Amiga, Rise UP! Walk In Your Calling and Career The Way God Intended!

Hey Amiga, Welcome to Amiga Rise Up! I’m Sophia Estrella, the host of this podcast and a Puerto Rican from Chicago who loves Jesus and coffee. I’m a wife, mother, entrepreneur, business and career coach. Just like you, I’ve been in a place where I’ve questioned God on what my calling is or I’ve felt stagnant knowing that there had to be more to my life. I’ve been in a place where I lost sight of who God has called me to be and stuck in doubt or fear to take a risk and take the next steps. Forgetting to walk in the boldness and authority he’s given me. Not anymore!! I know what needs to be done to rise up. My heart is to help women like you transition into the career or business that aligns with your calling so that you can walk in the authority and influence God intends for you. When you listen to this podcast, you’ll learn that you and what you do are part of a much bigger plan. You’ll learn that what God has called you to do in this season matters and that you have the ability to leave legacies where you are and change entire environments for his glory. There is more for you Amiga and if you’re ready to find out what “the more” is and Rise Up the way God intended, Join me! Let’s do this!! website: www.kingdomcareerandcalling.comInstagram: sestrella6

S2 Ep 9 Ruby Red Slippers: Interview with Arlana Scola

Hola Amiga,This episode is a wonderful depiction of how God can speak to us through various ways. Arlana is one of the authors of Unlock Your Voice and she describes for us the amazing gifts God gives us in the midst of our journey. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we often encounter storms but it is in those storms where God will meet us and even send people to help us. Listen in as we explore Arlana's Ruby Red Slippers version.If you'd like to touch base with ...


S2 Ep 8 Overruling Narcissism with Lu Ann Topovski

Hola Amiga,This episode dives into a subject not often discussed in the church but does exist. Lu Ann sheds light on her marriage to a man who she believes was narcissistic and the journey she took to get freed. Lu Ann goes deeper into this topic in her chapter in the multi-author book called "Unlock Your Voice" which can now be found on Amazon. If you want to know more, listen in on this episode. If you'd like to touch base with Lu-Ann, you can email her @ Lunanntopovski@outlook....


S2 Ep 10 Keys to unlocking the REAL you: Interview with Jenn Filer

Hola Amiga,I had the opportunity to interview a fellow Pennsylvanian. Listen in as I interview Jenn Filer, one of the beautiful authors from our multi author book called "Unlock Your Voice". Jenn has been called to help others shift into victory and step into their identity in Christ. Learn her story of dealing with chronic pain and depression and how she breaks down what REAL means when it comes to finding your identity in Christ. If you'd like to touch base wit...


S2 Ep 7 Interview with Daniella Ordonez (Trust In Transition)

Hola Amiga,Have you ever had a time in your life where God told you it's time to transition and you had no idea what to expect? This is Daniella's story. She was a teacher in New York when God told her it was time to transition. With a baby on the way, a work hard mentality from her Italian background, and the thought of losing her income, what would that mean for her family? Listen in as she shares some of her story and why she chose to share this part of ...


S2 Ep 6 Interview with co-author Maricar (Silence Into Influence)

Hola Amiga, Today's episode is such a treat. I'm interviewing another powerful women from the Phillippines. She is one of the authors of the "Unlock Your Voice" coming out in May and she is also extremely talented in making your Kingdom business branding come to life in the form of logos, websites and other media communication.Maricar shares a time of being in the wilderness part of her journey and God still bringing opportunities her way to minister to others when she didn't...


S2 Ep 5 Interview with author Denise Harvey: Pivot in the Pause

Hola Amiga, Join in as I interview Denise Harvey, who is one of the amazing authors in the book "Unlock Your Voice." Denise is a military wife and shares her journey of trying to find "the more" that she knew God had for her.Denise shares some insight into being a military wife and the pivots she often had to make when her husband was deployed after 911. She will share insight God gave her during this season that will encourage you to embrace seasons you have to pivot. You can touch bas...


Beauty From Ashes: Interview with Vanessa Daniels

Hola Amiga,This episode is so powerful as Vanessa shares her story of the unexpected loss of her husband and the journey of being in complete anguish to allowing God to enter her brokenness and transforming it into Rivers of water. Listen in as she shares with us some of her journey as well as the process of re-defining her identity. The Holy Spirt is so present in this episode and I know what she says will inspire you to keep moving forward knowing that God is going to resurrect ...


Ep 03 Journey To Identity (Interview with Author Billie Breeden)

Hola Amiga,So many of you have struggled with finding your identity. Maybe it had to do with the way your were brought up or words that were said to you that made you feel unworthy, but God sees you as so much more!!Join me this week as Billie shares her Journey to finding her identity. A retired nurse director and now coach shares with us how God led her to believe and see herself as a reflection of God's glory. Life isn't over after retirement. God still has an assig...


S2 Ep 2 You are capable of more than you realize!

Hello Amiga!For the next 10 weeks, I will be interviewing different authors from the book "Unlock Your Voice" which will be available in the next couple of months. Every story will inspire you to overcome adversity and use your story to impact the lives of others. Join me as I interview Shaina Quick as she shares with us her experience of writing her story as well as sharing her season of facing major life events all at the same time. I think we've all experienced something ...


