Always Never Right

Always Never Right
Author: Always Never Right - The PodFix Network
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© 2019
A Podcast with Adult Ingredients. Come have a cocktail with us while we chat.
Proud member of the PodFix Network. @podfix
Proud member of the PodFix Network. @podfix
88 Episodes
Explanation about why we're taking a short hiatus. Back soon, m'dolls!
RERUN - There's been a LOT of working and momming going on, so we dug a fun one out from our archives. Enjoy this rerun of Episode 23!!!
The one where you learn Gina's elvish secret.
And she turns red. You can't see it, but pure red, people! But mostly, this episode is less about shaming Gina and more about developing friendships when you're a bit longer in the tooth. Our special guest star and new friend Alice Agnello of the fabulous "Kids Are Grown, Now What?" podcast joins us to discuss what to do when you look around and discover, making new friendships isn't always easy. As Jill points out, there are apps for that, but still...
While the name of this episode is in honor of the iconic show about female friendships Golden Girls, the drink is in honor of another iconic show about female friendships - Sex and the City. Join us for cosmos, m'dolls!
If you would like to have a cosmopolitan, you can find the recipe at
And besure to check out Alice's podcast as well as her website,
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There is so much crazy news out there that, as Gillian says, if you had a bingo card with riots, murder hornets, global pandemics, continental-wide wildfires, locust swarms, and earthquakes, uh, congrats, you win? So, this week, we bring you good news stories! Good things about humanity, good health news, and great tales of good hooch!
Our drink for this episode? A sunshiny-happiness Tequila Sunrise Mimosa! You can find the recipe at
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Proud member of the PodFix network!
SO MANY CHANGES! Seriously, there’s a LOT going on right now, particularly for the Gillian half of our dynamic duo. What kind of changes? And how do we deal with them? Tune in and listen, m’dolls! Spoiler: There’s a LOT of dead mice in this episode.
So sit back and enjoy a nommy peach mojito with us! You can find the recipe at
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Proud member of the PodFix network!
So, Gina likes to comb through Reddit for fun stuff. Her version of fun, anyhow. This week, she shares the fun with Jill, and our listeners. She chose several stories from “Am I the Karen” and “Am I the ...” (well, you read the episode title) subreddits, and we answer those questions!
So sit back and enjoy a Salty Dog with us, while we get a bit salty ourselves! You can find the recipe at
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Proud member of the PodFix network!
You ever been out shopping, made polite conversation (“Hi, how are you?” “Fine, you?”), and had the floodgates open? Not uncommon, especially for some folks. Including T. Seriously, he’s the king of overshare receipt. Gina thinks it’s the eyebrow, but Jill insists that, now that she’s personally witnessed it, he’s truly not inviting it. So he’s guesting tonight to share his experiences.
Tonight’s drink? Kentucky Mule, with some slight, syrupy variations! You can find the recipe at
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Proud member of the PodFix network!
We’re living in an odd time right now. For those working from home, we have a pro at that - Jill - to offer up some great advice on how to keep your home life and work life straight and sane. Plus, we Gina continuing to wear overalls despite all advice to the contrary.
Tonight’s drink Tito’s Perfect Pear. You can find the recipe at
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Proud member of the PodFix network!
So friend of the podcast Rexy is recently divorced, and friends of the podcast Rebecca and Tim Mullins have a podcast called “Sexual Blueprint,” and Jill and Gina saw an amazing opportunity here! And lordy, we weren’t wrong! We’re all somewhat scarred now, but dude, what an adventure! We highly advise drinking before rather than during this one.
Tonight’s drink (cue soft-core saxophone) - Sexual Chocolate. Ooooooooooh yeeeaaaahhhhh! You can find the recipe at
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So really, OOPS! Gina does the episodes and uploads and has no idea WTF happened here. Files somehow got corrupted between editing and upload. She’s gonna work to fix it, though, by golly!
Go fix yourself the drink of your choice while this gets sorted. Take care, m’dolls!
So, there are words and phrases out there that can make a person want to literally chew through a steel cable. Like, actually do something drastic rather than just spout hyperbole. Language isn’t hard, people! I mean, it’s not rocket surgery!
