

Author: Mark Reyes

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Just a web developer storytelling out of America's Finest City.
46 Episodes
SponsorAre you a professional tired of overly complicated, difficult, or time-consuming processes? Overwhelmed by all of the AI buzz? Do you need a single resource that could truly be your foundry on all things related to AI? Then check out this course, Prompting for AI Operations, brought to you by The AI Exchange, and get ahead in the AI revolution. Learn to break down business goals into tasks that can be executed by ChatGPT and go beyond copy/paste and develop 'prompting sense' which helps you take your prompts to the next level. Just visit this link or click on the AI Exchange banner on the home page of…how to set the stage for this one? When I put AllWebSD on pause back in April of 2022, it was about 7 months before the release of ChatGPT. Since November of that year, the landscape of tech quickly changed with AI casting a very big shadow over the hype of Web3. It felt like minutes. Night and day. On a Tuesday, we were absorbing ourselves with key words like the blockchain, decentralized, NFT and crypto. Then on Wednesday, AI, LLMs, OpenAI, Gemini and Prompt Engineering. Ever since then, we haven’t looked back. The shadow was so big that in my view, AI instantaneously took the attention away from all things catered to Web3, with everyone, including myself, dropping one shiny object for the next. And since then it’s been difficult for me to cut through the noise of AI to get to a better understanding of Web3. I was desperate. Desperation went even further by me emailing the man who invented the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners Lee. No, he did not reply back. He probably marked me as spam.So I said screw it. Until I find an individual that could coach me through all things related to Web3, I decided to outsource it back to AI. Funny how things come full circle. Enjoy this segment covered with voice overs by Pericles screen reader and I as I consult about this topic through a custom ChatGPT model (Web3 Blockchain Expert) found on OpenAI’s GPT Store. Thanks to Tomorrow Explored as these inquiries are essentially a remix of their 7 must ask questions. That said, as I learn more about how to be more effective in communicating with these LLMs, one detail I’d like to point out is that I’m not threading these inquiries. In other words, sticking to one topic to provide better context. I’m simply going through these questions on a single chat. Perhaps the results would differ had I placed each question into its own chat rather than what I did here in this demo of plopping all the questions into one conversation. I’ll explore that idea next time. But for now, sit back and relax as ChatGPT and I discuss Web3 before my usage limit was met!Highlighted TopicsWhat is Web3? Why is it important?What is blockchain technology?How is that related to Web3?How can Web3 improve my business?What are decentralized applications?How can they help my company?How can companies use tokens and cryptocurrencies?How can I start incorporating Web3 into my business?---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, go head first into our Discord server by clicking the link on the footer of Otherwise, you can find me on occasion at San Diego Tech Hub’s monthly meetups. For more details on that, go to Thanks and Aloha!
SponsorAre you a professional tired of overly complicated, difficult, or time-consuming processes? Overwhelmed by all of the AI buzz? Do you need a single resource that could truly be your foundry on all things related to AI? Then check out this course, Prompting for AI Operations, brought to you by The AI Exchange, and get ahead in the AI revolution. Learn to break down business goals into tasks that can be executed by ChatGPT and go beyond copy/paste and develop 'prompting sense' which helps you take your prompts to the next level. Just visit this link or click on the AI Exchange banner on the home page of to Season 9 of AllWebSD. This season is dedicated to my colleagues at the San Diego Futures Foundation and today I’m in collaboration with Teresa Valenzuela, Community Outreach Manager for SDFF and we’re here to expand on a new initiative developed on their behalf called the Digital Bridge.Highlighted TopicsHere we are now and on to the grandest of all ways to support this cause. As gamers would often describe it as the final level!What is a TeraByte Titan?Who would you say is most suited to fulfill this level of support? Knowing that the financial significance of this gesture begins at $100K, what does the money cover for this level of gifting?What is the benefit of becoming a TeraByte Titan?Final thoughts.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, go head first into our Discord server by clicking the link on the footer of Otherwise, you can find me on occasion at San Diego Tech Hub’s monthly meetups. For more details on that, go to Thanks and Aloha!
