Amala Ekpunobi
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© Amala Ekpunobi
Just hanging out and talking about trending topics.
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no joy in LA fires, heart goes out to suffering ppl. I feel god showed the California elite( off all Americans), what Palestinians went thru in its a learning lesson when u screw sum1 over(funding israeli genocide). God can turn things overnight without a sophisticated military arsenal..who knows this was warning, great a ceasefire.. 50k dead Palestinians? yea may be an earthquake is incoming. i wish no harm upon humanity just feel things eventually balance out.
Alright,..... Amala Ekpunaaaaaambi? Not to be an asshole, but these people strike me as cunts...... and I mean that in the most disparaging fashion possible. It is, however, just my opinion. I don't know shit about these faygehlehs. You, I'd guess, are FAR more well-known than the above bitches. I love your content, regardless. Fuck those pussies(or at least my vision of their characters)!!!
This woman MUST be out of her tit. I must say that she has lady balls,though! She won't back down. I think that she's a retard, but she's got stones!!!
Elon should buy MNBC. It would be great fun see if the freak out would be massive or if everyone will do their best to save their jobs. would they bend the knee for Elon Musk?
this Segregated zoom call is the most nauseating thing I ever heard. how can anyone be so delusional.
imI can't understand it and I'm trans. I know I'm DIFFERENT when I was about 4. I didn't know I'm trans. I'm getting second hand gender dysphoria by listening to those dumb motherflowers.
This trans sports dilemma seems to have a really simple solution. One category open to all sexes, and one category for those born female. Trans athletes would be able to compete as how they identify in the open category and those born female would be able to compete in a fair contest.
We need to understand that marriage between a man and a woman is the foundation building bock of all society. Divorce breaks down the foundation of not just a marriage but society as a whole. violence and abuse within marriage will break marriage too even if it doesn't lead to divorce.
I hear you and others, stress 'parental Rights ' with regard to teaching personal values. While I don't really disagree, I do feel stressing parental Rights doesn't quite hit the mark. I believe that it's a child's right to learn values from the ones that love them the most and have their best interests truly at heart. And it's the parents RESPONSIBILITY to make sure they are the ones teaching their children their values. It's the school teacher's responsibility to support the parents. An Elementary student probably does spend more time with the Teacher than the parents during a school day, But it's not true that teachers spend more time with the child than the parents because their time is divided between all the other children in the classroom. and the teacher will only have the child as a student for 9 - 10 months at most. The teacher has no right to assume they have the most important role in the life of their student, by a long shot. The teacher did not carry the student f
as someone who is old enough to remember how hard we fought to put down racism back in the 1960s, it's just so galling to see it come back with people who should know better, but yet seem to feel so entitled to indulge in racism.
I would be surprised to find that a public bathroom litter box ever needed to be cleaned. But if they are giving away T-shirts for using a public litter box perhaps with a message saying something like "I do number one and number two in public bathroom litter boxes ", Well yeah, I could believe some people would go for that.
#transphobes4Christ #Flipit_duh
wow wee Amala. really jumping into the theological and philosophical deep end of the theological and philosophical pool in this episode. Is Christianity the true Religion? what is the validity of Science itself. do humans have free will. can homosexuals be saved? really heavy stuff!!!
very interesting ruminations, Seems to me, women have been in a "beauty arms race ' ever since ancient Egyptian women invented mascara. The girls that don't keep up, are perceived is plain and unattractive by comparison. Not Fair? Yes. But who is willing to be the first to put down the lipstick? cosmetic companies make billions, beating that no one will. p.s. I just made up that factoid about Egyptian women, I have no idea who invented mascara. but point made.
the Japanese culturally appropriated sushi from the Chinese. just saying
Hell to the no.
There are all kinds of problems with reparations, It's clear that paying reparations would pull the country apart, notice just taking about reparations pulls us apart. Seems for a few cynical people, pulling the country apart is the point. Does anyone, anywhere, think we can solve are racism problems by just buying it off with money?
Riley Gaines, a true American champion and hero on so many levels. And a true advocate for women.
I think fictional, mythical characters like Tinkerbell and the Little Mermaid are entirely fair game for being depicted as any race you want. after all, these characters are not even supposed to be human in the strictest sense. But historical characters are different, so many people get their understanding of real history from entertainment media.
seems we all not only want to claim victimhood, we also need to find affirmation of our victimhood. so it now seems we have a shortage of blatant victimizes so we need to pull out our agression microscope to show we are victims. now, are we to believe that microaggressions are actually worse than blatant aggressions because they are hidden from view.