Andy Rose PT


059 - Start now, optimise later

"Start now, optimise later" is a quote from James Clear's book Atomic Habits.


058 - What works for someone else might not work for you

In this episode I discuss the idea that something that works for you might not work for someone else, and vice versa. Which is why it's important to not have a "one size fits all" mentality to fitness and to instead take a flexible approach.


057 - It's been a while!

No recorded a podcast in ages so thought I'd do one just to get back into the swing of things, looking forward to doing them more regularly again


056 - Create a new habit by starting off small.

When you try to set a new goal or start a new habit, getting started can be the hardest part! This is usually because the end goal feels far away and overwhelming. The best way to overcome this is to start off small (start now, optimise later). Instead of thinking about tracking every single meal for the next 7 day, try to just track 1 meal a couple of times a week. Then build on it. If you struggle with new habits get in touch & I'll see if I can help.


055 - 5 Common gym mistakes I see people make

In this episode I explain 5 common mistakes I see people make in the gym and how to correct them. Click the link below if you would like to apply for personal training.


054 - Why all women 35+ should lift weights

Lifting weights will help maintain strong bones and muscles, which is important as your body will start to lose muscle mass in your mid 30s and bone density in 40s-50s. If you are already 35+ it's not too late, you can start lifting weights now and will still feel the benefits of it. If you are below 35 you can start lifting weights now so you can to take care of your future body.


053 - Focus on your own progress & don't wait until you're ready (running story)

I recently ran a half marathon which was my first half in over 3 years. In this episode I discuss my running journey over the past year, why it's important to focus on your own progress without comparing yourself to others too much, and how you shouldn't wait until you're ready to get started because you'll never ever be ready.


052 - Being able to get feedback from someone else

CLICK HERE if you'd like to apply for group personal training. Drop me a message with any questions.


051 - Common sense meal prep tips

Meal prepping, finding recipes, making recipes and all things dieting can be very confusing. In this episode I try to give some common sense advice around meal prepping. Keep in mind that you don't have to meal prep at all if you don't want to. If you are wanting to meal prep, keep it as simple as possible and don't over complicate it.


050 - DON'T take the whole weekend off.

Don't make this common fat loss mistake. Take the WHOLE weekend off! Here's the thing, one meal won't make or break your diet at the weekend. But... If you: - Eat & Drink whatever you want Friday-Sunday. - Don't exercise. - Do very little movement (steps). Then that probably WILL have an impact on your progress. By all means live your life and enjoy yourself, but keep in mind that if you're working towards a fat loss goal what you do at the weekend also counts.


049 - You don't have to weigh yourself to lose fat

Focus on the inputs and the outcome will take care of itself. You don't have to focus on your weight to lose fat, in fact focusing on daily habits will probably help lose body fat without having to focus on your weight.


048 - Should you weigh yourself after the festive period?

Weighing yourself is completely optional you don't have to do it. Weighing yourself regularly can help keep you accountable with regular healthy habits. But it can also bring up lots of negative emotions for others, and if you really don't like the scale remember you don't have to use it. If you weigh yourself over the next few days, keep in mind that any weight gain won't just be from gaining body fat. A large amount of it will also be from excess salt, water & food still in your system. Getting into a good routine over the next week or so should see you lose a large chunk of that weight! But again, keep in mind it's not all about the scale and there's a million other things you can focus on other than your weight!


047 - The pros & cons of starting in January

DM me JANUARY if you want a hand going about things the right way in 2024


046 - Are New Years Resolutions A Waste of Time?

CLICK HERE if you want to use the goal setting form I use with my clients


044 - Try this if you struggle with hunger, cravings or snacking!

Calorie dense foods are high in calories, fats & sugars. They don't fill you up, but usually taste amazing and are really easy to overeat! Foods such as fruits, vegetables, lentils & beans are nutrient dense and for the most part are low calorie. If you struggle with hunger, cravings or snacking, try adding more nutrient dense foods into your diet, you'll be able to eat more volume of food without all of the calories!


043 - You're not always going to be motivated

In my last podcast I was talking about how external motivation from others can help with consistency. But if you lose that external motivator you also lose your motivation! Internal motivation is the strongest type of motivation, however in order to feel internally motivated you often have to take action first. In this episode I mention a few things that might help with motivation, but don't wait to feel motivated to get started, instead get started in order to feel motivated.


042 - Being held accountable & showing up every day.

If you struggle with motivation & consistency. Find something or someone that will help you stAy on track. Joining the right community will help with this.


041 - Stop trying to be perfect

Waiting for the perfect time to start, or thinking your diet has to be perfect all the time is holding you back. The perfect time doesn't exist. It's better to be consistently good than occasionally perfect. Done is better than perfect because perfect never gets done. Embrace progress not perfection


040 - Are weekends your downfall?

In today's episode I give a few tips on how to stop your weekends being your downfall if you have a fat loss goal. You can still lose fat and enjoy a social life, you just need to be smart about it.


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