SponsorAre you a professional tired of overly complicated, difficult, or time-consuming processes? Overwhelmed by all of the AI buzz? Do you need a single resource that could truly be your foundry on all things related to AI? Then check out this course, Prompting for AI Operations, brought to you by The AI Exchange, and get ahead in the AI revolution. Learn to break down business goals into tasks that can be executed by ChatGPT and go beyond copy/paste and develop 'prompting sense' which helps you take your prompts to the next level. Just visit this link or click on the AI Exchange banner on the home page of to Season 9 of AllWebSD. This season is dedicated to my colleagues at the San Diego Futures Foundation and today I’m in collaboration with Teresa Valenzuela, Community Outreach Manager for SDFF and we’re here to expand on a new initiative developed on their behalf called the Digital Bridge.Highlighted TopicsLooks like we’re getting deeper into the rabbit hole now. This next one sounds like a superhero!What is a GigaByte Guardian?Who would you say is most suited to fulfill this level of support? Knowing that this is the starting point for bigger monetary contributions, what does the money cover for this level of gifting?What is the benefit of becoming a GigaByte Guardian?Final thoughts.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, go head first into our Discord server by clicking the link on the footer of Otherwise, you can find me on occasion at San Diego Tech Hub’s monthly meetups. For more details on that, go to Thanks and Aloha!
SponsorAre you a professional tired of overly complicated, difficult, or time-consuming processes? Overwhelmed by all of the AI buzz? Do you need a single resource that could truly be your foundry on all things related to AI? Then check out this course, Prompting for AI Operations, brought to you by The AI Exchange, and get ahead in the AI revolution. Learn to break down business goals into tasks that can be executed by ChatGPT and go beyond copy/paste and develop 'prompting sense' which helps you take your prompts to the next level. Just visit this link or click on the AI Exchange banner on the home page of to Season 9 of AllWebSD. This season is dedicated to my colleagues at the San Diego Futures Foundation and today I’m in collaboration with Teresa Valenzuela, Community Outreach Manager for SDFF and we’re here to expand on a new initiative developed on their behalf called the Digital Bridge.Highlighted TopicsLet’s segue into the next level of support, yes?What is a MegaByte Mentor?Who would you say is most suited to fulfill this level of support? What is the benefit of becoming a MegaByte Mentor?Final thoughts.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, go head first into our Discord server by clicking the link on the footer of Otherwise, you can find me on occasion at San Diego Tech Hub’s monthly meetups. For more details on that, go to Thanks and Aloha!
SponsorAre you a professional tired of overly complicated, difficult, or time-consuming processes? Overwhelmed by all of the AI buzz? Do you need a single resource that could truly be your foundry on all things related to AI? Then check out this course, Prompting for AI Operations, brought to you by The AI Exchange, and get ahead in the AI revolution. Learn to break down business goals into tasks that can be executed by ChatGPT and go beyond copy/paste and develop 'prompting sense' which helps you take your prompts to the next level. Just visit this link or click on the AI Exchange banner on the home page of to Season 9 of AllWebSD. This season is dedicated to my colleagues at the San Diego Futures Foundation and today I’m in collaboration with Teresa Valenzuela, Community Outreach Manager for SDFF and we’re here to expand on a new initiative developed on their behalf called the Digital Bridge.Highlighted TopicsIn some way shape or form, I feel that I personally am in this role. So let’s start our exploration here, shall we?What is a KiloByte Contributor?Who would you say is most suited to fulfill this level of support? Knowing that this level of support is non-financial, what kind of an impact can this still provide for your cause?Final thoughts.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, go head first into our Discord server by clicking the link on the footer of Otherwise, you can find me on occasion at San Diego Tech Hub’s monthly meetups. For more details on that, go to Thanks and Aloha!
SponsorAre you a professional tired of overly complicated, difficult, or time-consuming processes? Overwhelmed by all of the AI buzz? Do you need a single resource that could truly be your foundry on all things related to AI? Then check out this course, Prompting for AI Operations, brought to you by The AI Exchange, and get ahead in the AI revolution. Learn to break down business goals into tasks that can be executed by ChatGPT and go beyond copy/paste and develop 'prompting sense' which helps you take your prompts to the next level. Just visit this link or click on the AI Exchange banner on the home page of to Season 9 of AllWebSD. This season is dedicated to my colleagues at the San Diego Futures Foundation and today I’m in collaboration with Teresa Valenzuela, Community Outreach Manager for SDFF and we’re here to expand on a new initiative developed on their behalf called the Digital Bridge.Highlighted TopicsWhat is the Digital Bridge Initiative all about?How exactly does the Digital Bridge Initiative work?How can individuals and organizations get involved with this initiative?Are there any success stories or noteworthy outcomes from this initiative?How will success be defined for this type of program?Final thoughts.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, go head first into our Discord server by clicking the link on the footer of Otherwise, you can find me on occasion at San Diego Tech Hub’s monthly meetups. For more details on that, go to Thanks and Aloha!