S2 Ep 1 Can God supernaturally heal mental health issues?

Hey Amiga, SEASON 2 has begun! Listen in on the first episode of 2023 with my special guests Trese Strauss and Pastor Kayla Sanabria as we discuss mental health and the role of deliverance & supernatural healing. We‘ll tackle questions like: How do we effectively marry the natural with the supernatural when dealing with mental health issues?Can God supernaturally heal you from mental illness and/or trauma today. How are churches today addressing mental health?And more...


S1 Ep 10 Interview with Elizabeth Strong on her journey through entrepreneurship in the Beauty Business!!

Hola Amiga,I'm excited to interview a friend of mine and my hair stylist Elizabeth Strong owner of Elizabeth Anthony's Salon. Her personality is so magnetic and genuine. Listen in as we dive into her story of single motherhood, entrepreneurship and thoughts of throwing in the towel and how she felt God responded in that challenging moment. You will be encouraged and given great nuggets of wisdom to stay the course of what God is calling you too. The blessings she received as...


S1 Ep 9 What do I need to do to embrace my journey through the positive and negative?

Amiga, Have you ever been in a place where you feel lost, sad, disoriented with your life or something awful has happened like losing someone unexpectedly or taking care of someone sick or losing a job? In this episode, you will learn some steps to embrace the journey even in those difficult times we face. Embracing the journey is not necessarily finding joy in it because reality is we aren't always feeling joyful, but it's allowing yourself to feel the emotions on a daily basis regardl...


S1 Ep 8 Special Guest Shelby Lawson shares her journey from the marketplace into the fashion world!

Hola Amiga,Join me and my guest Shelby Lawson as we chat about her journey into the fashion world. Shelby's story will inspire you to rise up in what God is calling you to. Listen in as she gives amazing life and business nuggets that will encourage you as well as how forgiveness plays a roll in her journey. Shelby specializes in custom made clothing for everyday people. She also creates amazing pieces for fashion shows. Her unique style is definitely God inspired.&nbs...


S1 Ep 7 What should you expect in the midst of transition of what God is calling you too?

Hola Amiga,Have you been thinking about changing jobs or careers? Are you a stay at home mom who's transitioning back into the work force? Or maybe you are a student about to graduate and you not sure what to do next? Regardless of which of these transitions you are in, you are still saying good bye to one thing and hello to another which is uncomfortable.This is why transition is very often a scary word. I believe you see it as scary because you are most often going from the comfortabl...


S1 Ep 6 My Special Guest Shonta Ford shares her story of leaving the corporate world to follow her calling in business ownership

Hola Amiga, Can't wait for you to listen to this episode!!Shonta's story will inspire you as she shares with us the joys and challenges of going from the corporate world into starting her own business as a single mom and she'll share some nuggets of wisdom that you won't want to miss.Shonta specializes in unique floral designs, event planning (particularly weddings) and rentals. I can say from personal experience that Shonta is definitely called to this line of work. Her cre...


S1 Ep 5 How can family secrets keep you from fulfilling your calling and how do you start the process of healing?

Hola Amiga, This episode is a tough one as it addresses taboo topics such as pornography & sexual sin that often remains as family secrets. The problem is not addressing these secrets can stop you from fulfilling God's calling on your life if you let it. When we are dealing with family secrets and don’t address it, the enemy uses it to keep you stuck in trauma and unfortunately pain and trauma thrive in secrecy.Listen in as we address these issues as well as my per...


S1 Ep 4 Do you know your power as a mom?

Hey Amiga!! Working in the childcare world for many years, I had many conversations with moms who would express tears because they felt they weren’t doing enough or because they lost their temper that morning and the day started with yelling and tears first thing in the morning, or they were discouraged because they had to raise their babies alone. We sometimes get so focused on the losses and forget to focus on the wins. Can you relate? If so, Listen in, be encouraged, learn ...


S1 Ep 3 If I come from a jacked up family will God still use me? Do I still have a calling?

Hey Amiga! Have you ever questioned whether God can use you because you feel like you or your family haven't met a certain standard that you perceive God wants. You disqualify yourself because you think things are too bad and you have no idea how God can use what you and you're family have been through for his glory. The thing is Amiga, he uses it all!! In this episode, I’m going to focus on your calling when it pertains to the Mountain or area of Family. To...


Ep 02 Is Working In The Marketplace a lesser calling than FT Ministry?

Hey Amiga! Welcome Back! We're starting an exciting series on being a Christian that transforms the marketplace by diving into the 7 areas God is calling His people to infiltrate and the significance of each of those areas. When I say God has called you for more, Believe it!!In addition, we’ll address the lie that some of us think that working in the marketplace is less spiritual or less in status than working in full time ministry or a church. I know I struggled with this f...


Ep 01 Why what you do is more than you think!

Hey Amiga, Welcome to my first episode of Amiga rise Up! I'm your host Sophia Estrella. I'm a mom, wife and career and business coach. I started this podcast specifically for women because God wants you to know and understand your calling so that you walk in boldness & influence in your careers/businesses and leave legacies that change entire work atmospheres for His Glory. Today’s episode is going to focus on why what you do in your career, job o...


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