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Almost Heretical

Almost Heretical

Author: Nate Hanson & Shelby Hanson

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Are you ready to relearn what you thought you knew about the Bible? Almost Heretical invites you on a journey of reclaiming the Bible and revolutionizing Christianity as we know it. Led by Nate Hanson (a former Crazy Love pastor) and Shelby Hanson (MA Biblical Studies & Dead Sea Scrolls). We challenge traditional teachings and offer a sanctuary for those questioning and reshaping their faith. 7 years running, with over 2 million downloads, this is a space for authentic exploration and tough questions. You're not alone!

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141 Episodes
Listen to the Frank Kenny after show! How has our understanding of God evolved over time? Nate & Shelby talk with Frank Kenny about his book, The God of War: How an Ancient God Shaped a Modern World (link), exploring the historical contexts and conflicts that have shaped modern Christianity. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to the after show for the Brian episode where we talk about why the Church tries to control beliefs What if being a Christian wasn't about what you believed? Nate & Shelby talk with Brian McLaren about his influential works, including Do I Stay Christian? and his latest, Life After Doom. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of our after show for each interview 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to the after show where we talk about favorite books, women missionaries, and being anti-academia Olivia Jackson interviewed hundreds of Christians about their deconstruction experience. We talk about why people changed their faith. Is it different in America compared to the UK, Australia, etc? Olivia's book. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to the after show where Nate & Shelby talk about Tim's more traditional beliefs... Why did they have Tim on? Tim Alberta reflects on how his Christian upbringing shapes his approach to politics, emphasizing critical thought over tribalism. He advocates for a church response that mirrors Christ's love and grace, facing societal challenges with a focus on the eternal kingdom of God. This episode explores restoring the church's mission as an agent of healing and social welfare. Tim's book is The Kingdom, The Power, and the Glory. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to the after show where Nate & Shelby debrief and shore more thoughts about this conversation with Tiffany Tiffany Yecke Brooks discusses her evolution from fundamentalist roots, questioning long-held doctrines, and identifying spiritual anxiety as a trauma response. She advocates for reinterpreting biblical stories and emphasizes the importance of self-trust and questioning authority within religious contexts. Her insights encourage a deeper, more personal exploration of faith, free from the constraints of traditional interpretations and control. Tiffany's website. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to the Utterly Heretical after show episode that Nate & Shelby recorded debriefing this conversation with Thomas Jay Oord Dr. Thomas Jay Oord delves into open relational theology, highlighting a non-controlling, relational God and rethinking traditional omnipotence. Check out his book God After Deconstruction with Tripp Fuller. We addresses deconstruction, the afterlife, and inclusivity beyond Christianity. Oord's perspective challenges conventional views on prayer, spirituality, and divine interaction, advocating for a faith that embraces questioning and experiential understanding of the divine. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to the 20-minute Utterly Heretical after show episode that Nate & Shelby recorded debriefing this conversation with Dr. Laura Anderson Dr. Laura Anderson tackles religious trauma, explaining it as our physiological response to religious experiences, distinct from the events themselves. She critiques purity culture for its detrimental effects on personal development and relationships, advocating for a more nuanced understanding of the Bible and recognizing its flaws. The conversation extends to the challenges churches face in addressing trauma, the variety of Christian views on mental health, and navigating relationships amid political and religious differences. Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to the extra 20-minute Utterly Heretical episode that Nate & Shelby recorded debriefing this conversation with David. Does Hell or even annihilationism mean that God's love is coercive? David Fitch (author of Reckoning With Power) debates with Nate and Shelby about whether we can call God's love "non-coercive". Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Elaine Pagels presents the compelling theory that the Gospel of John might have intentionally silenced the Gospel of Thomas. This interview not only explores the hidden gospels but also challenges us to rethink the foundational narratives of Christianity through the insights of Elaine Pagels. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We sit down with philosopher and theologian Peter Rollins to explore the intricate landscape of faith, doubt, and the philosophy of deconstruction. Rollins discusses the importance of embracing our uncertainties and the transformative power of questioning traditional religious narratives. Through a deep dive into philosophical theology, we uncover how deconstructing our beliefs can lead to a more authentic and profound understanding of our spirituality and ourselves. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to the full, unedited episode with extra 15 minutes Anna Gazmarian shares her profound journey of doubting faith, getting fired from a church, sexual assault, and confronting her mental health diagnosis within the church. How does faith intersect with the challenges of Religious OCD, scrupulosity and mental health? Discover her path to understanding and acceptance. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If the Bible isn't about being true or false, then what is the point of stories like Noah's Ark? Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Curious about the Nephilim and the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4? Join Nate and Shelby as they delve into ancient texts like the Book of Enoch, exploring the implications these stories have on gender dynamics and biblical narratives. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join us as we delve into Genesis 3 and explore its long-lasting impact on women. We'll tackle big questions like: Did God really say what we've been told? And why isn’t the serpent identified as Satan? We’ll discuss how much of what we believe comes from Paul's interpretations and how this story has shaped women’s experiences, especially around leadership. Get ready for an eye-opening chat about challenging old notions and seeing this story in a new light! Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is Genesis 2:24 an institution of heterosexual marriage? Does it matter? In this episode, we tackle these questions and play devil's advocate to help you respond to the pushback you may be facing. We challenge traditional views and ask: How should we use the Bible today? Tune in as we navigate the complex landscape of faith, marriage, and sexuality. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Did you ever wonder why Satan is never mentioned in the Garden of Eden? Prepare to have your mind blown as we dive into the untold complexities of Genesis 2:1-18. This episode uncovers surprising interpretations, challenges common myths, and may forever change the way you look at the creation story. Don't miss out; it's time to rethink what you thought you knew about Adam, Eve, and the Garden. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What have we been missing in the creation story? What does the Sun being created before “Light” mean? Why do we have two different creation stories? Join us as we reexamine Genesis 1:6-31. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We dive deep into spirituality and societal transformation with Rainn Wilson, renowned actor and author of Soul Boom. Join us as we explore the pressing need for a spiritual revolution in today's challenging world. Discover practical spiritual tools for personal and collective growth, as Rainn shares his insights on the lost essence of spirituality, the power of early Christian movement in Acts, the impact of societal movements like Black Lives Matter, and the importance of hope in an increasingly cynical world. Get ready to ponder profound questions such as, "When did the West lose spirituality?", "What is the motivation to love?", and even "What would Dwight Schrute think of Soul Boom?" Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to a whole hour of Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about the Bible, Jesus, and Christianity in a way you've probably not heard before. Neil is the author of Starry Messenger, host of StarTalk and director of the Hayden Planetarium in NYC. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
(Listen to Part 2) – In Genesis 1:1-5, we encounter intriguing aspects that invite deeper reflection. We explore the use of the pronoun "us" in the early chapters, raising questions about its connection to the Trinity and the presence of Jesus in the garden. Additionally, we debunk the notion of strict sentence structure when reading the passage in Hebrew, uncovering its poetic nature. And we challenge the idea of a perfect heaven by considering alternative perspectives. Thoughts, questions, stories? Please email Become a member and get: 1. Bonus episodes of Utterly Heretical (our private podcast) every month 2. All full-length episodes 3. Access to our private community of 350+ listeners Become a member: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (11)