TLDRToday marks a temporary pause of the Podcast as I go head first into figuring out what on Earth Web3 is all about. I’ll be in the trenches of code once again and when I come up for air, I’ll be sure to come back through audio to give back my findings.Red PillLet’s face it…the web is once again in transition. The meta verse, cryptocurrency, the blockchain, NFTs and more. It’s a bit murky for me at this point when I hear these buzzwords but my curiosity is leading me back to the sandbox to go play. I’ll be suspending this project for the near-term but when I come back, rest assured it will be another 5 episode season, which, for better or worse, spotlights my findings on what I’ve stumbled upon with Web3.Special ThanksAll things considered, I hit 40 episodes in total. Awesome! A big thanks goes out to all of my previous guests, to the San Diego Tech Hub community for giving this domain a place to call home and to you, the listener, for giving this podcast a chance.As a token of my appreciation, the following gifts are linked below: Receive $10 in Bitcoin when you buy or sell $100 or more on Coinbase.Get a $10 cash back reward in Maiar when you buy eGold.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionMore coffee, more coffee, more coffee!My inbox is flooded. I haven’t caught up. I’ve short circuited my anxiety by marking all as read, even though that’s definitely not the case. So let’s take a look at what’s so important in a few short minutes.Highlighted TopicsChrome Reaches 100 (Congrats. Can you get social security?)Understanding Layout Algorithms (Algo…what?)Dominate Your Lighthouse Score in Next.js Applications (If slow, go fast)Those HTML Attributes You Never Use (Then why are they there?)Mozilla’s Vision for the Evolution of the Web (PTSD from IE)What’s New in Node Core (In other words, what’s old about Node Core.)Electron 18 Released (I’m not even on Electron 1.)Build Serverless APIs with Node.js and AWS Lambda (If someone says Kubernetes, I’m flipping the table.)How to Upload PDF Files to Azure Storage From Node (How to upload more time into my life)Parcel v2.4.0 Released: The Zero Config Build Tool (Zero config, zero config, zero config…sounds too good to be true.)The Tao of Node: On Design, Architecture and Best Practices (The Yoga of JavaScript)An Introduction to AWS CloudFront Functions (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)Finally, Cloud Without Complexity (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, part 2)Building a Loading Bar Component (Patience is the essence of fine Mexican food.)Website Themes and Color Schemes (Apologies to all of my color-blind friends.)HTML and CSS in Emails: What Works in 2022? (One big image.)CSS Blossoming Flowers at Magical Night (Shrooms, shrooms, shrooms.)Dino 1.20 Released (This project is still going…nice.)Remix vs. Next.js (Chris Rock vs Will Smith.)Emoji Button: A Vanilla JavaScript Emoji Picker (😏, 😏, 😏.)An ECMAScript Proposal for Type Annotations in JavaScript (John Resig…where are you? We need you.)Web Animation Performance Fundamentals – How to Make Your Pages Look Smooth (More cowbell.)Say Hello to selectmenu, a Fully Style-able select Element (Now that’s cool.)Progressive Enhancement, the new Hotness (Splash cold water.)Big Images, Blazingly Fast (Like I said…one big image.)How Much CO2 Does Creating a 1,000-Word Piece of Content Cause? (Who has time to calculate that???)Browser Vendors ‘Working Together on Interop 2022’ (A/S/L.)Explain the First 10 Lines of Twitter’s Source Code to Me (No.)---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionI need to put a break tag on my HTML to get this message off the ground.At the time of this recording, it’s been a little over two weeks since Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine. Officially, Wikipedia notes the start of this conflict as Thursday, February 24th. Why this one hits home for me is that in my work experience as a web developer, I’ve had the pleasure of working with several Software Developers, QA Engineers and Product Owners of Russian, Ukranian and Belarusian heritage and they all have voiced a similar opinion. They stand with Ukraine. And I do as well.If you’re sitting behind your keyboard right now with headphones on sitting state-side in the continental US, it might be hard for you to fathom what on Earth is really happening minute-by-minute. I’m certainly struggling. On my end, I’m trying to empathize with as many frames of reference that I can muster and here’s how I’ve given myself some context in how to better relate to this global event.Frame of ReferenceAccording to Google, Ukraine is about the size of Texas.Ukraine’s entire population as of 2021 has 41+ million people. California has 39+ million people (2019 statistic).Imagine that on a daily basis, this is 9/11 occurring at any given moment and you don’t where the planes are headed (I really grit my teeth with this one, but it had to be said). I could go on and on about how to make this hit home, but I think you get the theme. A big thanks goes out to my work