All Roads Lead to Batman

A podcast discussing all manner of nerdy topics, and ultimately taking them back to the one thing that ties the entire universe together: Batman.

Episode 3: The Dark Knightmares

This week, we take a look at some of the scarier parts of the Batverse, as well as Gotham's resident master of fear. Happy Halloween, chums!


Episode 2: The Bane of Our Existence

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we talk about a beloved but often sidelined Batman Villain. Also, there is the not so small matter of Batman Damned's big reveal.


Episode 1: [It All Started with a] Dark Intro

Happy Batman Day! Get to know us before the madness truly sets in (for the most part, anyway).


Llyn Zephyr

Huh. Won't let me 'like' this with the heart button, so... "LIKE".

11-19 Reply

Llyn Zephyr

Another excellent, thoughtful and fun installment. So glad you're doing these!

10-15 Reply

Llyn Zephyr

You did it! Woo hoo!

09-19 Reply

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