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Alliance Bible Church - Mequon, Wisconsin
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Alliance Bible Church - Mequon, Wisconsin

Author: Alliance Bible Church

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Captivating generations with the satisfying gospel of Jesus Christ.
414 Episodes
"Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven" (1 Corinthians 11:4-5).Say what?!?! Head coverings. Long hair. Shaved head. What is this about? Bizarre!That may be, but we'll explore a Scripture passage that has a lot to say about a very hot contemporary topic.Applications:1) The goodness of authority and virtue of submission2) The pr...
There is confusion surrounding the nature and person of Jesus Christ. Is he equal with God? Was he a created being? These questions have been asked throughout church history. What has the church believed about Jesus through the centuries? How does God's word teach us about who he is? Join us as we take a look at the nature of the Son and why that matters for the church today!1) The eternality of God2) The manifestation of God3) The fellowship of GodText: 1 John 1:1-4
What do tattoos, electric guitars, and reproductive technologies have in common? Conscience is involved in using or not using them. Join us as we learn how to "read the room."Conscience:1) What it is2) How to calibrate itText: 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1
The Christian life is compared to a marathon. Even if you've never run a marathon, this comparison makes sense. It feels like that. Some days are good days. Some days are bad days. The greatest threat is not finishing. The greatest joy is making it across the finish line. So what will it take to do so?Three fundamentals required to win at the only race that matters... the Christian life:1) Past blessing is no indicator of future victory2) Clear and present dangers3) Don't consort with known "...
Have you ever wondered what Jesus is currently doing? And is there any connection to this and his ascension? As we wrap up our last installment to our series, we will look at an often overlooked aspect of Jesus' ministry and see what implications it has for the church and the world today.1) The New Testament Survey2) The Old Testament SurveyText: Acts 1:6-11, Psalm 2, Hebrews 1
Ever wonder why most 21st century preachers don't speak using Elizabethan English? Or why churches use instruments such as guitars and drums? Have you ever wondered why missionaries wear clothing that looks different from the rest of us? Sorting out what is necessary for the gospel and what is a cultural form are important matters when it comes to reaching people. Join us as we ponder the "Hudson Taylor Principle."1) The minister's right (vv. 1-14)2) The minister's flexibility (vv. 15-27)Text...
"Be true to yourself.""You do you.""Me, myself and I."But what happens when these aren't good for someone else? Our culture may not value how one's choices impact other people, but Christians are called to live with consideration for other believers. Join us as we continue in our series on 1 Corinthians.Text: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
There's no shortage of marriage books, conferences, counseling, or other miscellaneous resources available to married couples. In this surplus of media, unintended consequences can emerge: singleness is devalued and too high a premium is placed on marriage. Today's text will help us reach an equilibrium on these topics.Revolutionary thoughts on marriage...1) Marriage isn't everything2) Marriage is distracting3) Marriage is for GodText: 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
The Visible Word

The Visible Word


Sacraments or Ordinances? What should we call them? How many are there? Do they have any bearing on the local church? Do any of these questions even matter? Join us as we find out why Baptism and the Lord's Supper have been debated throughout Church history and their relevance for us today.1) The biblical pattern of the ordinances2) The theological foundation of the ordinances3) The ecclesiological implications of the ordinancesText: Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Selected Scriptures
How many of us are wearing clothes we bought ten years ago? How many are using computers we bought five years ago? How many of us are driving vehicles more than fifteen years old? Very few of us would answer 'yes' to those questions. The air we breathe is designed to agitate us against the status-quo and implant in us a desire to go over there, up there, under there... anywhere but here.Do you ever find yourself exhausted by this? If so, the apostle Paul has a good word for you: blossom where...
One of the top 5 "sticky wickets" in the church surrounds the complexities of divorce and remarriage. When is it permissible? When is it not? How does one handle an unbiblical divorce and remarriage? None of these are easy matters, but God has spoken and today we'll listen to him.1) Instructions for the unmarried in the church2) Instructions for the married in the church3) Instructions for the married and "spiritually single" in the church4) Divorce and remarriage principlesText: 1 Corinthian...
Same-sex marriage. Sexual orientation. LGBTQ+. These are common words and symbols in our day and age. Even among Christians there is confusion over how to assess the rapid movements of these ideologies. We'll dig into God's Word to mine for God's perspective on these pressing matters.1) The Bible and Same-Sex Behavior2) The Bible and Same-Sex Desire3) Closing ReflectionsText: Selected Scriptures
The Death of Death

The Death of Death


It's not fun to think about it. It's never enjoyable when it happens. And sadly, it's everyone's destiny. However, the resurrection of Jesus supplies the kind of hope that can look it in the eye and say, "You are defeated!" Come hear about "The Death of Death.”1) The importance of thinking about death2) The reason death exists3) The hope available in the death of deathText: James 4:14; Psalm 90:12; 39:4; Romans 5:12; Ephesians 2:1, 4-5; John 11:25-26



The curtain of the temple was torn in two.The earth shook.The rocks split.The tombs were opened.The bodies were raised.What is going on?On this day, God was "throwing his weight around." The death of Jesus was literally earth-shattering. Why? Join us for a special Good Friday message as we ponder this question.The cross of Jesus Christ...1) The reason for it2) The voluntariness of it3) The results it producedText: Matthew 27:45-56
I Was There

I Was There


We all love a good "comeback" story! We love to watch the phoenixes of our world rise back up out of the ashes of failure and soar to victory. We often applaud their strength and envy their success. But what about the "brought-back" stories? The ones where the central figure fails horribly and then gets mercifully picked back up? How do we respond to those stories and what might we learn from them? Let's consider someone who seems to test the limits of how far someone can fall in their faith ...
No Other Name

No Other Name


Seated on high, the undefeated One, there is no other name.Text: Philippians 2:5-11
"Once there was only God." So we should probably ask him about his purposes for sex. Join us as we dive into this "hot topic."A synopsis of the Bible’s teaching on sex:1) Sex and covenant2) Sex and procreation3) Sex and enjoyment4) Sex and the grace of GodText: Genesis 2:24; 1:28; Proverbs 5:18-19; Song of Solomon 5:10-16; John 4:1-26
Red skin. Horns. Pitchfork. What comes to mind? Most likely you thought of the devil. But is this how he is described in the Bible? And how exactly does he operate? Why would God even create him in the first place? Join us as we look at another facet of the glorious gospel!1) The dawn of Satan2) The domain of Satan3) The defeat of SatanText: Genesis 3:15, Hebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:8
In a book dedicated to promoting the holiness of God's people, did you ever think one of the topics Paul would bring up is "marital intimacy?" Even this part of our lives needs to be done God's way. Join us as we continue our "sub-series" on the Christian sex ethic.The Christian sex ethic is...1) Anti-ascetic2) Anti-hedonistic3) Mutually self-givingText: 1 Corinthians 7:1-7
In this message, we begin a "sub-series" on the Christian sex ethic. What is sexual immorality? How do we glorify God in our bodies? It's a thousand piece jig-saw puzzle we'll start assembling.How do we glorify God with our bodies in a sexually disordered world?1) Question the prevailing winds2) Know your enemy3) Give your body an upgradeText: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20