colleagues, both past and present for providing this list.Ways to HelpReach out to your congressional district and ask for tougher sanctions against Russia. Visit this link and enter your zip code.Discovery TV has partnered with Save The Children to provide critical support for those impacted by this crisis.San Diego based GoFundMe has curated its top list of fundraisers supporting the individuals and families seeking shelter, security and peace.Hashtags actively being used at this time: #standwithukraine#standforukraine#supportukraine#stopthewar#ukraine---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionToday, I’m joined by Krishna Kabra, CEO of the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum. And in this discussion, we go head first into the spectrum of STEAM programs and events offered for the parents and children of San Diego.Highlighted TopicsIntroducing Krishna KabraName, role and how long you’ve been part of SDCDMA quick summary of SDCDMWhat’s the overall goal of SDCM?How long has SDCDM been around?How did Escondido get to headquarter such a gem?Your personal favorites about SDCDM (e.g. a certain exhibit, activity, event, etc.)?What would you say are your guaranteed offerings/strengths of the museum?Family Space Night Questions:What were the challenges of putting an event like this together during COVID era?What types of resources do you look out for on behalf of children’s education/fulfillment?How do you know if an event is successful for the children?Call-to-actions for our listenersWhat future events should we be aware of in relation to STEAM curriculum?Best way to follow you on the latest and greatest?How to get a membership and/or support?Are there other museum affiliations which provide discounts on entry?ConclusionHere are the resources Krishna mentioned earlier on Institute of Biomimicry and a talk by Sir Ken Robinson, where he makes a case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionToday, I am joined by Janaira Quigley from the San Diego Futures Foundation. And in this discussion, we go head first into spotlighting their privately funded program, called CompTIA A+ certification, a paid internship designed for students transitioning into an IT profession.Highlighted TopicsWhat is CompTIA on a high-level?Who are the graduates from this certification and what are their backgrounds?What skills are the students geared with upon completion?What were some challenges on executing this program in light of the pandemic?What's next for San Diego Futures Foundation now that the program has ended?What is SD Access For All?Alternative ways to support SD Futures (in my case it's through AmazonSmile)?ConclusionIf you are interested in hiring for an entry level position, please reach out to Janaira regarding the CompTIA A+ certified graduating interns. She can be reached at 619-391-0050 x225 or jquigley@sdfutures.orgThey are also looking to develop their resource database for the City of San Diego’s Digital Navigator program. Please use the Tech Resource Asset Mapping link to tell them about your organization that can provide free or low-cost tech services. ---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionAre your items stuck offshore at Long Beach due to supply chain issues? If so, I hope to spark joy and not junk into your life this holiday season with these virtual gifts. It’s my hope that these offerings have an everlasting impact for you at some point in your professional careers.Highlighted TopicsHey everyone. Here are some free resources I’ve found to be helpful in my own personal and professional journey. I hope you can find some hidden gems from what’s being offered here.TriNet.comDo you have a startup? Alternatively, do you already have a startup and need to build out your team on a more comprehensive level? Not sure where to begin? Let me introduce you to Gabe Balanag and his team from TriNet. They’re geared as a full-service HR solution providing access to premium benefits, HR expertise, risk mitigation, payroll services and more. For more details on that, simply click here to learn more!Hired.comAre you a Software Engineer, Product Manager, Data Scientist, or Designer looking for your next dream opportunity? Then Hired might be your next play. Create your free profile and let companies apply to interview you (with salary details upfront). Outside of LinkedIn and networking in general, I’ve found this platform to be extremely helpful when setting myself up for that next step!Digit.coSave money and pay off debt, all without thinking about it. Without getting into the weeds of my own struggles, I’ll gladly say that the Great Recession forever left an impact on me. On that note alone, it’s been my mission to surround myself with the right tools that could help my financial base. I adopted into Digit in early 2019 and it’s probably the most meaningful tool I use…and yes…without even thinking about it. Start here and try Digit free for 30 days.Coinbase.comSpeaking of a financial base, let’s talk crypto. I’m by no means an expert on crypto but I can’t ignore its potential in general as a solution outside of fiat currency. That said, I’ve gone head first into Coinbase as my preferred platform that makes it easy to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. Get your first $10 in Bitcoin from me by starting here.ReMarkable.comWord of mouth led me to this product and it is hands down the best electronic item I’ve purchased since pivoting from Blackberries/Nokias/Samsungs to an iPhone 3GS. Since I like to scribble, I thought the next best thing to do for optimizing my chicken scratch was through ReMarkable. Replace your notebooks and printed documents with the only tablet that feels like paper. Get a $40 discount when you purchase a reMarkable 2. Shop now with this link!