Tonight’s amazing drink, one of Jill’s new alll-time-favorites ... the luscious (like Blanche herself) Devereaux! You can find the recipe at
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We’ve all made them, and we (well, mostly) all regret them. Tonight, we talk fashion mistakes. Sometimes it’s being misled into bad hair, sometimes it’s not making a purchase and regretting it later, sometimes it’s when your spouse sews the flies shut on your overalls. But what can you do about it? OWN IT!
Tonight’s nom-tastic, definitely not a mistake drink juice? A grapefruit elderflower cocktail. Try it. You’ll thank us! You can find the recipe at
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You ever listen to a really great podcast and wonder, “oooh, how did they DO that?” If so, sorry to disappoint you, but we’re only going to talk about how we do ours. But we think it’s fun!
We think it’s especially fun to brainstorm podcast ideas while drinking a really awesome drink, a Blackberry bourbon sour! You can find the recipe at
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We’ve seen, and been in, a lot of weddings. We have stories to tell. Judgey stories mostly, but those are the most fun, aren’t they? So sit back and listen while we talk about whale songs, Vegas, literal bats in literal belfries, how to prank your loved ones on the most important day of your life, and ... Aunt Betty (cue creepy music).
Our drink this week? The Old Fashioned!. You can find the recipe at
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Since we went off the rails - in an admittedly very fun way - last week, we’re revisiting this week the topic of letting others live rent-free in your head. You realize you are the villain in someone else’s story, right? It’s inevitable. But how do you deal with it? Are you able to make peace with that? Let’s discuss!
Our drink this week? The Suffering Bastard. You can find the recipe at
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Sexy Rexy joins us again this week to talk about not giving people rent-free space in your head. Although admittedly, Gina ends up being more of a object lesson than an example. And what’s a cocktrix? Gotta listen to find out (it’s not dirty - okay, it involves cocktails, because of course it does).
Our drink this week? Lemon drop martinis. NOM! You can find the recipe at
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It’s a Valentine’s Day special!!! This week, Jill and Gina are joined by their friends Rebecca and Tim Mullins of the Sexual Blueprint podcast. Things go off the rails quickly and hilariously, as you’d expect when mixing four rowdy adults with a taboo topic and copious amounts of rum. Come and listen to the mischief, but don’t tell your Mom, she likely wouldn’t approve.
Our drink this week? Well duh, Sex on the Beach of course! You can find the recipe at
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So, it’s 2020. We don’t want the whole year to be about hindsight. Only 1/3 of it. So with that 1/3 in mind, what are you going to keep doing that you’ve been doing all along? And stop doing? And start doing for that matter?
One thing we’ll do? Keep drinking, bwahaha! This week, we have a Dragon’s Breath. Because we’ve discovered smoked cocktails, and yum! You can find the recipe at
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Just didn't want you to forget us! So this is just a reminder that we'll be back in February with brand new episodes.
But you, dear listeners, YOU all start on having that amazing 2020 that we all know you deserve!
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The one where we take a short sabbatical.
Cause it’s the holidays, ya know. And things get busy. But we’ll be back February-ish with new episodes! As we can, we’ll record some shorts for ya, so you don’t forget us altogether, though! Love you all, m’dolls, and happy holidays!
No official drink this week! Grab the liquid happy of your choice and listen in! We hope you enjoy!
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The one where we do something completely different.
You've heard us talk about Mullins Media a/k/a Tim - You know the creator of, Hillbilly Horror House, And Beyond, and now co-host of Sexual Blueprint officially hosted by Mrs. Mullins a/k/a Rebecca a/k/a she who can seriously make Tim blush. Well, we've done some voicework on some of Mullins Media's scripted podcasts, and Tim Mullins has kindly scripted and put together an episode of fun just for us and our listeners! Cause he and Rebecca are all kinda nice like that. :-)
Which is good, because the week really got away from Gina, and her schedule blew up our recording schedule, so serious, thank you, Tim!!!!
No official drink this week! Grab the liquid happy of your choice and listen in! We hope you enjoy!
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