American Cheers, Jeers, and Tears

NeverGiveUpYourDream.US Defending Truth, Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, and the American Dream My latest books @NeverGiveUpYourDream.US A Love Letter to America Good, Kind, and Happy: Open Secret to our Life Find Peace of Mind or Lose Your Mind You Don't Know Who You Really Are: Discover Your True-Self No More Doubt: Science Confirms the Bible Idiots from Hell: Defying Lunatics Among US End Game: When Truth Doesn't Matter Anymore Whom Can We Still Trust? Liberals Hijacking America Fight Back Manual: Last Bet Strategy for Survival of Western Civilization

War on traditional America

I cannot avoid the feeling that our corrupt, progressive, greedy Marxist elites have sold out America for parts. Like never before in Judeo-Christian history, everything appears to be upside down. We can’t get rid of the impression that we’ve lost virtually everything close to our hearts. Our liberties, our freedoms, our history, our traditions, our common sense, our human dignity, our Constitution, and our way of life. Our politicians, our schools, our colleges, and our media organizations keep telling us that our morals, our values, and our principles are outdated. Yes, antiquated, obsolete, and out-of-fashion.  They must be replaced with something more contemporary, trendy, and politically correct.  We appear to be cornered and out of options. What is at play? Virtually everything. Our American Dream, American Way of Life. Our American spirit. Our American soul. We are experiencing the Second American revolution. This time, not with weapons, at least not yet. It is imposed on us by our enemies within who despise America and everything our country stands for. For almost a century, America is a thorn in the eye of Marxist ideology. Not because our beloved country might be bad in any way, just the opposite. Since the founding of America, we were the “shiny city on the hill,” a political system no dictatorship would ever be able to compete with.


America, a magnet for millions: Why do so many people want to come to the US? (Episode #27)

“A simple way to take a measure of a country is to look at how many want in. And how many want out.” (Tony Blair) Whatever you think, say, or tell about America, one thing is sure. In the most regions of the world, the American way of life is still extremely popular. However, America’s image in the world has two diametrically opposed appearances. • An endless admiration by people who love and appreciate the American way of life. • A politically, socially, and economically motivated incredible hatred and envy, mostly based on tyrannical worldview such as Marxism, Fascism, or Islamism. Nobody in the world can beat America’s popularity among international students. By a substantial distance, the US remains the most popular country for international students to study in, hosting over 30% of all international students in the world. The attraction to studying in the US springs from three principal factors: • Commitment to excellence • Freedom of choice • Appealing culture Nothing confirms America’s greatness better than the popularity among immigrants from all over the world, legal or illegal. In addition to our legal immigrants, about one million per year, over twenty million people, mostly from Middle and South America, Asia, and Africa, live and work in the US permanently. If this is not enough, thousands of illegals are streaming daily over our Southern border into their “land of dreams,” America.


Why is America exceptional? (Episode # 26)

America is an exceptional nation. This is not because of what the US has achieved or accomplished. America is exceptional because, unlike any other nation, it is truly dedicated to the natural law and principles of human liberty, grounded on the truths that all men are created equal and endowed with equal rights. These permanent truths are "applicable to all men and all times," Abraham Lincoln once said. As the Heritage Foundation points out, America's principles have created a prosperous and just nation unlike any other nation in history. “They explain why Americans strongly defend their country, look fondly to their nation's origins, vigilantly assert their political rights and civic responsibilities, and remain convinced of the special meaning of their country and its role in the world. It is because of its principles, not despite them, that America has achieved greatness.” As history proves, the American Founders appealed to self-evident truths, stemming from "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," to justify their liberty. They are as true today as they were in 1776. The US Constitution defines the institutions of American government: three distinct branches of government that make the law, enforce the law, and judge the law in particular cases. This fundamental framework gives the American government the powers it needs to secure our fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence also sets the basic vision for the American Dream, still respected and admired by millions of people throughout the world. Of course, the ultimate purpose of securing these rights and of limiting government is to protect human freedom. That freedom allows the institutions of civil society such as family, school, church, and private associations, to thrive, and form the habits and virtues required for liberty.


Love you, America! (Episode #25)

I was born in the very heart of Europe, full of rich history, culture, and a two-thousand-year-old tradition of feuds, wars, poverty, and human sufferings. As impressive some of the epochs might have been, they were all built on authoritarian, dictatorial, tyrannical systems. No such thing as democracy, personal freedom, or independence ever existed. With this kind of historical baggage, Europeans don’t comprehend what we call personal freedoms, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When I was able to learn what the American soul and the American way of life really mean for the first time, I was moved, excited, encouraged, and motivated. I was instantly attracted to the American Dream and decided this is where I want to live, work, and spend the rest of my life. From my early childhood, I remember people talking about someone who “made it” in life. These were all folks who somehow managed to escape to America, the country of our dreams, the nation of unlimited opportunities, the place of the unrestricted potential of personal success. In our vision of the American Dream, America was the only place where a poor, helpless nobody had a chance to become a millionaire. A society where anybody could generate his own fortune with hard work, proper self-discipline, and limitless determination.


