And What Else?

<p>Welcome to 'And What Else?', your source for thoughtful and meaningful conversations about personal and professional growth. Host Wendy O'Beirne is an internationally recognised coach and consultant with a passion for exploring the layers of topics surrounding self-development. Together, we'll dig beneath the surface of subjects, stories, and possible solutions to uncover new perspectives we may not have seen before. With curiosity and open minds, let's embark on an adventure of self-discovery and uncover the possibilities of 'and what else'.  Stay Curious!</p>

New Methods for Women with Sharmadean Reid

Join myself and Sharmadean Reid, the powerhouse behind the Stack World and author of "New Methods for Women." Our conversation is exploring her book, which is set to hit the shelves on June 27, 2024. It is a toolkit for women to craft their futures, drawing on insights from her own experiences and transformation together with observations from the world, her large community and studying the work of others.Sharmadean offers a compelling perspective on the echoes of intergenerational expe...


Mastering Your State

Have you ever found yourself sapped of energy, struggling to maintain positivity, or just feeling off-kilter? I'm inviting you to look at the vital role our ‘state’ plays in our day-to-day existence. I discuss how the ebbs and flows of our energy and emotions shape our narratives and beliefs. We'll tackle the art of self-affirmation, sharing personal anecdotes on how you can leverage this simple routine to uplift your state of mind and take charge of your self-awareness.We all have our ...


Knowing Yourself with Bec Morris

Everyone knows how important I think it is to know who you are, what you like and dislike without just copying someone else to "fit in". My guest today knows this too - she's Bec Morris, a Brand Consultant who holds 15 years of invaluable experience in the industry. Throughout her career, she has had the privilege of working with some of the largest and most prestigious brands in the world, gaining an unparalleled insight into what it takes to create a truly successful brand. We had a really ...


Feeling Understood using Astrology with Francesca Oddie

Chatting ALL the things with Astrologer Francesca Oddie - myself and Fran met many years ago when I used to run a retreat company and she came along just as she was stepping into being an Astrologer. From understanding signs, the many layers of astrology, numerology and not it seems - the cards - together with how she ended up looking through the lens of astrology to understand people in relation to each other and being on a TV show advising on this!Her passion to help people understand...


Bold Courage

I've been having a lot of conversations recently with different types of people who are in different circumstances about the topic of understanding who you are, what you like and don't like, what you stand for, who you want to be and how you want to live it. Then, taking all of this knowledge, and assessing how your life currently is and seeing what is in agreement or conflict with how you want to be living. In reality, most people never consider these things and if that's you, it's totally h...


Finding Your Voice with Kay Munday

So many of us are terrified of public speaking, but have you ever considered what causes that? It's not usually just a direct fear of speaking! That's why today's episode with Kay Munday, speaking coach, is so valuable - it breaks down to so much more than just opening your mouth on a stage. She is an international speaker and coach on a mission to eradicate labels through the power of storytelling. Kay firmly believes effective story-telling is the most important tool in your toolbox and she...


Confidently Sober with Steph Elswood

Sometimes the best businesses are those that start totally by accident, and my guest today has fallen into a number of her businesses through her own personal journey from recovering from an eating disorder and beginning to share content about that online. Joining me today is Steph Elswood, a health and fitness advocate, professional dancer, director of body confidence workshops 'Stay Sassy', Author of 'Plant to Plate' and Founder of 'Sasstainable', 'Dry Disco' and 'Carouse'. I found her orig...


Passive Decisions Are Holding You Back

A solo episode today - and I'm back with my usual attitude, of course! A question I want you to ask yourself is "is the self-development work I'm doing actually leading me to develop, change and grow?". If the answer is no - we need to work out why, and that's where today's episode will come in handy. If you're taking in all the information, but being passive about implementing it, then you really need to sit down and think about what's truly going on. And if you're blaming the planets, astro...


Be So Good They Can't Ignore You with Fran Millar

When we've been doing something so well in the past, moving into a new career or phase of life can be scary. It takes a lot of bravery to be able to take that leap, and today's guest is proof that when we live life aligned to our values, we can truly thrive. Joining me for this conversation is Fran Millar, who is currently CEO of men's fashion brand Belstaff and previously was one of the founding members and senior management of Team Sky, potentially one of the most successful professional cy...


