Amongst Pots and Pans

A podcast for the latino woman. We're dedicated to creating a safe space for you to laugh, cry, tackle taboo topics, ask hard questions, challenge yourself, and grow in grace. This is not your typical podcast this one was made especially for YOU. We will talk about the good, the bad, the ugly, and that which no one wants to talk about but everyone is thinking about. We are on a mission to validate and support all mothers, from all walks of life. stay tuned & enjoy!

Ep.1 Welcome

The WHY behind AP&P podcast, thanks for tuning in! We're so glad you're here.


Ep. 2 - Birth Stories(part 1)

In this episode we share our co-host Kathy Tavarez birth story & Leticia's birth story. We discuss the importance of the environment surrounding a woman during birth & the real feelings we experience after labor. Giving birth is often portrayed as pure bliss but for some women that's just not the case; in this episode we dive deep into the real emotions behind this hard work. 


Ep. 3 - Birth Stories (pt. 2)

In this episode we share Yessenia & Kim's birth story. We discuss VBAC(Vaginal Birth after Cesarean), Shoulder dystocia, and our expectations surrounding labor & delivery. We also talk about contractions, pushing and lots of...pooping? Tune in to find out  more! 


Ep. 4 - A happier, healthier mom

let's talk about BURNOUT... & ways to overcome it. In this episode we discuss 5 ways that you can become a happier, healthier mom. we talk about advocating for oneself, asking for help, outsourcing, building community, and yep...the one thing forbidden in latino households - therapy. 


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