Managing the Uncertainties in Our Life (Episode #24)

We all love to be safe, certain, and resolved in our lives. We hate the uncertainty of any kind. Lose-ends make us worry about our future, and this is normal. Unfortunately, in our contemporary lifestyle one thing is certain: change. Adapting constantly to the changes around us makes us uncertain and worried. Managing the uncertainty in our life becomes a major undertaking only emotionally mature and intelligent people can manage. Let’s start at the root of the problem. Our brains are not hard-wired to the so-called modern lifestyle. When facing uncertainty, our brain signals fear causing all kinds of irrational reactions. The less reliable information we have about our future, the more fearful and irrational decisions we make. The reason is that in this scenario our brain shifts our control to the limbic system of the brain where all emotions, fears, and anxieties are generated. As soon as our brain faces uncertainty, it overrides our rational thinking and starts to over-react. With enough emotional intelligence, yes, there is something like that, we can trick our brain into making rational decisions instead of clouding our thinking. Spotting any kind of uncertainty, the primitive part of their brain is trying to take over but the logical part needs to be the one in charge. In scientific terms, we have to “quiet” our limbic system before it gets out of control. I’ll explain one proven technique how to do that by avoiding uncertainty causing irrational decisions.


Promote Your Personal Growth and Self-Improvement (Episode #23)

Are you satisfied with your life? Or do you think your personality has much more potential waiting to be discovered and developed? If you think, with your intellect, education, and background, you could make much more out of your life, you are not alone. Many people view themselves as underrated, undervalued, and under-appreciated. But, don’t blame others if you didn’t pursue your personal growth and development in the past. However, it’s never too late. What is this all about? Be aware that personal growth is the ongoing process of understanding and developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential. You must know that personal development is a vital part in a person’s growth, maturity, success and happiness. In short, it is the foundation of emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual health. Each person’s personal growth has a profound effect on every single aspect of our life. Whenever we grow on a personal level, we begin to feel more passionate about life in general. We are naturally more motivated because learning and growing add motivation and a sense of excitement. Our personal growth and development provide us with both the incentive and the means to become the best possible version of ourselves. What most people don’t understand, personal growth expands our frame of reference to include the people around us instead of becoming more self-centered. When our social environment expands, so does our awareness of the possibilities and opportunities around us. Our expanded mindset fills us with an attitude of eager anticipation as we start each new day.


Beware of "Group Thinking"! (Episode #22)

The way you make your decisions in life tells a lot which kind of personality you are. Do you love to agree with your friends and peers? Do you enjoy sharing their cultural opinions, personal preferences, public trends, societal judgments, and political conclusions? If so, you are a victim of group thinking, a collectivist, the opposite of an individualist. You are not forging your own opinions, lifestyle attitudes, and assumptions. On the contrary, you love to adopt the mantra of your group, you enjoy to be one of many, you want to be a sheepish follower of your trendy peers. Group thinking is a social phenomenon that occurs when the desire for group consensus overrides people's common-sense desire to present alternatives, critique a position, or express an unpopular opinion. In short, you don’t want to be an outsider, you want to think, behave, and decide exactly the way your peers do. There is an easy way how to spot a groupie. They have very specific characteristics. • Groupies are very happy if told that they are trendy, fashionable, or popular. • Groupies strongly adheres to the mindset of their friends, buddies, and peers. • Groupies feel under an intense pressure from their social environment to make the right decision. Group thinking is a cancer of our society. It is a self-imposed straightjacket, limiting our self-development, enhancement the quality of our lives, achieving more, becoming better people, and trying to be a better version of ourselves. Don’t be a groupie!


Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life! (Episode #21)

I still vividly remember when my parents told me, many years ago, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. The old saying summarizes it all. People don’t want to listen to your complaints, accusations, or anger. They are fed-up with everybody’s bitching and negative attitude, but they are always receptive to a positive message. People love to listen to you when you are telling a pleasant, optimistic story. We can learn a priceless lesson from that. Negativity seems to be a result of fear, disappointment, and past failures. Why are so many people pessimistic in their outlook on life? It is because most people are unhappy, struggling, and this bleak outlook shapes their negative attitude. Their negative thinking automatically causes misery in their lives. For them, the glass is always half-empty, instead of being half-full. Being positive is one of the key characteristics of successful people. Losers people are negative, they think negative, feel negative, and act negative, which results in them living a negative life full of disappointment. Don’t let that be you. Negative thinking affects our brain dramatically. Our brain is pre-wired to our thoughts and attitude. Positive contemplations always lead to positive consequences, negative reflections always point to bad outcomes. Negative mindsets are stored in our brains and automatically shape our life. There is no escape: The negative energy always produces negative results and an unhappy outcome. The good part of the message is: You don’t have to keep it that way. It may be easier than you think!


Is "Legal" Marijuana Substitute for "Happiness"? (Episode #20)

With the legalization of marijuana in many states, we opened Pandora’s box. We are bombarded with cannabis advertising, praising the benefits of this mind-altering drug and letting us believe, the pot is harmless. Let’s enjoy it! A multi-billion dollar market opened up, and like with all advertising, it’s celebrated as the greatest, fashionable new discovery of the hip generation. Just to separate facts from fiction, there are some legitimate medical uses for marijuana for people who suffer under chronic pain and can’t be helped otherwise. Nobody is denying that, but what is “medical use” anyway? There is no clear distinction between a medical need and recreational desire. Pot sellers admit it freely, you just have to “claim” a medical need, and that’s it! Marijuana is the most common psychotropic drug on the market, especially among young people. According to the National Institute of Health, almost twelve million young adults used pot in 2018. Through the politically motivated legalization of pot, drugged people are easier to manipulate,  these number exploded further. People don’t just smoke marijuana, they also use edibles such as brownies, cookies, candy, brew, or tea. Many children have access to such edible pot, too.  As determined by the National Institute of Health, marijuana has a number of effects changing your reception of the world around you.


How Can I Manage My Stress? (Episode #19)

You are not alone. Most people suffer under stress, at least occasionally. If it happens only up and on, it’s not really a big deal. However, if you suffer under permanent stress, you are not just harming your quality of life, you are endangering your health in a potentially irreparable way. Just to make it clear: There is good stress and bad stress. The good one is positive when you are working hard on something you like. This kind of stress doesn’t stress you out, it rather creates some kind of pleasure and satisfaction. The positive energy never hurts you, it’s actually beneficial. The bad stress, on the other side, is a reaction to excessive pressure. It is usually characterized as “feeling under pressure” and inability to cope with your burden. This may cause major physical symptoms such as headache, racing heartbeat, high blood pressure, and sweaty palms. If this continues over time, it may cause a series of harmful health problems. There are many ways how the long-term stress can kill you. Stress produces increased levels of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, and this can have a number of major effects on your body. It rapidly lowers your immune system.  It also increases your cholesterol and blood pressure. At the same time, it endangers your heart function in a very serious way. Some of the most frequent effects of stress are headache, chest pain, fatigue, stomach problems, sleepless nights, restlessness, feeling overwhelmed, anger, sadness, and even depression. If you are at that point, you need help!


Good Friends, Bad Friends... (Episode #18)

Good friends are one of the most important parts of our daily life. As Warren Buffett once said, it takes twenty years to build a friendship and just five minutes to ruin it. Be honest. Can you really trust all of your friends? We all tend to hang to the romantic idea that all friends are what we hope for, assume and they always supposed to be: genuinely trustworthy.   Life is simple, we just made it complicated. Nothing defines the relationship difficulties better than friendships. Show me your friends, and I going to tell  you who you are. We automatically assume that our friends like us for “what and who we are” and because we love them. Sometimes, this might be very true. The motivations of how, when and why to choose a friend are manifold. While we thank God, we still have friends who love us for what and who we are, many of them have a selfish motivation to connect with us. Very often they expect benefits or advantages. It can be advantageous to befriend with wealthy people who may own a yacht, a hotel, and a nice vacation home or throw elaborate parties with famous people. Often, it's primarily all about the purpose, not necessarily the friendship. Some friends may assume sex, other financial rewards, social status, vacation companionship, or other egotistical advantages. They are using each other just to fulfill a purpose – whatever this may be. Yes, this is social fraud.


Solving Conflicts the Smart Way! (Episode #17)

As much as we hate experiencing conflicts, we must admit that they are a normal part of our relationships. We can’t agree on everything, and avoiding conflicts hurts both sides more than it is able to help. The smart way to deal with conflicts is not to circumvent them but to resolve them in a rational way. Conflicts arise from the differences you have with other people. They occur whenever people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires. In particular, in personal relationships, each standpoint deserves respect and honest consideration. Any lack of understanding of each other’s standpoints can result in vicious arguments, distancing, and even break-ups. At your workplace, major differences can result in lost business deals, decreased profits, and lost jobs. We all experience conflicts. The only question is how can we deal with them without hurting ourselves, our undertakings, and others. Let’s reflect on the problem. 1. We must be aware of the fact that conflicts are more than just occasional disagreements. They are often a treat to both sides. 2. When ignored, conflicts worsen over time and can endanger our well-being. 3. We often make the mistake that we respond to conflicts only on the basis of our perception, not objective facts. Our assessment is based on our own experience, culture, values, and beliefs. 4. Conflicts always trigger strong emotions and stress. If you can’t manage them you can’t resolve the problem. 5. At the same time, conflicts are also opportunities for personal growth, re-establishing relationships, and building trust.


Compassion Makes Us Happy! (Episode #16)

Compassion is one of the most powerful forces in life. It embraces empathy for people who are in need and requite our attention and help. It is our personal engagement in the fight against cold-heartedness, indifference, and injustice in our society. Compassion is a personal willingness to give, desire to donate your abilities, talents, and time. It brings out the noblest characteristic of a human being. It lets us step outside of our comfort zone to help other people who depend on the help from us. Which kind of person are you as a compassionate human being? 1. You find commonalities with other people. 2. You don't put emphasis on money. 3. You act on your empathy. 4. A major component of compassion is giving back, even in the smallest ways.   5. You're kind to yourself. 6. You teach others. 7. You're mindful. 8. You have high emotional intelligence. ... 9. You express gratitude. The purest form of empathy is if you practice your generosity toward people you never met and never will, as an anonymous donor. The reason for a genuine generosity is that you are not doing to be “repaid” somehow somewhen. You do it because you have empathy for people less fortunate people than you.


Instant Gratification: We Want Everything and We Want it Now! (Episode #15)

It’s a typical sign of our over-fed, selfish, and materialistic society. Our happiness appears to depend on indulging in fleeting pleasures and instant gratifications. Usually, it’s not what we need, it’s what we want. Fancy items trendy people consider a must-have. We are often so impatient that we can’t wait, we want it right now. Overnight deliveries of online-purchases are the best example of that. If doesn’t matter if this costs a lot of time, energy, and money. We just want an instant feeling of pleasure, even if it hurts us in a long-run. This is a clear sign of our lack of self-discipline, psychologists say. People forgo significant long-term benefits for insignificant short-term temptations. Why do we do that?


Who is Selfish Here? (Episode #14)

Selfishness is a part of our life. It doesn’t have just negative effects. A baby or toddler, for example, needs to be selfish to survive. An adult must be selfish when fighting for his or her life. Treating yourself well during tough times is a kind of selfishness, too, but this is not necessarily a bad thing if it doesn’t hurt others. Selfish behavior is generally considered bad and immoral. A closer determination, 1. Selfishness is seen as “good” if somebody is treating himself in a positive way. 2. If somebody is acting in a somehow selfish way without hurting anybody, psychologists describe this as “neutral selfishness.” 3. Any kind of arrogant and self-centered behavior hurting other people is considered “bad” selfishness. Remarkably, virtually all selfish people don’t see themselves as selfish or bad. Therefore, it may be appropriate to examine yourself. Am I selfish? There are clear signs of egotistical people. They are easy to detect, especially in close relationships.  How do they behave?


Why Fears Always Affect Our Lives (Episode #13)

We all suffer under some kind of fears, at least sometimes. They may hold back our relationships, our careers, prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams. If we are too anxious, our angst may destroy our way of life. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t matter whether the reason for our fear is real or just imagined. The effect is the same, sometimes devastating. It is highly recommended to verify whether you too are a victim of your own fears potentially affecting your life. Let me summarize the top reasons why you might be very much limited in living your life normally. What can you do? If fears affect your life, and you are aware of that, you have no choice but to fight against your own fears and change your attitude. With the right mindset, you can overcome virtually everything, including you own fears.


What Are Our Priorities in Life? (Episode #12)