Kimberly Andrea Brock

I think that taking time to give yourself perspective in dark times can also bring you back to more clarity with your content. I wish you well.

Feb 15th

sweet dee is azor ahai

good grief. nobody says only evangelicals go to heaven. (interesting that Catholics, Jews, etc. never get that accusation.) We go to heaven when we accept Jesus as our Lord and savior and that He is the only way to heaven. Muslims by definition do not accept Jesus. If you're implying Jesus' sacrifice was not enough and that you can get to heaven via orher means, you're lying and deliberately leading people away from Jesus. also, while I greatly enjoy the gender discussions, you guys and your guests are pretty judgmental yourselves of anyone who isn't your denomination. You seem to think your bad experiences with bad evangelicals is the norm. None I've ever attended (about 4) have ever preached what you say.

Dec 4th
Reply (1)

sweet dee is azor ahai

sorry? not being Catholic because they worship people who aren't Jesus is a very, very valid reason. it had absolutely nothing to do with gender. Weirdly, the fact that Catholics idolize the male saints and angels didn't get brought up (or how staunchly patriachal Catholicism and orthodox are).

Nov 9th

Tamar Barnousky

While I realize that this episode is specifically aimed at evangelicals with a gun fetish, I feel like saying that self-defense is NEVER acceptable under Christianity has implications that take us some ugly places. I can't--as a straight-passing white woman--say to anyone else "self-defense is bad and you should feel bad" in good conscience. It's too easy a claim to make when it isn't your life, children's lives, or property on the line.

Jul 7th
Reply (2)

Steff Probert

really interesting thought provoking stuff. nothing I'v heard so far scares me too much but enjoying the added insight. roll on pod 4 for me

Dec 5th

Almost Heretical

Hey friends! So cool to have you listening along. :) If the show triggers any questions, we’d love to hear them! -Nate

Aug 16th
Reply (1)

Brendan Acebo

I absolutely love and appreciate the thoughtful work that goes into the content presented in this podcast. These are things Christians need to be wrestling with, there's so much more beauty to the Gospel than what we thought we were allowed to believe

May 15th
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