---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionMeet Tiffany, Senior Product Designer at AliveCor Inc. and an old coworker/friend in a previous startup life! Today we’ll be going head first into the idea of gender in the modern day world and how that may redefine how we move forward building out our digital experiences.Highlighted TopicsBeyond ‘he’ and ‘she’: The rise of non-binary pronounsWhat’s outside of male and female?Where does removing/updating the gender form field come into play?What/how does that impact…the user experience?the impact on data collection?the impact on business?"Neither end of the [male/female] spectrum is a suitable way of expressing the gender I am," Wilson says. "Sometimes I feel 'feminine' and 'masculine' at the same time, and other times I reject the two terms entirely." - BBCConclusionWe’ll stew on this for a moment and follow up at a later date. For now, feel free to outreach with Tiffany directly on LinkedIn, buy a print from her new store and enjoy the gallery on Instagram. Also, the article she mentions regarding sex and gender and its impact on health research can be found here.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
Dear Gen Z,I hope this voicemail finds you well. Hey look…the reason why I’m calling today is because I wanted to speak to those of you who have logged off from this oversaturated tech world. I’m inspired by an article from The Guardian, which sheds light on a growing trend of young people who have consciously abandoned social media. I’m looking to simply understand. I’d like to understand what the positives are for saying sayonara to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. I could easily come up with reasons why I’d abandon it. Yes, I’ve thought about it multiple times and at minimum I’ve already removed most social media apps from my phone. Thanks Digital Minimalism. And as a young father squinting at the ingredients list of these digital jelly beans, it extends my curiosity. Furthermore, I’m looking to forecast alongside you on what the world may look like as we move forward with our pocket-sized super computers.Let it be known that this channel is a safe space, not dependent on any social media metric such as likes, follows or comments. It is very much dependent on you and your sincerity throughout. So if you have a few minutes, and would like to go on the record to speak of a topic which may be corollary to mental health, cyber bullying, privacy and more, please don’t hesitate to give me a buzz.Thanks and Aloha.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionMeet Peter Harnish, San Diego resident and CEO of Well IQ. I’ve known him professionally as a Technology Manager, eCommerce Architect (hello Sony Style) but more importantly, he’s an old friend. And in this discussion, I wanted to steal a few short minutes to deconstruct Well IQ - the accessible survey platform which strengthens patient and provider relationships.HighlightsWhat is Well IQ and what compelled you to move forward with this initiative?How long has your service been available to the market?Unpack this statement for me: Well iQ is a real-time feedback platform designed to improve patient-provider relationships and patient satisfaction.What kind of feedback is deemed necessary for your ecosystem? It looks like this is the centerpiece between provider, patient and family.PointClickCare - tell me about them?A DOT ORG vs. A DOT COM - interesting, why?!ConclusionCheck Well IQ out on their website, or feel free to reach out to Peter directly by email, for more details.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionMy Working Soul is a unique business and career resource, offering targeted, full-cycle support for career professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders. Today we’ll be talking with Corrine Ishio, My Working Soul Founder and CEO. Corrine is an accomplished people leader, with a background in talent acquisition, entrepreneurship, communications, and networking. She got her start recruiting in the highly competitive tech industry in San Diego, CA – and was inspired to pursue entrepreneurship after her experiences supporting startups in the emerging cannabis, e-Commerce and online media industries.Highlighted TopicsIn a nutshell, if the elevator door was closing between us, what does My Working Soul do?What type of personas/personalities would be best suited for leveraging My Working Soul as a career resource?Passionate about growth and development…fair. But I must ask how/why/what compels that virtue by itself?Are you ever met with some resistance when providing input to your clients (individual/org)? Especially executive-level leadership.Yoga as part of My Working Soul’s offerings…but why?An avid reader I see…I’m in over my head talking to you about Victorian literature, so I won’t go there. But…implications of artificial intelligence in a digital economy. Let’s go there. Tell me what’s up.How are you studying multiple languages at this time? Books, online, both?ConclusionCheck Corrine out on all major social media platforms but I think it’s most important to simply go head first into the source at again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionThe goal for this season of AllWebSD is to deconstruct lessons learned from going head first into data structures. It’s my hope that I can translate a complex topic into an easy-going format and I’ll do so by channeling my inner 10-year-old self. You see back in my day, I was a big fan of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series. So I’m going to take snapshots from that show and brush it with some code.Information on data structures are abundant. To be honest, you don’t have to invent this. And frankly, neither did I. Hence, the code is pre-baked and available on Github.The additional and intentional challenge here is that this is in audio only. If you can follow along, awesome. But remember, the source code is on the repo. I’ll upload a video as well, just in case.That said, are you ready? Alright then. It’s Morphin Time!The SituationWe need DinoZord power now!Recall from our last episode that we’ve reprioritized the emergencies based on our priority queue. Now it’s time to call on the power of MegaZord by assembling the DinoZords. We’ll do so with a stacked data structure.This introduces us to the concept of LAST IN FIRST OUT.The Data Structurefunction createStack() {// Store our items in an array held in closure.const stack = [];// Return our stack as a plain JS object.return {// Place new items at the end of the array.push(x) {stack.push(x);},// Remove the final item in the array. This ensures order is maintained.pop() {if (stack.length === 0) {return undefined;}return stack.pop()},// Return the last item in the array.peek() {if (stack.length === 0) {return undefined;}if (stack.length === 5) {return 'MegaZord activated!';}return stack[stack.length - 1]},// Use a getter ensures we always get the current length.get length() {return stack.length;},isEmpty() {return stack.length === 0;}}}ConclusionThat’s it! I hope you enjoyed learning about data structures with a mighty morphin twist. Let me know your thoughts on this choice thus far and other paths that could’ve been considered.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionThe goal for this season of AllWebSD is to deconstruct lessons learned from going head first into data structures. It’s my hope that I can translate a complex topic into an easy-going format and I’ll do so by channeling my inner 10-year-old self. You see back in my day, I was a big fan of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series. So I’m going to take snapshots from that show and brush it with some code.Information on data structures are abundant. To be honest, you don’t have to invent this. And frankly, neither did I. Hence, the code is pre-baked and available on Github.The additional and intentional challenge here is that this is in audio only. If you can follow along, awesome. But remember, the source code is on the repo. I’ll upload a video as well, just in case.That said, are you ready? Alright then. It’s Morphin Time!The SituationRecall from our last episode that Rita threw her magic wand down from the moon and it looks like she sent Scorpina to do her bidding. And yikes, she’s 300 feet tall.The Data StructureIt’s time to introduce our priority queue.function createPriorityQueue() {// Make two queues held in closure to determine priority.const highPriorityQueue = createQueue();const lowPriorityQueue = createQueue();return {// Set high priority to false by default. Ternary operator will determine if it's high/low priority.enqueue(item, isHighPriority = false) {const queue = isHighPriority ? highPriorityQueue : lowPriorityQueue;queue.enqueue(item);},// Make sure high priority queue is emptied first BEFORE attempting to dequeue from low priority queue.dequeue() {if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {return highPriorityQueue.dequeue();}return lowPriorityQueue.dequeue();},// Similar to dequeue(), let's peek from the high priority queue first.peek() {if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {return highPriorityQueue.peek();}return lowPriorityQueue.peek();},get length() {return highPriorityQueue.length + lowPriorityQueue.length;},// Conjunction of our 2 queues.isEmpty() {return highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty();}}}ConclusionScorpina is 300 feet tall. We can’t do this alone. We’ll need DinoZord power. Join me in the finale where we introduce MegaZord by way of a stack data structure.