. More than 60,000 have been displaced and are living in shelters. There have been several instances of rape, and attacks on homes, shops and places of worship. Locals and activists have alleged an abdication of responsibility by the government to protect lives and properties. Militarisation is at record levels. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, meanwhile, has found the time to visit country after country but not Manipur. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Private universities are mushrooming in India. However, their journey has not been smooth. While acknowledging the advantages such universities offer, especially in imparting employment-oriented skills, there are also serious concerns like cost, accessibility and education quality. Abhay G Chebbi, Pro-Chancellor at Alliance University, speaks to All Indians Matter about the likely growth trajectory of private universities and the challenges that lie ahead. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The illegal organ trade is targeting the desperately poor from within India and countries like Myanmar and Nepal. Driven to desperation by their circumstances, they are willing to sell their organs to those who can pay for them in India. A vast network of agents, corrupt officials and hospitals ensures that the affluent jump the queue for organs in defiance of the law. The vast gap between demand and supply of organs is equally to blame. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
India’s embrace of digital banking and UPI have made it a leader of technologically-enabled financial inclusion. However, fraudsters have also seized it as an opportunity to steal from unsuspecting users and carry our sophisticated scams. This has left law enforcement agencies struggling to keep up with the rising number of crimes, and regulators rushing to improve financial literacy. Please listen to the latest episode of All Indians Matter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit