American Liberty with Bill Lockwood

American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America -- not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and longtime radio host dedicated to educating the people. Now on YouTube and podcast, the program airs every weekend on stations in West Texas, and its home, NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls. Many people know and love Bill from his regular appearances on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show. Read Bill's blog at his website

COVID-19 Mandates Affecting United Regional Hospital in Wichita Falls, Guest: Derek Ruvalcaba (10/14/21)

Special Guest: Derek Ruvalcaba (Hospital Staff, United Regional, Wichita Falls)   Topic: COVID-19 Mandates.    In response to Gov. Gregg Abbott's Executive Order BANNING Vaccine Mandates by any entity in the state of Texas, United Regional Hospital CEO Phyllis Cowling wrote to the staff to say that "our vaccine requirements ... were designed to comply with existing state and federal laws. We will be working closely with the legal counsel, The Texas Hospital Association (THA), and others to evaluate the Executive Order (as well as any subsequent legislation) ..."    This certainly sounds as if the UR team of lawyers will be looking for loopholes in the Executive Orders and/or possible legislation in order to continue the mandates.    Addressing this issue is Derek Ruvalcaba, who is an "in studio" guest on the show. Derek has some great insights, as well as suggestions, pertaining to the mandates, the health and safety of the hospital staff, as well as the exemption requests being made by numerous individuals connected with the hospital.    Sadly, over 140 trained staff members have already LEFT United Regional over this mandate; the morale of the hospital staff is sagging, and healthcare workers themselves declare that they should have control over their own healthcare as well.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


COVID Vaccine Mandates Affecting Wichita Falls, Guest: Dr. Jack Askins, Derek Ruvalcaba, & Kelly Fristoe (10/07/21)

Special Edition of American Liberty with Bill Lockwood   Topic: COVID vaccine mandates affecting Wichita Falls United Regional Hospital Guests: Dr. Jack Askins (Cardiologist)               Derek Ruvalcaba (Hospital Manager for United Regional)               Kelly Fristoe (Insurance specialist; former board member at UR)                                    All IN STUDIO   The issues fall into TWO CATEGORIES: (1) The Political Side--mandates; (2) The Medical Side--safety concerns.    The Discussion surrounded (1) The COVID vaccine mandates coming from United Regional Hospital in Wichita Falls, a hospital that serves 9 counties. Qualified and superior nurses and doctors are in the midst of being forced out of the hospital over the "mandates" that are coming down from the medical board. What situation will that leave for serving the community--in the midst of a supposed "pandemic"? (2) The effects on the community as a whole, doctors, nurses, first responders, fire fighters, law enforcement. (3) How is it that a government bureaucratic board will make "determination" as to which "religious exemption" from the shot they will accept and who they will reject? Something is certainly wrong with this concept.    (4) Why are no alternatives to the COVID shot allowed? Why not testing? Why is it that "natural immunity"--which doctors around the entire world declare is "the gold standard" for protection--is discounted and the shots are mandated for those who have already had COVID? (5) Are we fighting a "war" on the political front, or are we fighting a disease? (6) The ineffectiveness of the COVID shots--one who has had the shot can still get COVID, die from COVID, or spread COVID. Why is it that the CDC has "changed" its definitions of a "vaccine" only very recently?    These and other topics are discussed with these experts in their fields.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


The American Debacle in Afghanistan! Guest: Alex Newman (Recorded 08/17/2021)

The American Debacle in Afghanistan. Robert Spencer has an article on that explains exactly WHY American "nation-building" has failed in Afghanistan.    Restorative Justice in the Public Schools. Walter Williams calls "Restorative Justice" "Educational Sabotage." Why? (continuation of discussion from last week)   GUEST: ALEX NEWMAN: Newman weighs in on (1) Afghanistan disaster; a "turning point" in American history; (2) The Paris Climate Accord. This disastrous "treaty" commits the United States to curb large percentages of its "carbon emissions" while CHINA becomes the beneficiary. Listen to this segment to discover why. (Segments 3 & 4).  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


The injustice of restorative justice! Guest: Mat Staver (Recorded 08/12/2021)

The Injustice of Restorative Justice. What began in the prison systems as an "alternative" method of dealing with criminal behavior and keeping minorities out of prison has become the fashionable method of handling misbehavior in the public school systems. Restorative Justice is based upon the assumption that the reason minorities are punished at a higher percentage than the white population is due to RACISM. This is the driving engine behind "Restorative Justice."    Mat Staver; founder of Liberty Counsel. Staver's law organization is leading the way for constitutionally-minded conservatives in an effort to retain our freedom in the face of Government-Mandated VACCINATIONS.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


Restorative Justice, Consequences of Socialism in a Free Society. (Recorded: 08/03/2021)

Special Edition: A Consequence-Free Society   Consequence-Free Society. Socialism transfers the consequences of crime, misbehavior, and sin onto law-abiding citizens. EXAMPLE: San Francisco, June 15, 2021. Jean Lugo-Romero rides his bicycle into Walgreens, fills bags with stolen items and rides out--all recorded and posted on Twitter. The DA of San Francisco, Chesa Boudin, is more interested in Why the criminal committed the acts of thievery than in upholding the law. This is becoming commonplace in our society.    Restorative Justice. From the newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer (Mar. 26, 2021); hundreds of looters and rioters during the George Floyd riots damaged private property in stores and stolen merchandise will NOT face the consequences of their lawless behavior. The city's DA, Larry Krasner, opts for a program to keep over 500 out of jail for their criminal behavior. It is called "Restorative Justice." It basically means that criminal activity is carried on with impunity by "counseling, referrals to education and job opportunities" instead. The private store-owners, who sustained hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage and stolen goods, will have to live with their own losses. Restorative Justice means Lawlessness and Disorder.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


Red State Red Country Revolution! Guest: Don Kennedy (Recorded: 07/27/2021)

RED STATE/RED COUNTY REVOLUTION Conservatives need a revolution not of mobs, destruction and pillaging, but of civility and restoration. In this show we discuss how that is to be accomplished   RED STATE/RED COUNTY REVOLUTION. We have come to a point wherein our federal government has put Americans on a collision course with totalitarianism via neo-Marxism. The Federal Government is Out of Control. Illustrative of this, Bill considers the Bill of Rights--all but lost at this point.    Sovereign State Constitutional Act. Authored by James R. Kennedy, the Sovereign State Constitutional Act is a positive step that we must take at the state level. The Act consists of TWO articles; the first of which is read on the air. This is a STRATEGIC PLAN to regain our freedom.    GUEST: JAMES R. KENNEDY (Don). Don steps us through how each county and each state must get active to establish provisional governments in order to preserve our liberties.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


The Bible & Slavery, Islam & Slavery, Reparations & Slavery! (Recorded 07/13/21)

After noting some TEXAS news; Bill notes The Bible and Slavery with a short examination of 1 Cor. 7: 17-24. Inspired writers did not use a sledgehammer to break down the evil institutions of slavery, but allowed the gospel, permeating the heart, to change the culture from the inside out. In view of that, Paul instructs the Corinthians that if they were converted to Christ "being a slave"--don't worry about. There is something far more important--their spiritual well-being.    A hard-hitting segment regarding: Islam & Slavery. Mohammed was the "perfect Muslim" to all Muslims today. According to the authoritative texts of Islam (the Koran; the Sunna, inclusive of his biography and the Hadith, what he said) Mohommed not only himself OWNED slaves, including a black slave; but was a slaver trader and slave abuser himself. The Koran actually teaches the practice of slavery. So here is the Question: WHY DON'T WE HEAR ANY CRITICISM OF ISLAM IN THE CULTURE TODAY? Not in the news; not in the schools; not in Congress--everyone is silent about it. Yet, there it is in the Koran. There it is in the Life of Mohammed.    Col. Scott Lockwood (USAF, ret); speaks about "Reparations and Slavery" (Part 2). Scott Lockwood's careful analysis includes a fascinating story of Robert Smalls, a former slave and Union ship captain, and the example of Christian charity he exemplified to his former slave owners. What America REALLY needs to be about is a spiritual reformation instead of digging through materials to cause people to be inflamed.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


WARNING: A Police State in the Making! Guest: Col. Scott Lockwood AF Ret. (Recorded: 07/08/2021)

(1) First 10 minute block: WARNING: Police State in the Making! National Police Force orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi and the Biden Administration. Beginning of the end of freedom in America?    (2) SPECIAL GUEST: COL. SCOTT LOCKWOOD (AF, ret.); REPARATIONS for SLAVERY? The argument is being made by numerous Democractic/Socialist/Communist operatives that white America must pay "reparations" for slavery that ended over 150 years ago. Col. Lockwood reviews this in THREE segments in an in-depth interview examining principles of the Bible, principles of justice, and principles of law.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


Biblical View of Wicked Political Rulers. Guest: Karla Wallace: A tribute to Harry Patterson

(1) Biblical View of Wicked Political Rulers. Some wonder why Christians should be concerned with the deterioration of our political process; and how this affects the church. Examination is made of biblical passages that demonstrate Christians should be mindful of the structure of our government, and who is leading it, and what are their principles?    (2) GUEST: Karla Wallace, Superintendent of Wichita Christian Schools. Karla and Bill discuss the legacy of Harry Patterson, the great Christian leader in our community, whose influence extended to all of north Texas as well as the nation. Emphasis is also placed upon the value of Christian education--one of Patterson's passions.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


Pete Rykowski on Nullification, Jackie Schlegel on Covid-19 Vaccine

Peter Rykowski: Talking about NULLIFICATION. Many states are nullifying unconstitutional laws; Texas leads the way!   Jackie Schlegel: Representative for Texans for Vaccine Choice. Discussion centers around the many errors and mistakes that surround the COVID 19 vaccines . Jackie will be at the Wichita Falls Tea Party this coming Thus./ April 1 at 7:00.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


Special Show dedicated solely to the concept of PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS.

1.) Why did Karl Marx make "abolition of private property" the first plank in his platform?   2.) Why did our Founders consider private property a natural right from God?   3.) Most of the show is dedicated to reviewing the fabulous work by Hernando de Soto entitled The Mystery of Capital. (a) What IS Private Property? (b) Why Does Capitalism NOT work in Third World Countries? Most of them have MORE LATENT WEALTH than does the United States. Why do they remain poor? (c) Why Foreign Aid does not work. (d) Private property breeds respect for law and order--which we lose in a socialistic society. (e) Private property enhances individualism.  - -   American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


The Critical Race Theory: Anti-White Bigotry, Guest: Dr. Duke Pesta

The Critical Race Theory: Anti-White Bigotry   1. What is the CRITICAL RACE THEORY? Lockwood explores the crass anti-white bigotry that is the make-up of the CRT. Explores articles from The New American by Luis Miguel concerning the city of Seattle, WA holding training on "undoing whiteness." Article in The Epoch Times (2/10-16/21) by Wesley J. Smith points out that CRT has also invaded the field of MEDICINE. We examine an article in The Lancet that toes the CRT line. (2 segments)   2. GUEST: Dr. Duke Pesta, Prof. English at Univ. Wisconsin, and Academic Director of Freedom Project Academy, a classical school that offers online classes for K-12. Dr. Pesta explains the breakdown of our culture. His article is entitled Monumental Hypocrisy, appearing in The New American on 8/24/20. Pesta has some shocking news to Americans. (2 segments)   - -   American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


America is a Christian Nation, Climate Change Denies Science: Guest: Dr. Samuel Mitcham

1. America is a Christian Nation. Bible reading was common-place in schools at one time. Taking a second look at the Abington v. Schempp (1963) Supreme Court decision that removed Bible reading from public schools.   2. Climate Change and the denial of science. Socialism, at every turn, contradicts real science. So also in the global drive to cause America to submit beneath the United Nations' doctrine of "Climate Change."   3. GUEST: Dr. Samuel Mitcham. Speaking about his new book: The Death of Hitler's War Machine: The Final Destruction of the Wehrmacht. What lessons can we learn from this? - -   American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


"America Must Submit"; Cancel Culture & The Equality Act - Guest: Kathleen Marquardt

Cancel Culture. What is Cancel Culture? It is a Marxist war against Western civilization and Christianity, specifically.    Equality Act passes US House of Representatives. Christians beware! It now moves to the Senate. The so-called Equality Act removes Christianity from any protective custody shielding churches from legal assaults by the Homosexual Agenda. This is what Joe Biden has promised--it is what the Socialists of America (aka Democrats) call for.    Same segment: Antonio Guterres and Eco-Imperialism. Guterres is the Socialist Secretary-General of the United Nations. Climate Change is the one tool in the toolbox that the UN utilizes to shut down the economy of the United States. America must submit! per Guterres.    GUEST: Kathleen Marquardt, Vice-President of the American Policy Center, discusses with Bill Lockwood "What exactly IS Cancel Culture?" Where does it originate? How does it manifest itself in society today? (Segments 3 & 4).   - -   American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


Is Secession Constitutional? An Answer to Rep. James Frank (TX-69) Guest: Lt. Col. Allen West

1. Is Secession Constitutional? "An Open Letter to Citizens of Texas" "An Answer to Rep. James Frank (TX-69) on the legality of secession. HB 1359, which calls for a "referendum vote" has been introduced into the TX house, and Frank says it is "illegal." This is wrong. Secession is not based upon "statutory law"--but upon the grant of Almighty God that people have a right to live under a government to which they can freely give consent.   2. Short session pertaining to the STOLEN ELECTION. People are encouraged to watch a video cast by "My Pillow" Mike Lindell (produced by The New American) which outlines PROOF POSITIVE of the stolen election.   3. Guest: Lt. Col. Allen West; Chairman of the State of Texas Republican Party. West talks about a number of issues, from Joe Biden's unconstitutional executive orders, to the need for Texas to NULLIFY unconstitutional laws; to what he calls "the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations"--relating to "Black History Month."   - -   American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


This was not the first stolen election in US history: Guest: Ron Kennedy

1. Stolen Elections. Not a new thing--LBJ in the 1948 election; through fraud, deceit and downright corruption, was able to take the election from Coke Stevenson. Loss of integrity of elections is at the door of the Socialist/Democrat Party. (this is segment 1 & 2)   2. GUEST: Ron Kennedy (Author of new booklet; Red State, Red County Secession; Creating a Nation of Our Own). Kennedy is a widely-acclaimed author, and lays out the case for secession for conservative states that now are a "stateless" people--having no effective government to stop the Marxists now in control of Washington, D.C. (segment 3 & 4) - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


A Christian Nation vs Christian Nationalism: Guest: John Kachelman Jr.

Christian Nationalism. What is it? The charge of 'Christian Nationalism' -- which comes from a platform of Cultural Marxism, accuses Christians who supported Donald J. Trump of "confusing" the kingdom of heaven, and heaven itself, with America. This is false. Are Christians who support the Republican Party platform somehow "confusing" heaven with America?    Guest: John Kachelman, Jr. America is in the Danger Zone. The Democrat-controlled government, has set for passing HR 1-- "For the People Act." This will enshrine into law every fraudulent practice that occurred in the last election. Included here is that no state may require a form of identification. Ballot harvesting becomes legal. Kachelman also explains "The Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021"--which is on the Democrat agenda. In effect it would forbid "security clearances" to conservatives.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


The Purge and Re-Education - Guest: Judy Price: Trump Rally on Jan. 6 was "Patriotic and Peaceful"

The Purge and Re-education. (Segment #1 & 2). The Left's Purge of conservative material and thought has already begun. From members of Congress to key players among Democrats, RINO's, Never-Trumpers, -- we are told that conservatives and Constitutionalists in America need to be "re-educated" "surveilled" and "denied jobs." Hard to believe in America.    Guest: Judy Price of Lubbock, TX. Judy attended the Trump Rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6 and is here to tell listeners that the Rally was an extremely patriotic and peaceful event--attended by Christians from around the country. It was soured by only a handful of people who broke into the Capitol building. The overwhelming majority of attendees, like Judy, were peaceful people who simply wished to support President Trump.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


The Left is Driving the Narrative, Don't be Blind to the Facts! Guest: Alex Newman

The Capitol Violence. We condemn all violence--even the group of MAGA supporters who stormed into the Capitol last week.  HOWEVER, the great crowds that were there in Washington, D.C. last week were great patriots and constitutional-minded Americans--and in no way were represented by those few who committed violence. Let us not allow the LEFT, which has almost single-handedly created the atmosphere of violence in America, blind us to that fact.    Guest: Alex Newman. THE GREAT RESET. In two segments, Alex Newman explains the latest United Nations' Global Plan for America and the World. It is not a secret, but has been laid out clearly in their last meeting, inclusive of Antionio Gutierres, the head of the UN; the leaders of the International Monetary Fund, The World Economic Forum, and other world leaders. Joe Biden is on board with The Global Reset, which seeks to implement the Sustainable Development Goals for America.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


Constitutionality of Secession: Is it a viable option? Guest: Tom DeWeese

Is Secession an Option? Is it a viable option, constitutionally speaking, for a state to withdraw from the union? In this segment we ponder the possibilities IF indeed Biden becomes president and the country continues to LURCH toward Marxism.    Constitution. Does the Constitution itself allow for states to withdraw from its contractual obligations?    Tom DeWeese: Guest. American Policy Center. Tom speaks about Changing the political landscape at a LOCAL LEVEL by what he calls "Freedom Pods." He outlines EIGHT easy steps that local people need to do right now to turn this country more towards liberty and to get off the road toward World Government.  - -  American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is about the culture of America — not simply about politics. Bill Lockwood is a preacher, teacher, writer, and radio host with a weekly program based in West Texas. PODCAST: Apple | Castbox | PodcastAddict | Spotify | Stitcher | Google | PodBean | TuneIn | Deezer | Podchaser | RSS Feed Read Bill Lockwood’s blog, and other great articles at his website  VIDEO / SOCIAL MEDIA: YouTube Bill Lockwood Facebook @AmLibwithBill1 Twitter @AmLibRadio SUPPORT MONTHLY: Patreon | SubscribeStar BILL ON-RADIO IN TEXAS: Sat 11am on NewsTalk 1290 in Wichita Falls Sun 5pm on 1470 KYYW in Abilene Sun 5pm on KFYO 790 AM / 95.1 FM in Lubbock   Bill Lockwood is a preacher at Iowa Park church of Christ. Catch Bill on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show last Tuesday of the month, 8am U.S. Central Time (Jesse’s first hour). YouTube Playlist


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