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionThe goal for this season of AllWebSD is to deconstruct lessons learned from going head first into data structures. It’s my hope that I can translate a complex topic into an easy-going format and I’ll do so by channeling my inner 10-year-old self. You see back in my day, I was a big fan of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series. So I’m going to take snapshots from that show and brush it with some code.Information on data structures are abundant. To be honest, you don’t have to invent this. And frankly, neither did I. Hence, the code is pre-baked and available on Github.The additional and intentional challenge here is that this is in audio only. If you can follow along, awesome. But remember, the source code is on the repo. I’ll upload a video as well, just in case.That said, are you ready? Alright then. It’s Morphin Time!The SituationRecall from our last episode that Rita just deployed the Putties and Goldar to Angel Grove. They’re causing havoc very quickly and it’s time to address these problems.The Data StructureIt’s time to introduce our queue. A linear data structure which obeys the principle of First In, First Out. And that’s exactly what we’ll need to consider granted what Rita just unloaded to the general public.We’ll create our queue utilizing a function declaration which returns a JavaScript object.function createQueue() {// Store our items in an array held in closure.const queue = [];return {// Use unshift(), to keep the collection of the array in order by adding items to the front.enqueue(x) {queue.unshift(x);},// Use pop(), to remove the final item from the array while maintain order.dequeue() {if (queue.length === 0) {return undefined;}return queue.pop();},// Return the next item that's ready to be removed.peek() {if (queue.length === 0) {return undefined;}return queue[queue.length - 1];},// Use a getter function to get the CURRENT queue's length.get length() {return queue.length;},isEmpty() {return queue.length === 0;}}}ConclusionOh no. What’s that in the sky? Rita’s wand is shooting down like a bolt of lightning. That’s not good. Let me know your thoughts on this choice thus far and other paths that could’ve been considered.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!
IntroductionThe goal for this season of AllWebSD is to deconstruct lessons learned from going head first into data structures. It’s my hope that I can translate a complex topic into an easy-going format and I’ll do so by channeling my inner 10-year-old self. You see back in my day, I was a big fan of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series. So I’m going to take snapshots from that show and brush it with some code.Information on data structures are abundant. To be honest, you don’t have to invent this. And frankly, neither did I. Hence, the code is pre-baked and available on Github.The additional and intentional challenge here is that this is in audio only. If you can follow along, awesome. But remember, the source code is on the repo. I’ll upload a video as well, just in case.That said, are you ready? Alright then. It’s Morphin Time!The Situation5 ordinary teenagers are now at the command center. After initial shock, they’re starting to gather their senses and are willing to give this Power Ranger thing a try. The viewing globe lights up and we see that Rita’s sent these clay-like spandex goons called Putties and a Golden Armored Monkey to Angel Grove, a city wedged between LA and San Diego. Just kidding. Maybe.Before they leave to address the issue, Zordon still needs to issue each Ranger their power.Zack will bestow the powers of Mastodon, Kimberly receives Pterodactyl, Billy gets Triceratops, Trini inherits Sabertooth Tiger and Jason will kick it into high gear with Tyrannosaurus.The Data StructureArray Of Objectsconst arrayOfRangers = [{name: 'Zack',power: 'Mastodon',isMorphed: false},{name: 'Kimberly',power: 'Pterodactyl',isMorphed: false},{name: 'Billy',power: 'Triceratops',isMorphed: false},{name: 'Trini',power: 'Sabertooth',isMorphed: false},{name: 'Jason',power: 'Tyrannosaurus',isMorphed: false}];Glossing over this it looks like I can still quickly access any member of the team by indexes of 0 through 4 and each member of the team now has their power.ConclusionPutties are at the park and Goldar is wreaking havoc in down town Angel Grove. There’s no time to waste. Let me know your thoughts on this choice thus far and other paths that could’ve been considered.---Thanks again for listening in. Remember, I’m here to foster innovation through conversation. So if you’d like to continue this discussion or any topics previously discussed, join me at San Diego Tech Hub and go head first into the AllWebSD Group. It’s totally free. Just visit this link or click San Diego Tech Hub on the footer of Thanks and Aloha!