In our busy, restless life, there is not much time to reflect, to make conscious choices, and to separate good from bad, right from wrong. Our daily routine runs our life, not us. We are often overwhelmed, don’t know what to do. We just take our events, projects, and problems as they come. First comes first. We feel this is not rational, not effective, and it makes us stressed-out and unhappy. You cannot do everything, and especially not immediately. What can we do? First of all, we must recognize that our priorities are screwed-up. The only way out of this mess is prioritizing our priorities. There are clearly-defined signals indicating that your priorities are undefined. 1. The first sign is that you feel overwhelmed, strained, helpless, and confused. 2. Even worse, you start having the discomforting feeling that there is no clear direction in your life. You are floating aimlessly through the day after day. Is this what you want? 3. You start procrastinating with important duties. This is a sign of significant confusion. 4. You are neglecting essential parts of your life. You start suffering, and your love-ones too. Something is terribly wrong. You need to turn your life around and prioritize your priorities. Why? 1. We have limited time and energy. 2. We have to take our unique abilities, talents, and skills into account. 3. We must simplify our life. Why don’t we act with our priorities in mind? 1. We totally depend on our routine. We use to do what we use to do. 2. We are not aware that we are stuck in life patterns hurting our lives. 3. We are not comfortable with changes requiring hard choices. 4. We have the illusion we are chasing something that matters. 5. We are trying to be polite and not to hurt others, but we pay the price. There is always the same: Your phone is buzzing, you have to prepare lunches for your kids, you have an important deadline tomorrow, and you must pay a number of bills right away. What should you do first? This information is based on my book "Find peace of mind or lose your mind" (available on amazon or NeverGiveUpYOurDream.US)


Find Out Who You Really Are! (Episode #11)

Your true identity is probably not what you think it is. It depends on thousands of factors such as your childhood experience, your education, your lifestyle, your habits, your secret and open desires, and much more. Additionally, your conscious “knowledge” about who you are is also determined by the fact who you want to be or who you hate to become. Furthermore, what we think we are is nothing but just a self-perception. Watching ourselves in a mirror or watching our pictures gives us an “impression” who we appear to be - or how we look like. However, you would be terribly surprised how this “image” differs from the truth or the way other people see us. Whether we want to admit it or not, we don’t know ourselves as good as we want to, by far. On an objective scale, others might see us much more “objectively” if they are fair and objective. The “problem” is our brain. Don’t be fooled into the belief that you know what your brain is doing just because it is your brain, psychologists say. This episode is based on my book "You Don'tKnow Who You Really Are"


Our Worldview Determines Everything! (Episode #10)

Whatever we do or not do, whatever we think, value or hate, how we behave and whatever we believe in or not in our life mainly depends on one thing: our worldview.  An oversimplified analogy might be: Whenever we change our eyeglasses, our view of things around us changes because our eyeglasses determine what we are able to see or not to see. Everybody has a worldview.  Rich or poor, smart or stupid, believer or non-believer.  All things in our life depend on our worldview. Derived from the German word “Weltanschauung,” it refers to a belief system holding all significant concepts of our life such as God, cosmos, knowledge, behavior, values, humanity and history. It is like a kind of a grand perspective of our world and our life. In more scientific terms, worldview is a mental structure forming our ultimate beliefs. It provides a general context for life, including a vision of what we consider “authentic” or “real.” Having a peace of mind requires a well-balanced life, based on realistic assumptions of all basic and critical aspects of our human being. Philosophers identify the worldview as the “big question of life.”   According to philosophers, our worldview should answer to the following most important questions of our life: 1. Ultimate reality: What kind of God, if any, in fact,the  exists? 1. External reality: Is there anything beyond the cosmos? 2. Knowledge: What can be known – and how can anyone know it? 3. Origin: Where did I come from? 4. Identity: Who am I? 5. Morals: How should I live? 6. Values: What should I consider of the greatest worth? 7. Predicament: What is humanity’s fundamental problem? 8. Resolution: How can humanity’s problems be solved? 9. Past/Present: What is the meaning and direction of history? 10. Destiny: Will I survive the death of my body and if so, in what state?


Find Peace of Mind or Lose Your Mind! (Episode #9)

Why can't we find our peace of mind? The short answer is: Virtually everything we know, love and cherish seems to be upside down. We are irritated and don’t’ know what to believe, where we belong,, and what our identity is. The detailed answer is in my book Find peace of mind or lose your mind. Here is my short explanation. Everybody needs a home. We all agree with that. However, we all also assume our physical “home” for our physical body. Only a few people know what psychologists found out and this is that our mind also needs a “home”.  In another word, our mind needs to know where we “mentally and spiritually belong” in order to reach peace of mind. Nowadays, this is not an easy task. Our personal and public lives have changed over the last decades dramatically. Is this one of the reasons why so many people can’t find peace of mind anymore, can’t sleep as they used to, can’t manage their relationships properly, can’t function at their jobs as required, are often depressed and feel confused and totally helpless? There are probably many reasons and explanations for the struggle for our own identity, confusion and even our self-worth. Our public arena doesn’t offer us any help in understanding where we stand and where society stands. How can I find peace of mind? My book “Find peace of mind or lose your mind” is devoted to solutions to this problem. Here is a general summary of aspects you must consider to find and reset yourself


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