The Power of Your Breath with Rob Rea

I love exploring different topics within the realm of self-development on this podcast and today's episode is no different. We'll be diving into the wonderful world of breathwork, which if you haven't tried before, can over time allow you to reduce stress and improve sleep and focus, as well as release emotions and understand yourself as breath can be a mirror of lots of our behaviours, physiology and psychology.Joining me today is Rob Rea, a breathwork coach who worked in banking for 5 years...


De-story the Story

It's a very special day today... my 46th birthday! In celebration of that, we're going to have a little reflection episode and also cover navigating those voices in our head that challenge us. I can honestly say that right now I feel the best I've ever felt in my whole life, and so if you're reading this or listening to today's episode thinking that you're too late or should be further ahead by now - just breathe and take a moment. Things only really started to change for me once I stopped av...


Brave Honesty with Lewis Robling

Today's episode is one of my favourites I've ever recorded - diving deep into the topics of self-perception, putting yourself through suffering, and learning what fulfils you with my guest, Lewis Robling. Lewis is an ex-professional rugby player of 10 years, who since discovering ultra running in lockdown, has left the rugby world behind and become an ultra running coach and founded his own events company called "Why We Run". Lewis truly opens up in this episode, sharing things from the impac...


Becoming Bolder in Business with Becky Symes

Brand and website designer and vision strategist, Becky Symes has come to join me on the podcast today and we have such a good episode in store for you! I invited Becky on after connecting with her on Instagram and wanted to bring over some of the amazing conversations we've had there to allow for a deeper discussion on the podcast. We've chatted about lots of things surrounding purpose, being a female in business and the insecurities many women face about taking up space and struggling with ...


Supporting Your State Is Up To You

I am an advocate for the bare minimum - and that doesn't mean doing the least amount possible, or just trying something once - if you tell me you've completed something, I'll ask you "how many times?"! To me, the bare minimum is the act of taking small, consistent action towards our goals. We can often find that situations feel hard or gritty and we think that means that things aren't "right", when really, we need someone to come and poke us in the face to point out that things are meant to b...


The Shadow Side of Your Values

I'm so happy that values are something nowadays that we are a lot more open about discussing and sharing with others. Even companies and brands have their own values now! But so often we apply our values to others, but not ourselves, and so today's episode is going to be focusing on values but from the shadow side. For example, is kindness one of your values? But from the shadow side, you aren't compassionate towards yourself and you're great at being a people pleaser to your own detriment. W...


Self Perception Shift

Self perception is our inner limitation, outer conclusion jumping view of the world and ourselves. What we see isn't always the full view and our ideas about ourselves and other people are being formed in a way that can create a whole host of behaviours. Sometimes these behaviours work in our favour, sometimes they determine whether we'll even try! If you think back to a time where a friend was really struggling with a problem, and you were secretly thinking "why can't they just g...


Perfection is an Illusion

All or nothing thinking - the perfect illusion to make you think that you're passionate, committed, all go go go. It's just a trick! All or nothing just means we will come back to nothing, once we aren't able to give our all any more. If I called you a "continuous starter" instead, you wouldn't be as happy about that descriptor, I'm sure. Fundamentally, you'll find yourself going around in circles and feeling as though you're never able to make progress anywhere, because you'll always have gr...


Why Does Rest Need Discipline?

Yes, it's another discipline episode, but this time through a different lens! If you're still thinking to yourself that being disciplined means using force with yourself to get things done, you're really going to want to have a listen to today's episode. There are so many areas of our life that need us to be disciplined, and I think one of the most important is rest. Have you ever noticed that when you take a break, you get ill? So you start to think that you're healthier when you're busier, ...


Implementing Discipline

If you listened to last week's episode, you'll know that my word of the year in 2024 is discipline. In today's episode, I'm going a little deeper into discipline and how I'm using it this year to support positive change in my life. I'll be sharing examples of how I'm using discipline - and that's definitely not as a rod to beat myself with, nor as a way to do more or even as a way to try to overachieve! Tune into today's episode if discipline is your word of the year, or you just feel like yo...


2024: The Year of Discipline

Welcome to series 2 of And What Else! If you're a new listener, I'm so happy that you're joining us, and if you're a returning listener, thank you so much for coming back! In today's episode, we're hitting the ground running with a topic that's certainly a lot of peoples' word of the year for 2024 (and mine!) - discipline. In my mind, discipline isn't about being tough or stern with yourself, it's finding the flexible way forward rather than the excuse why not. It's simply a tool that will he...


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